The Copper Revolution Protocol, June, 2024

5752 words. Reading Time: 21 minutes. 50+ links for further research.

The full protocol of everything we are taking is at the following link: You can’t start with those amounts, because it takes a while to scale up the minerals.

We have now been on high copper, (30 mg) for 6 years! Here is online historical proof, my first essay on copper was first published on June 24, 2018: “High Copper — the Missing Nutrient on the High Iodine Program”

Why We Need 30+ mg of Copper/day

See also, to address the big elephant in the room: COPPER IS NOT TOXIC!

The instructions below show how to ramp up and slowly adjust and scale up to the higher doses of what we take. We suggest starting at 5 mg copper, 10 mg zinc (zinc gluconate) and 1000 mg Vitamin C in Ascorbic Acid form. (Not liposomal and not whole food C). More precise instructions, to avoid nausea, are below.

Why copper, zinc, and Vitamin C to start? All three detox us, and are needed to make collagen. Both zinc and copper are needed to make many detoxing enzymes that contain both zinc and copper. Each one can deplete the other two, so it’s important to take all three with each other, or at least in the same day. All three are also strong anti-histamines, which help prevent problems as they heal you, through detoxing.

We recommend copper glycinate, or copper sulfate. Both are chelates.

Copper glycinate is good because it is ready-made and ships fast, in about 1-3 days. It’s bad because it’s expensive per mg, costing $10/bottle, and $50/month at high doses, and you can’t use it to apply topically. But it’s great to start with. We used copper glycinate on our first 3 years on high copper.

Copper sulfate is very good because the cost is 4 cents per 1180 mg in a 2 oz. bottle, rather than $20 for the same amount of copper in the glycinate form. Yes, you have to buy it in bulk, but a 10-pound bag costs only about $30. The bad news is that it usually takes 2 weeks to ship, and you have to mix the copper sulfate into bottles with distilled water yourself. So get some copper glycinate for $10, too.

Note. About 1-2% of people have allergic reactions after taking sulfate or high sulfur foods such as eggs, spinach, or garlic, or copper sulfate. For them, it’s best to start on copper glycinate for the first 2 months, at least. Sulfur is a major mineral in the body, the average person’s body has 1/3 of a pound of sulfur, so it’s not an allergy to sulfur. Sulfur is also a major detox mineral. Sulfur allergies often indicate mercury toxicity.

See how copper, zinc, and selenium detox mercury: 

After detoxing mercury with copper, zinc and selenium, for about 2 months, then people can begin taking both MSM sulfur (and copper sulfate) and detoxing even more, without the allergic reactions. See:

COPPER SULFATE SELLERS: – Most highly recommended! –UK –Australia –Canada
Walmart online

Consider also buying 2 oz. dropper bottles:

Copper Sulfate is sold in hardware stores, animal supply stores, fertilizer plant stores, pool stores, plumbing stores, and Walmart. It is a major agricultural commodity.

Sometimes, people can not find 99% pure copper sulfate. If not, then, you should probably purify what you can find by making crystals. Instructions here:

Here is a video on how to make a 1 mg copper per drop solution:

The video in words: Put 5/8ths teaspoons of copper sulfate crystals (4.7 grams) into a 2-ounce dropper bottle, and fill it with hot distilled water. Wrap the bottle with a towel to protect yourself from the heat, then shake to dissolve. It does not have to be hot, but the heat helps it dissolve more quickly. It does not have to be distilled, but distilled is cleanest, looks the best, and helps it dissolve more quickly.

The 2-ounce bottle will contain 1182 mg of contained copper. If someone accidentally drinks an entire bottle, they will likely projectile vomit and have diarrhea for about 3-4 hours. They will be ok. This has been reported to us 3 times now. The best antidote is 100 mg zinc and 3000 mg Vitamin C and they will feel better by the next day.
A full dropper contains 20 drops, and 20 mg.
1 drop contains 1 mg.

TWO DROPS, THREE TIMES A DAY, IS THE STARTING DOSE! Take zinc and Vitamin C, the same day!

