Cortisone causes MRSA

Cortisone causes MRSA more than MRSA causes MRSA.

“MRSA bacteria does not cause MRSA infections” is far more true, than not true.
“How Common Is MRSA? Studies show that about one in three people carry staph in their nose, usually without any illness. Two in 100 people carry MRSA.”

With 323 million people in the USA, times 1/50, this is 6.5 million people who are carrying MRSA. They remain mostly uninfected. Why isn’t the flesh eating bacteria eating the noses right off 6.5 million faces? Because MRSA is not the primary cause of MRSA infections? There has to be another factor, which I believe is cortisone, which actually destroys the flesh.

And so, at what rate does MRSA cause MRSA infections?
“National Burden of Invasive MRSA Infection”
“RESULTS: An estimated 80,461 invasive MRSA infections occurred nationally in 2011.” –And that’s a CDC study, referenced here:

MRSA infections range from about 1.2 million, to as little as 88,000, the numbers are obtained through surveys, two of which have given the wildly different results. So, if 5/6 to 98.7% (88,000/6.5 mil infected = 98.7% not infected) people, remain uninfected, while carrying MRSA in their noses, without the flesh eating bacteria eating their noses off, then it is true that the bacteria is not the primary cause of the non existent bacterial infections in the majority of cases.

What is the “infection rate from cortisone shots”…

“Most injections contain corticosteroids to suppress pain and inflammation, but these drugs also suppress the body’s immune system. Patients with suppressed immune systems have higher risks of severe, post-operative infections that are difficult to control, and can result in additional surgery, prolonged antibiotic use, and even death.”

“The rates of surgical site infection were significantly higher in patients with an injection prior to TKR (Total Knee Arthroplasty) than those without (4.4 percent versus 3.6 percent), as were the rates of infection requiring a return to the operating room (1.5 percent versus 1 percent). The rate of infection requiring a return to the operating room remained significantly higher for the patients receiving injections in the months prior to surgery, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.8 for an injection within one month of surgery, and an OR of 1.4 for an injection seven months prior to TKR.”

So, a cortisone shot, plus a surgery (usually with cortisone), leads to infection at a rate of 4.4%.

MRSA causes MRSA at 1.3% rates.

Cortisone causes MRSA at 4.4% rates. hmmm… Why?
“What is the most important information I should know about cortisone?
You should not use this medication if you are allergic to cortisone, or if you have a fungal infection anywhere in your body.”

I found a study that tried to identify co-factors for acquiring MRSA. But the number of patients appears small, 451. And I’ve read enough of medical industry studies that appear very biased by what they fail to notice. Much like the police caught abusing people, the story is always, “we investigated ourselves and found we did no wrongdoing”. It’s self serving, willfully blind, and they just lie.

Most MRSA infections take place in the hospital. So, there must be something else going on. I suspect hospital drugs. Cortisone appears to be the main cause. Who ever goes to the hospital, and does not take a drug of some kind? They always give drugs in the hospital.

MMA fighters also get MRSA. MMA fighters also use a lot of cortisone.

I listed in a prior article, three things that kill MRSA, little known and little used supplements, iodine, boron, and colloidal silver.

High iodine, high boron, and lots of colloidal silver are not protecting the general population, the 98.3% of people not getting MRSA from MRSA, because very few people are on those minerals.

It is certain that 90-98% of the population that is not getting MRSA infections when MRSA is present, and they are not on the high iodine protocol advocted by only 100 doctors. Probably far less than .001% of the population are on iodine. Boron is even more rare. Colloidal silver is more common, but certainly not used by anywhere close to 90% of the people, I would guess more like 1% at the most.

So, if those three antibiotic minerals (rarely taken minerals) are not protecting 83% to 98.7% people with MRSA, this begs the question, “what is protecting most people who carry deadly MRSA, but do not have flesh eating bacteria outbreaks in their bodies, and especially not in their noses, where you would expect it to manifest?” I realize that is an important point to make. Of the 88,000 people getting MRSA infections it rarely presents in the nose! Why not?

