Go GATA; Go Gold!

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, January 29, 2008

My gut tells me that the gold price has a good chance to go up by more than $25 in one day on Friday, February 1st, and again, another $25 in one day on Monday, February 4th, because a certain ad will come out in a Washington paper on Thursday, this week.

Why do I make such a bold statement?  Because it’s not that bold when you know what GATA knows.

Also, Peter Degraaf is saying something similar:

“For the next few weeks or months, analysts will likely refer to the latest rise in the gold price, which started today, as the GATA RALLY.”

GATA has good information about gold, that, when shared, makes the gold price move up! 

Back in 2005, after GATA’s Gold Rush 21 conference informed some 100 key people about gold, the gold price was at about $430/oz. and moved up more than $10/day for the next two days, and then launched a nearly parabolic rally that only stopped at $720/oz. in May, 2006.

GATA’s conference presenters were the wisest and most informed gold analysts in the world.

Back then, there was what they called the “$6 rule” in place, where the gold price managers would come out and sell a lot of gold if ever gold was up $6 in one day, because “price action makes market commentary”, and so they were trying to cap any excitement in gold.  This was one bit of information presented at the conference at goldrush21.com.

One man who attended GATA’s show was Andrey Bykov, the personal economic advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin.  I met this man.  I was at the show.  He said it was the best conference he had attended in his life.  That show likely helped Russia to act, to buy gold.


People buy gold when they know what is going on.  When they realize the true supply/demand picture, that the central banks of the world are running out of gold after having engaged in leasing and selling their gold for years that has had a tendency to cap the price, making gold way too cheap, then people buy gold.

On Thursday, GATA will run a full page ad in the Wall Street Journal at a cost of $264,400.  This ad will have to be “answered” by the gold establishment Wall Street banks, just like I had to answer Jessica Cross yesterday.  But what can they say?  Who will answer and how?  What will they do, bring out Jessica Cross again to spew some nonsense?

If the ad is not enough to spill the beans on the gold market, then GATA’s conference in April, probably will. 

The circulation of the Wall Street Journal is more than 2,000,000.
My circulation is about 68,000.
GATA’s email list is maybe about 5000 to 10,000.

See GATA.org
See GoldRush21.com
–You can order a DVD of the Historic GATA gold conference for $20.

A preview of GATA’s 2 meg pdf file ad:

Disclaimer:  I do not know the future.  I cannot predict what will happen on Friday.  And I certainly would never bet, nor gamble, nor engage in any futures contracts.  But I would, and I have, bought real, physical, rare silver and gold in anticipation and expectation of all that I do know.

Regarding my email from yesterday, “There is no Silver Surplus”. https://revealingfraud.com/2008/01/silver-gold/there-is-no-silver-surplus/

This was confirmed by a dealer’s dealer in Menlo Park, a dealer who I’ve ordered with, in the past, with great confidence and success, a source that I trust, respect, and admire.

I am glad you wrote the article contesting the so-called “silver surplus.

The Bullion Desk article just yesterday intimidated one of my long-time silver customers to trade a bit of his silver for platinum.

The situation you describe at [your coin shop] is similar to what we see here. Silver owners of the past generation or their heirs have been providing the silver we have been selling to new investors.  This has enabled low premiums and plenty of supply for the new buyers.   My conversations with other colleagues result in hearing the same thing.   Of course this old supply source will run low, probably soon, but for now the new buyer gets the best of a young rising market and reasonable cost. Even though business is good, we have not had to order freshly made bars for quite some time.

Robert Mish


See, positive things happen when people are willing to stand up for the truth. 


Jason Hommel 

In case you miss an email, check the archives: 

You can buy silver in lots of 100-500 oz. at my auctions at www.seekbullion.com
Auctions end M-Th, Sat, At 7PM Pacific, but you can place bids anytime, 24/7.  Wires only.  USA Shipping only.