Pro Tip: Pour two cups of boiled, distilled water into a glass cup that contains 5 teaspoons of copper sulfate crystals. Stir. Then pour into and make 8 of the 2-ounce dropper bottles all at once! A small funnel might be helpful.

Copper sulfate may stain clothing. We add vinegar to the wash to remove it.

We do not recommend colloidal copper. It does not contain enough, often only 4 mg per bottle.
We do not recommend copper cups; they are simply nice. They provide around 0.4 mg/copper/day.
We do not recommend copper1 products. They cost too much, contain little copper, and the body easily converts copper 2 into copper 1, and there are far more safety studies on copper 2.

We do not recommend copper in multi-vitamin and mineral tablets, because the ratios are off, they contain toxic vitamins and minerals that shorten lifespan, and you can’t scale up.
We do not recommend Trace Minerals brand liquid copper, because it also has 250 mg of unknown minerals.
It is not easier nor more gentle to take less copper to start, it’s worse.

Our protocol is based on the book, “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals” released on January 2022.

It is also based on feedback from people in our Facebook Group, –Join the group!

The first third of the book is FREE online: “The Copper Revolution”, Video Readings, Chapters 1-36:

It is important that you know what copper does in the body. Please read at least Chapter 1, my list of copper’s 200 or more effects in the body.

Chapter 1 answers a lot of common questions and it is very important that you know what copper is going to do in your body. Copper is very powerful and will make many positive changes to your health.


Most people report worse results when taking copper under 5 mg, or take over 10 mg in the first month. Other mistakes include consuming too much salt, too much fat, too much sugar, not taking any co-nutrients, or failing to understand or trust the process, which I will cover briefly in the following 12 points, then I will cover everything again, and discuss how to actually implement these 12 points.

  1. Less than 5 mg of copper is not enough to detox the toxins. Starting with less than 5 mg is not better, it’s usually worse. Why? Because it’s not enough copper to recover from copper deficiency. And because it is enough copper to begin mobilizing toxins, but not enough to complete the process. And so, most people who start too slowly just end up with brain fog, body aches, and feel like they got sick with the flu. At 1-2 mg, a person might never get through detox, not even after 50 years! People need enough copper to begin excreting the average person’s 2,600 mg of fluoride in the body, plus excess iron, Vitamin A, medications, 150 mg of bromine, mercury and lead and aluminum and arsenic and etc. So taking too little causes toxins to swirl around, clog the brain, and people get worse.

Also, people need to adapt to about 10 mg of copper per day, for a month, before increasing copper to levels higher than that, because it takes about 1 month at 10 mg of copper per day (total, 300 mg) for the body to start making and using the many copper detoxification enzymes (such as metallothioneins, superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin, etc.,) in the body that help to transport, regulate, and excrete copper, many of which are also antioxidants and anithistamines that help to balance and control the oxidizing power of copper. Taking too much copper too quickly can also overwhelm the kidneys with too much fluoride to process, which also sometimes happens.

Healthier people can tolerate more copper without nausea, more quickly. None of 800 healthy people in the Olivares study had problems taking up to 20 mg of copper, without co nutrients. But this was only for 6 weeks.

Half of people have nausea at 3-4 mg. This creates a problem. How do you take 5 mg if 3 mg causes sicker more toxic people to have nausea? Some people try to simply take a lot less, 1-2 mg per day, but that does not work, see above.

Solutions to prevent nausea:

  1. Take 2 mg of copper, three times a day for 6 mg.
  2. Or try 2 mg morning, 2 mg at noon, and 1 mg early evening.
  3. Put copper in milk, or swallow the pill with milk or citrus juice, this greatly reduces nausea.
  4. Take the copper (with milk) in the middle of a meal (not after), this also greatly reduces nausea.
  5. Take molybdenum. Molybdenum deficiency also causes nausea.
  6. Lower your Vitamin A and fluoride intake, each of those tends to cause more nausea.
  7. Take fewer minerals and fewer supplements at one time, to also help reduce nausea.
  8. Avoid salt, or sodium chloride, because it dehydrates the cells.
  9. Take potassium chloride instead, as it helps to hydrate the cells.
  10. Apply copper topically, to bypass the stomach. No, don’t avoid oral copper and only do topical copper, because copper BENEFITS the stomach and digestion in many ways:
  12. And if you feel like you are about to vomit, make sure you drink plenty of water immediately, your body often gives you about a 30 to 60-second warning, saliva may start to flow heavily, there will be pain in the gut, etc.