In fact, I just did a google image search for “MRSA infection”. In over 100 images, there is not one single MRSA infection in the nose. Why not? It’s usually in the hands, feet, or a boil on some some unknown flat part of the skin.

It could be the natural amounts of iodine and boron already present in most people. People can’t live without these trace elements. But I think it’s something else entirely.

MMA fighters have a higher incidence of MRSA, as I just recently learned. They also take cortisone often for inflammation. That was my first clue.

Cortisone causes infections. This is not well known among the public. But doctors know it. Do they forget? Or are they just good at denial when their cortisone injections cause infections?

If cortizone causes infections, why not MRSA infections?

Other sources say: say 55% to 70% of hospital acquired infections are MRSA infections.

I, personally, took a hydrocortizone cream for 5 years, from ages 13-18. I developed osteomyelitis, a staph bacteria infection in my bone and muscle, in my lower back. Staph is a mild form of MRSA, which is also a staph bacteria.

Hospitals often use cortisone after surgery. They admit this causes infections.
“Postoperative considerations

The normal rise in cortisol secretion after surgery lasts for about three days. In recent years, doses used for steroid cover have been reduced.[3]This is because excessive doses cause adverse effects such as postoperative infection, gastrointestinal haemorrhage and delayed wound healing.[4]”

I found it’s not just UFC MMA fighers who get MRSA after cortisone shots. This happens to other pro athletes as well.

An NFL player got a MRSA infection in his foot, several days after a cortizone shot.
“The situation arose, the source said, when Fells suffered a toe injury, then an ankle injury. To treat it, Fells was given a cortisone shot. After a week of ankle and foot pain, Fells’ wife took him to the emergency room on Oct. 2 with a 104-degree temperature. There, they found his ankle was infected with MRSA, a dangerous staph infection that is resistant to many antibiotics.”

After 10 surgeries, he retired from football.

I think he definitely has a solid case of medical malpractice, since the cortisone injection caused MRSA and ruined his lucrative football career. I don’t know if he sued his team or doctors. Yet.

In another sports MRSA case, the player sued the team, instead of the doctors. They settled.
Buccaneers, Lawrence Tynes Reach Settlement in MRSA Lawsuit FEBRUARY 21, 2017

I found two other football players that got cortisone injections and then developed MRSA.

Searching “cortisone MRSA NFL”

“Many athletes get the infection after surgery, including Grant Hill of the Magic and the Patriots’ Junior Seau. “

I’m sure I could find plenty more examples of athletes getting MRSA aftter either a cortisone shot, or surgery. But “science” likes to deny the relavence of the “case study”. So, we will get into the science of what cortizone ALWAYS does in a bit.

Cortisone is used after surgery, as standard operating procedures.

Quote from the link above: “Your doctor may prescribe a short-term cortisone treatment during and after a surgery. This is in order to minimize nausea/vomiting and post-operative pain. This specific type of short-term treatment does not lead to an increased risk of infection nor does it alter the progress/quality of healing.”

Did you see that denial? The lying, unbacked denial that cortisone somehow does not cause infections, nor slow healing, even that’s exactly what cortisone does, as I will show by other admissions by doctors.

Lawyers appear to be catching on, that cortisone or steroid injections can cause MRSA:–due-to-cortisone-shot-in-knee-1659980.html

The 4 lawyer answers in the link above all are on the wrong track. They admit cortisone causes infections, but they don’t think this is negligence, unless the person can prove contamination by germs. This unduly elevates the “germ theory” of disease, and denies that cortisone is a direct cause of tissue death and decay.

The Mayo Clinic lists joint infection as a complication from cortisone shots.

