Problems from Excess Sodium Chloride, Part II

Problems from excess sodium chloride.

“The immediate symptoms of eating too much salt include:”

Increased thirst
Swollen feet or hands
Headache (in some cases)
Rise in blood pressure

“over time, eating too much salt comes with long-term health consequences, including:”

High blood pressure (hypertension)
Heart disease
Kidney disease
Kidney stones

Salt (sodium chloride) has (or is) an addictive flavor. When there is a salt addiction, it’s because a person has too much salt in the body. A person appropriately low in salt, will not like salt.


Bloating stomach
high blood pressure
puffy legs, feet, face, hands, ankles, shins
increased thirst
Weight gain
Frequent urination
Not sleeping well
Feeling weak
Upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, cramps

Long term:
enlarged heart muscle,
heart failure,
high blood pressure,
kidney disease,
kidney stones,
stomach cancer,


Signs of too little sodium include:

Lack of energy.
Muscle fatigue.

Best way to lose salt is to sweat.


If you are craving salt, you have likely been eating too much salt lately.


Excess salt can lead to:
(everything previously listed, plus)
stomach cancer


Short Term excess salt:

Water retention (outside the cells) puffiness, bloating, swelling, weight gain
Increased thirst, cellular dehydration of the brain and muscles
Breathing difficulties
Sleeping difficulty

Long Term excess salt:
stomach cancer
heart disease
early death

To lower salt:

Stop consuming so much salt in: processed foods, canned foods, frozen foods, restaurant foods.
Drink more Water
eat more potassium, and potassium rich foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables


Signs of excess salt consumption:

Food tastes bland without salt
Craving salty foods


(most people eat 9-12 grams of salt, it should be 6 or less)

Avoid fast food, fried food, dried meat, fermented foods, pickles, cured meats (sandwich meat, hot dogs, pizza meat), soy sauce. (Bacon, ham, pastrami, jerky)


[excessive salt] can also cause calcium losses, some of which may be pulled from bone.

Minimums are 500 to 1500 mg/day.

Maximum (for chronic disease reduction): 2300 mg.

the top 10 sources of sodium in our diets include: breads/rolls; pizza; sandwiches; cold cuts/cured meats; soups; burritos, tacos; savory snacks (chips, popcorn, pretzels, crackers); chicken; cheese; eggs, omelets.

The amount of calcium that your body loses via urination increases with the amount of salt you eat.

Signs of Deficiency and Toxicity
A deficiency of sodium in the U.S. is rare because it is so commonly added to a wide variety of foods and occurs naturally in some foods.
Excess vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating can also cause hyponatremia if salt is lost in these fluids that are expelled from the body.

Toxicity of Sodium
Excessive sweating or diuretic medications that deplete the body of water are other causes.
Extra fluid collecting in the lungs can cause difficulty breathing. Other symptoms of hypernatremia can include: nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, intense thirst, confusion, kidney damage.

Our bodies need far more potassium than sodium each day, but the typical U.S. diet is just the opposite: Americans average about 3,300 milligrams [to 9-12 grams] of sodium per day, about 75% of which comes from processed foods, while only getting about 2,900 milligrams of potassium each day.


“High sodium consumption (5 g or more of salt per day) and insufficient potassium intake (less than 3.5 grams (0.12 oz) per day) have been linked to high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.[4][5]”

“However there was also moderate certainty evidence that some people may experience hypotensive symptoms, such as dizziness, following sudden sodium restriction.”

Salt preserves foods because it kills germs through dehydration via osmosis.

Salted meat was a staple of the mariner’s diet. (Could be a cause of scurvy?)

Salt and nitrates turn the color of meat to red, which consumers prefer.

High sodium content
Condiments and seasonings such as Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, onion salt, garlic salt, and bouillon cubes contain sodium. Processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, and ham, and canned soups and vegetables are all examples of foods that contain added sodium. Fast foods are generally very high in sodium.[9] Also, processed foods such as potato chips, frozen dinners and cured meats have high sodium content.

Excessive salt causes excessive urination.
Diabetes literally means “excessive urine”.