If you get nausea, you should also have drank more water before taking copper. It’s also an osmosis problem. If the body is dehydrated, how can it secrete gastric juices to help dilute minerals? Too many minerals at once pull water out of the body. Remineralizing the body takes time. Also, stop taking diuretics, they are dehydrating. Copper is naturally hydrating, and good for the stomach, so people do adapt and stop getting nausea over time.

Furthermore, you can’t just take “some copper” to fix things. You have to take MORE COPPER than incoming toxins, and enough copper to detox toxins already in the body. And co-nutrients help everything. So you also have to stop taking in toxins, in order for copper to be effective, and some of those toxins include toxic oils:

  1. WARNING!!!!! A diet of 30% Hydrogenated (toxic) oils like margarine causes FASTER neurodegeneration with about 3 mg of copper.

Dietary copper and high saturated and trans fat intakes associated with cognitive decline

(This implicates bad fats, low doses of copper, and multivitamins with Vitamin A, Iron, etc.) A plausible explanation for this (besides it being too little copper and that too much fat blocks copper) is that copper helps heal the fatty myelin sheath around the nerves so effectively, that when bad fats are present in the diet, they are incorporated into the myelin sheath, which then degenerates the nerves faster, because those bad fats are degenerative. Do not start taking copper, unless you are willing to stop eating margarine, and cut back on things like baked goods sold in boxes, like cookies and crackers, often made with hydrogenated oils.

Pro Tip: “Whole Foods” market will sell no food product that contains hydrogenated oils.

People have quoted the Trans Fat study as saying this proves copper is bad, or causes mental decline. No, that just means they have cognitive decline already, because they are not understanding the study! Note what they said: “Copper intake was not associated with cognitive change among persons whose diets were not high in these fats.”

I note that copper does not cause neurodegeneration! Copper heals the nerves in over 20 different ways, see Chapter 1-20 of the book, linked above. My brain has never been better.

—–END AD—–

  1. Toxins block and deplete copper. Prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol, and all toxins, block copper, because copper is used up in the detoxification process. Copper can either prevent the drugs from working, or can cause an overdose because copper does so many things in the body. Again, read Chapter 1! Stop the drugs. Then start the copper. If you take toxic drugs and copper, and it does not go well, don’t blame copper, blame the toxic drugs. If you have a complex case, there are options. Get a consultant. Give your doctor my book. Read my book. Learn all about what copper does, so you have a greater understanding of what might go wrong with drugs. Drugs kill 100,000 people a year. Copper kills nobody. There is a study in my book that showed that about 20 different drugs resulted in increased copper in the blood. This indicates that the body will naturally mobilize copper to detox drugs.
  2. Vitamin A blocks copper. I want to thank Grant Genereaux for his two free ebooks on this subject. –Highly recommended! Unfortunately, Grant is not interested in researching about copper at this time, he is taking the next year to study glyphosate. I understand. That was me, when I was writing my book about copper, I had to ignore an interesting new idea that all Vitamin A was toxic, while researching and writing about copper. But look what I found!

Copper and Vitamin A have an inverse relationship in the liver. As Vitamin A increases, copper goes down. As copper increases, Vitamin A goes down. Vitamin A is the toxin, and copper is the anti-toxin.

Modification of vitamin A metabolism in rats fed a copper-deficient diet

Vitamin A is not necessary to make ceruloplasmin, a copper-carrying protein.