WebMD lists infection as a side effect of cortisone shots. lists infection as a side effect of cortisone shots

Wikipedia says that hydrocortisone is used, specifically, to suppress the immune system.
Hydrocortisone is the pharmaceutical term for cortisol used in oral administration, intravenous injection, or topical application. It is used as an immunosuppressive drug, given by injection in the treatment of severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis and”
Cortisone may also be used to deliberately suppress immune response in persons with autoimmune diseases or following an organ transplant to prevent transplant rejection.[citation needed] The suppression of the immune system may also be important in the treatment of inflammatory conditions.


Read the line from wikipedia again on cortisone:

“Cortisone may also be used to deliberately suppress immune response”

If cortisone causes MRSA infections, then maybe it’s time to stop using it. That happens after enough medical malpractice lawsuits are won. Get on it lawyers! This article’s references should help make that case to juries.

IMPORTANT NOTE! The medical establishment warns you to not suddenly stop taking cortisol, cortisone, or corticosteroids, because the body stops making its own, and may be addicted to them, as follows: “Even with gradual reduction, the adrenal glands might not begin to function normally for some time, so a person who has recently stopped taking prescription corticosteroids should be watched carefully for symptoms of secondary adrenal insufficiency.”

It appears to me that the symptoms of adrenal crisis are all the same as dehydration:

sudden, severe pain in the lower back, abdomen, or legs
severe vomiting and diarrhea
low blood pressure
loss of consciousness

Therefore, it appeared to me that salt should help. Salt is also indicated for adrenal fatigue. Sure enough, a search for “salt and cortisol” shows that salt is recommended. Fasting is also another way to boost the body’s natural production of cortisol. With that warning out of the way…

Searching for the mechanism of action for why cortisone causes infections…

I searched “how is cortisone made” Found this:

“Many doctors choose to ignore the dangers of cortisone, Cortisone makes many problems worse by causing salt to be retained and proteins to breakdown, and blocks protein from being made. Cortisone, used since 1949, is often a drug that doctors prescribe when the doctor wants to kill the body’s immune response, or the doctor has no other treatment options.”

Again, cortisone kills the body’s immune response. This is not a side effect, it’s what cortisone does.

Cortisone is a steroid that blocks protein from being made. (Flesh eating bacteria?!) It’s not the bacteria that is eating the flesh. It’s the cortisone!

Bodybuilders know about the catabolism of the stress hormone cortisol. “cortisone can be considered an active metabolite of cortisol”. They take steps to minimize stress and the breakdown of muscle; because they want to build muscle. This effect of cortisol and cortisone being well known by bodybuilders additionally confirms that cortisone destroys tissue; both bone and muscle.

“Cortisol is termed catabolic as it has the opposite effect to testosterone, insulin and growth hormone in that it breaks down tissue. Learn more.”

Of course cortisol and cortisone break down tissue. It’s how the body survives during fasting, going without food. So, it has a natural use.

But injecting concentrated cortisone right into a joint? Of course the joint will have tissue destruction and flesh decay. But why blame “flesh eating bacteria” for the tissue destruction, when the primary function of cortisone is to destroy tissue? To avoid liability?

Would the doctors have us believe that cortisone and the body are sterile and without bacteria naturally present? They do. But that’s obviously a lie.

The body has greater numbers of bacteria inside of us all the time than we have cells, mostly in the gut, and on the skin.

And what is cortisone? Is it just a drug, a medicine, a molecule? Is it just chemistry? A chemical? No. Those words hide what it is, and what it does. It’s a metabolite of a fungus. It’s a biologic. Fungals naturally decay things.


“In 1952, it involved around 40 steps of synthesis. Now, hydrocortisone production can be completed without any chemical synthesis at all by engineering the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to biosynthesize the complex product from scratch, according to new research in the February issue of Nature Biotechnology.”

Made by yeast? Yeast is fungus! (Boron is antifungal! Iodine also kills fungals! Colloidal silver kills fungals!)