The toxicity of excess Vitamin A has been known for decades and is not in dispute. Vitamin A toxicity causes over 100 documented harms in the body, many of which are like a mirror image of copper deficiency: rashes, weak bones, poor wound healing, diabetes, thyroid problems, brain problems, glandular problems, autoimmune problems, nerve problems, birth defects, basically tissue destruction of all kinds…

  1. Iron blocks copper.

Copper supplementation reverses dietary iron overload-induced pathologies in mice

In that study, it was the human equivalent of 25 mg of copper over three weeks that reversed the problems of excess iron. Jennifer needed 30 mg of copper and 70 mg of topical copper, to reverse her problem of high iron-induced copper deficiency, which manifested as heavy period bleeding. Her period length declined from 21 days to 3 days. Here is the scientific evidence and her full story:

High Iron intake is also associated with early death in the following study. This is the main reason to avoid multivitamins, because they have everything in the wrong ratio, and contain too much iron and too little copper, most often under 3 mg of copper:

Dietary supplements and mortality in older women: the Iowa Women’s Health Study

Copper fixes problems of both high iron and low iron. We need copper to metabolize and utilize iron. We also need zinc and sulfur to metabolize iron. Iron sulfate is water soluble!

  1. Fluoride blocks copper. See chapters 32-36:

Most people get about 2.5 mg of fluoride in water alone. Popular soft drinks are said to contain up to 6 mg of fluoride per can. People need twice the copper to detox the fluoride, suggesting a necessary dose of 16-30 mg of copper just to deal with fluoride problems alone.

(Side note: Vitamin A, iron, and fluoride are increasingly recognized as causing cancer. A link between all three that I can see is that they all block copper!)

  1. There are at least 45 things that block copper. Consult this bigger list if copper “is not working” for you. The largest list of things that block copper that I found in my research, compiled by others, was 10. So my research is far more complete than you can find anywhere else.

I now believe all prescription medicines are toxic, and that all toxins deplete copper, because the body will so effectively use copper to detoxify and help excrete hundreds of toxins of all kinds through the copper-containing enzymes of metallothioneins and superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin, and many more.

  1. There are at least 29 supplements that we avoid, see this other list.
  2. Failure to take copper with antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, Iodine, Niacin, selenium, molybdenum, etc., or failure to take enough copper and zinc to make antioxidants like metallothioneins, or failure to take B vitamins, can cause minor problems. So please take those co-nutrients needed on our protocol, if you decide to take more than 5 mg of copper.

Due to a lack of understanding of the safety of copper, or other conflicts of interest, some people have falsely claimed that a “copper2” is toxic. This is not true. Copper(2) sulfate is the safest form of copper, and the most widely studied. Besides, it is easily reduced to copper1 in the body, simply by taking more copper, and by about 13 other things.

  1. Many supplements can induce a deficiency of copper, so the balance has to be right. However, they are not “mutually antagonistic”, they do NOT “block each other”, but rather, they are synergistic, in that they work better together, and the body needs them all to properly function. For example, we need both zinc and copper to make collagen, metallothioneins, and SOD, and we need Vitamin C, too, in order to make collagen. If you take 19 out of 20 essential nutrients, your metabolism will speed up and work better until the body runs out of that last nutrient.

I feel that the most important co-nutrients to start with copper are:
Zinc & Vitamin C

The next most important co-nutrients to take with copper, which you can start about a month later, or even start right away are: molybdenum, and B Vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B12, (but not B6 nor B9)

Here is a convenient B Complex without B6 and B9:

And another brand:

Unfortunately, those B Complex Vitamins contain about 1/8th to 1/10th of the amount of individual vitamins that we take. We have repeatedly seen people who only take a single multi B Complex every other day end up with low energy problems. We need B Vitamins, copper, and magnesium, for energy. Copper and B Vitamins are both needed to make energy, so if you “rev up” with copper, you can run low on B Vitamins and/or magnesium. So please be careful, you might not be taking enough if you take the B Complex Vitamins. Also, they both contain Niacin, which may create problems like copper depletion, rashes, and allergies.

See our concerns about Niacin in more detail:

Why not B6 and B9?

Sometimes, people get great energy from copper in the first three to four weeks. Then, they run out of energy and wonder what happened. Running out of B vitamins, and/or magnesium, is usually what happens because we need all three to make ATP for energy. But two of the B Vitamins (B6 and B9) are neurotoxins, and B complex vitamins also contain very little B12, which makes most B complex vitamins both useless and harmful. We take B1,2,3,5,7,12 in separate bottles sold individually. The problem with B vitamins is not that they are “synthetic”, and it’s not that some forms are better than other forms. The two big problems are that they help the body use up copper and that B6 and B9 are toxic. We have solved these two problems. In solving these problems, people who used to be allergic to B Vitamins, no longer have any problems when they take enough copper, and avoid the toxic ones, B6 and B9.

  1. In copper deficiency, people often have 10-15 major health problems simultaneously: multiple infections, lyme disease, ebv infection, mold, parasites, mercury toxicity, no energy, tired, exhaustion, body pains, anemia, allergic to foods and supplements, digestive and gut problems, rare disorders, common disorders, being bedridden, nerve problems, mental and mood disorders, brain fog, confusion, difficulty with math, etc. Copper fixes all of that.

Many people have many mistaken ideas, such as “I can’t tolerate other vitamins, especially not Vitamin C, not B vitamins, not zinc” without getting “my allergic reactions”. But it’s not personal, it’s the copper deficiency! Things change with copper! True, other supplements deplete copper, and the other supplements do cause problems when copper is deficient. After all, copper is needed to make 7 or more different antihistamines in the body, as follows: DAO or antihistaminease, SOD or superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin and adrenaline or epinephrine, which is used in epi pens for allergic reactions.

However, once people start copper, they can usually quickly tolerate the intolerable, within about a week, as their allergic reactions melt away. For people with allergies to MSM Sulfur or iodine, it can take up to 2 months on copper to tolerate those two, because those each detox so many toxins at once, which is why we suggest people start taking them last in our stages guide. If you are already taking them, great, just continue to do so.

  1. Copper and boron both help the body retain magnesium. So, eventually, you may need less magnesium on the protocol. We think 400 mg magnesium is better than 1000 mg.


Avoid all sodium salts: sea salt, himalayan salt, table salt, they are all bad. (And borax is sodium tetraborate, which contains sodium, but we still take that one, for the boron.) Instead of any sodium chloride, we recommend potassium chloride. See our extensive series of essays on sodium and potassium here:

In sum, sodium dehydrates the body, and potassium hydrates the body. There is a sodium and potassium pump constantly pumping sodium out of the cell, and potassium into the cell. Water follows minerals. If your body has excess sodium, your cells will be dehydrated. If your body has plenty of potassium, you will be hydrated. The body has a hard time excreting sodium, showing it’s the toxin. The body easily excretes excess potassium, showing it’s the detoxing mineral and electrolyte. With more copper, B Vitamins and mangesium, and more cellular energy, people’s cells start excreting sodium more effectively, and they tend to get problems of excess sodium. The solution is to consume less sodium, and consume more potassium. Sodium causes about 30-50 major problems in the body, and potassium fixes about 30-50 major health problems in the body, and the list is nearly a mirror image of each other. These problems include obesity, edema, diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, dehydration, weak muscles, smaller muscles, muscle cramps, bone problems like arthritis and osteoporosis, even inflammation and difficulty breathing, and on and on. So to get healthy, lower sodium, and increase potassium.

Potassium does many of the same things as copper, (not everything is the same). Potassium is a major mineral, and properly hydrates the body, and alleviates allergic reactions, and appears to have fewer side effects.

One of the side effects of transitioning away from salt to potassium is racing heart, which is a problem of excess sodium. The solution is to make a slower transition so the body can adjust, see more here:


Actionable steps. I’m now going to translate the above information into a practical guide for what to do.

  1. Make sure you take enough copper to start, as follows:

Start with 5-6 mg of copper. But break it up into three 2 mg doses to avoid nausea, and take it with milk, vegan milk, juice, or other foods, in the middle of a meal, not after a meal. Take 2 mg copper in the morning, 2 mg copper in the afternoon, and 1 mg in the early evening. Take 1000 mg of vitamin C in the afternoon. Take 10 mg of zinc at night. Take more zinc, as needed, if you have any low zinc symptoms: allergies, runny nose, sneezing, rash, or low libido, but probably not over 20 mg zinc.