“Cortisone is classed as a glucocorticoid with cortisol and corticosterone. It causes more sugar release from the liver, increased liver sugar to be made, and decreased the use of sugar to the tissues. All cortisone’s actions block insulin.”

So. Fungus feeds on sugar. MRSA feeds on sugar. If the body tissues are not using sugar, and body tissues are being broken down destroyed and killed by the cortisol, and can’t heal due to the cortisol, and can’t form new proteins due to the cortisol, and rises blood sugar that fungals or bacteria would feed upon, it seems only natural that MRSA could set in. Perhaps MRSA is from using “too much” cortisol?

Another steroid is called “growth hormone”. Cortisol does the opposite. Cortisol and Cortisone could just as easily be named the “decay hormones” or the “destruction hormones” or “flesh eating hormones”. Naming is just convention and convenience and often an accurate description.

How did cortisone get its name?
Word Origin and History for cortisone Expand
1949, coined by its discoverer, Dr. Edward C. Kendall, shortening of chemical name, 17-hydroxy-11 dehydrocorticosterone, ultimately from Latin corticis (genitive of cortex ; see cortex ). So called because it was obtained from the “cortex” of adrenal glands; originally called Compound E (1936).

So, instead of being named for where it’s found, it could just have easily been named for what it does. “cortisol = tissue destroying hormone” just like there is a thing we call “growth hormone”.

Fungals have a primary function in nature. Decay.

Cortisol, that causes decay, is made by fungals.

That cortisol would cause a decay in the flesh, should be no surprise. It’s what it does.

There is another name for this, too. ROT. Once we start calling things by their right names, the brain thinks about these things better.

There are other names and forms of tissue rot. Three come to mind.

  1. Gangrene. This affects primarily diabetics.
  2. Necrotizing Fasciitis This affects primarily diabetics.
  3. Tissue decay from the street drug, “Krocodil”.

Necrotic simply means death of cells. Fasciitis simply means it’s through the fascia tissue.

Necrotizing Fasciitis infects less than 1000. It seems similar to MRSA. Why the name change? What’s the differences?

The CDC page on Necrotizing Fasciitis starts out blaming bacteria, listing several, quite a few different bacteria actually, and includes staph bacteria, a form of MRSA.

However, they go on to say the people more likely to get it are diabetics, those with kidney disease, or cancer. Cancer is fungal. Diabetes is poor blood sugar regulation. Cancer and diabetes often go together. Cancer eats sugars, just like fungals.

I don’t know anything at all about kidney disease. But the adrenals sit on top of the kidneys. Is kidney disease treated with cortisone? Looking it up. Of course it is!
“Cortisone belongs to a class of adrenal cortical steroid drugs and it is mainly used to treat adrenocortical hypofunction and pituitary function impairment. It is also widely used to treat kidney disease and kidney failure.”

So, people with kidney disease, taking cortisone, are among the class more likely to get necrotizing fasciitis, a flesh wasting disease!

And what does cortisone do? It destoys flesh, and raises blood sugar, causing a “diabetic effect”, another precursor for gangrene and necrotizing fasciitis, two other flesh wasting descriptive terms.

Another flesh wasting disease is leprosy. It only affects people with very weak immune systems. And what does cortisol also do? Lowers the immune system.

It seems to me that blaming bacteria, which are all arounds us all the time, is a false attribution of blame. Because so many different bacteria can be present at the site of “infection” of Necrotizing Fasciitis. In other words, it’s not specifically MRSA bacteria, it could be any bacteria. Well, if the tissue is rotting or dead (from, say cortisone), wouldn’t many forms of bacteria and fungals naturally do their job to clean that up and help the natural decay process? Natural decay processes should not be blamed if the decay is caused by another source.

There is bacteria on the skin of us all, all the time. Of course there would be bacteria on the surface of an open wound, too.

If a deer is shot in the woods, and dies, and then bacteria and fungals are found on the body a few days later as decay sets in, should we blame the fungals as the cause of death, or was it the bullet, or actually, the bleed out holes and tissue destruction from the bullet?