Here is a bigger list of 22 low zinc symptoms:

If you cannot tolerate zinc or Vitamin C, it’s likely because they can make copper deficiency worse. In that case, then just start with copper, and try the zinc and Vitamin C again in about a week.

Do not push through nausea. Eliminate it. Avoid it. Take a smaller dose multiple times if you need to. Or try molybdenum, which also relieves nausea. We believe nausea is often from Vitamin A, or fluoride, and is a temporary detox reaction. And drink more water, distilled is best.

  1. Do not eat margarine, or a high-fat diet, such as over 1/3 of your overall calories from fat. Some of the best good fats are butter and coconut oil. Avoid seed oils, as they are usually hydrogenated. Avoid packaged foods like cookies and crackers and food bars made with hydrogenated oils. If they are made with butter and coconut oil, they are ok. Avoid lard and bacon. Excess fat blocks copper and is neurodegenerative.
  2. Avoid prescription drugs. Try to wean off of them. Most drugs can be tapered off in about a week. Some drugs take longer. Copper will help. In many many cases, copper does the same thing, but better, than the drug. See chapter 61 of “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals”. Taking both copper and drugs at once can cause more problems, not less. You should not take a toxic drug while trying to detox. The drug can block the copper, and the copper can block the drug. Or, if a drug does one thing, and copper also does it, you can also overdose. Don’t do that. There is too much unknown that can, and does, go wrong with drugs. If drugs worked, why are you looking for answers here? Stop drugs, stop all poisons; alcohol, smoking, illegal stuff, and other toxins, as follows:
  3. Avoid beta carotene, all carotenoids, Vitamin A, and retinol.
    We avoid sweet potatoes, at 19,000 IU’S Vitamin A equivalent, and avoid Lard and bacon. (Two reasons now to avoid these.)
    We avoid tomatoes, ketchup, pizza, and spaghetti.
    We avoid mangoes, and pink grapefruit.
    We avoid spices like Jalapenos and red peppers.
    We avoid both artificial and natural food colors. Natural food colors are often from carotenoids.
    It turns out, people are not “allergic” to tomatoes, they just contain a high level of toxic lycopene, which is a carotenoid.
    We avoid Vitamin A facial creams. (Watermelon and carrots are high carotenoid foods, but they are also very high in potassium, perhaps up to 2000 times more potassium than carotenes, which likely has a mitigating effect.)
  4. We avoid iron and multivitamin and multi-mineral supplements containing iron. But we eat beef, high in iron. We don’t eat liver which is both high iron and high Vitamin A, and might not contain any copper at all. Most flour is fortified with iron. Many people think they are low iron, based on tests that do not work. It’s not likely, because meat, bread, and greens are all high in iron. It’s low copper that results in disordered iron metabolism. Copper can result in higher than normal red blood cell counts, so let copper do the work of fixing the anemia, and don’t block the copper with lots of extra iron. We don’t avoid bread containing iron, but we don’t eat a lot of bread. We avoid fortified cereals.
  5. Avoid fluoride. Avoid popular toothpaste brands. Avoid tap water. Drink distilled water instead. Filters do not work, for if they did, they would clog after about 3 gallons. You will see the sediment in your distiller. If you don’t believe me, boil 3 gallons of tap water until the pot is dry and see the sediment for yourself. Find a distiller at Amazon for $150, or buy distilled by the gallon at the grocery market. Foods high in fluoride are: chicken (because chicken feed in the USA is high in fluoride at 130 ppm), grapes/wine, and dried fruits as fluoride is used as an antifungal. Fluoride is also in popular cola beverages, black and green tea. (Herbal tea is ok.) Avoid Teflon nonstick pans. Avoid Glide brand dental floss (it contains enough fluoride to lower IQ). Avoid Gore-tex waterproof clothing.
  6. Don’t be too concerned by the good things on the list (from point 7 above, chapter 24) that block copper. Most of the things on that list block copper in people who are getting only the common 0.6 mg of copper a day, or less. IE, a person with zinc in their denture cream, not taking any copper supplements at all, can develop nerve problems from zinc inducing a copper deficiency. But we, who take 50-100 mg of zinc daily with 100 mg of copper, in the form of 30 mg orally, and 70 mg topically, we not suffering any copper deficiency, but rather, we are restoring nerve health! Some things may have bigger effects. Consult the list if copper does nothing positive for you.

Getting a sunburn will use up your copper, no matter how much copper you are taking. But many people on high copper no longer get sunburns!

  1. The list of supplements I’m avoiding is here. And there is a reason to avoid, or limit, each one.

What about avoiding drugs? Some people have certain conditions that they know can be controlled by taking certain herbs or drugs, and why mess with what works?

So here is a general rule that might help. If you think you can wean off of other supplements when starting copper, it might be wise to do so. Because we just don’t know every herb or supplement that can block copper. You may be able to go without them for up to 30 days, and in that timeframe, be able to restore the obvious copper deficiency everyone is suffering from. If it does not work out, you can always reach for them the instant they are needed.

Remember, every suggestion to try one thing is actually a double suggestion: try x, and if it does not work out, stop trying x. That’s how experiments work.

9-10. It helps to know where the “end goal” is, of what your supplementation might look like. It might look a lot like ours:

Sometimes, people get headaches that don’t go away with certain forms of Vitamin C. Stick with ascorbic acid, because it works.

I know everyone wants to bring their own expertise to the table. That’s exactly what I’m doing with this protocol, which is a mix of the high iodine protocol, high boron protocol, SSKI protocol, MSM sulfur protocol, Niacin and Sauna Detox protocol, high DE, high Vitamin C, etc.

We have learned many things the hard way. My suggestion is to learn the easy way. Learn from our mistakes, so you don’t have to suffer. The entire point of healing is to end the suffering.

When increasing your copper, or boron, or iodine, you have to start slowly, and increase slowly. You have to push it, and increase, but don’t increase into any zone of discomfort. For example, if you get nausea, then don’t take that much. If you get an unpleasant metallic taste, don’t take that much. Instead, back down a bit, and then let time do the work. Wait a week or two at the lower dose, and then try increasing the amounts again, and you might find there is no nausea anymore, because things change, which is the point. It’s not your body, it’s the copper deficiency that was the problem.

Some people wonder if copper is safe for them. It’s safe for everyone. Even people with Wilson’s disease are now learning they can heal with copper. Copper heals both the nerves and the liver. There are multiple chapters in my book covering these concepts.

There are articles coming out falsely claiming that certain people can’t or should not take copper because of certain genes they have. Here is a better understanding for why genes may appear different in very sick people with copper deficiency. The genes change, on purpose, by design, to conserve copper in the body for the vital process of making ATP. The following article also addresses the common concern, “Can I take copper if I don’t detox well because of MTHFR?” In my opinion, people don’t detox well, because they are copper deficient (and iodine deficient, sulfur deficient, etc., and all created through excess toxins, etc.).

Here are some suggested protocol stages on how to increase from this quick start guide to our own protocol.

Here are 12 more Tips and Guidelines on the following topics: Citrus, Calcium, Molybdenum, Rice, Magnesium, Greens, Boron, Zinc & Vitamin C, Tiny meals, Iodine & Selenium, Voluntaryism, Not just Copper and the importance of being moderate.

  1. Warnings for copper applied topically: Avoid applying to sensitive areas, as it can feel like it’s burning the skin when you are first getting used to it. This feeling passes and takes a few months to get past. Avoid applying to the nipples, and/or armpits at first. Also, copper sulfate may stain light clothing blue, but the stains come out with adding vinegar to the wash. Copper sulfate and toxins in sweat sometimes might bleach out some dark colored clothing. I have some black t-shirts that remain unaffected. Use topical copper sulfate while wearing inexpensive t-shirts, and not expensive work clothing.
  2. We are constantly learning, and updating our guides.

The 2023 guide is here:

The original quick start guide is listed here:

The 2023 guide, and this 2024 guide, attempts to prevent problems encountered by some people who needed the following specific fixes that sometimes showed up when people first started taking copper, and these problems are now seen far less often, but here is that older list:

To your upward spiral of health!

And yes, we offer consulting.