Again, from
“The most serious complication from long term corticosteroid use is aseptic necrosis (death of bone tissue) of the hip and knee joints. It occurs in 3-4%. of corticosteroid users.”

So, from this we see tissue destruction caused by cortizone, even without the presence of “tissue destroying bacteria”!

Might the “pain reduction” or “pain blocking” effect of cortisone be due to nerve damage in the area?

After all, cortisone is destroying all the tissue, bone and muscle, everything. It’s what it does.

Searching “cortisone nerve damage” leads right back to the Mayo Clinic link:

Nerve damage is listed second, right after joint infection!

So, if cortisone is providing pain relief, by killing all the flesh in the area, including the nerves… how can that be a good thing?


Alternative anti inflammatories are boron, and DMSO sulfur, magnesium, and green leafy vegetables.

Boron also makes the bones stronger; not weaker, like cortisone does.

DMSO actually restores nerve function after strokes; not destroying nerves like cortisone does.

Magnesium dissolves bone spurs.
“One way to treat the symptoms of a heel spur is with a warm bath with Epsom salt. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate”

Chelation from eating greens can help the body remove excess mineral deposits like bone spurs. Greens are also high in magnesium.

I actually healed all of my joint pains with green smoothies and isometric stretching. Greens and apples are both high in boron. I discovered DMSO, boron, and iodine after my joint pains were all healed.

I explain in great detail, at


Cortisone is also available over the counter.

Here is a list of over the counter steroid creams

Wow! Here’s another interesting connection. The strongest topical steroids cause skin blanching!

Skin blanching, I just now posted in another thread, is due to boron deficiency.

Boron makes bones strong. But Cortisone causes the bones to become weak.

Boron is an antibacterial and anti fungal. But Cortizone causes infections.

Cortisone has effects that are the opposite of boron!

And now the third confirmation: steroid creams, when strong enough, cause skin blanching. All three are symptoms of boron deficiency.

Here’s a fourth. Boron boosts testosterone. Testosterone, say the bodybuilders, has the opposite effect of cortisol.

My theory: people are not necessarily “catching” MRSA. Because 90-99% of the time, there is no problem when MRSA is present. Until the cortizone comes along, starts destroying the flesh, and then an infection develops within the dying flesh, because the bacteria had been inside all along, and that’s just what bacteria and fungals are supposed to do.

That’s how it worked for me. I had a staph infection within my lower back. There was never a puncture wound in that area. It was “said” that the bacteria corroded the bone. Well, maybe the hydrocortizone use over 5 years corroded the bone by causing a serious boron deficiency? When I was 17, about a year before, I also started developing very painful feet, they were calling it “stress fractures”, but maybe it was likely bone loss form the topical cortizone creams I was using for foot rash?

Looking up “cortisone boron” and nothing comes up. This is not unexpected though, since boron is little known, and little researched as it is.

Perhaps the rise in MRSA infections is also due to cortisone creams being available as anti itch creams that are available over the counter?

Cortizone creams are often used for a rash. What are the alternatives? A rash, in my opinion, is often either a fungal, or the body’s natural detoxing attempt, and a histimine reaction. If it’s a fungal, then reducing sugar, and iodine and boron should kill it. On the other hand, if the body needs more detoxing, such as from many different types of detox: green smoothies appear to be the safest. There is also diatomateous earth, zeolities, iodine, boron, activated charcoal, many amino acids in meats chelate. And finally, zinc helps the body bind histimine so it’s not released unless it really needs to. And of course, what is also used for a rash? Zinc oxide!


Ok, since there is very little on “cortisone and boron”, I’ll have to do more research… So this article is getting longer than I intended.

One of the key pieces of knolwedge of why boron cures arthritis is population studies correlated with boron in the soil.

Jamaica has the lowest boron in the world, the people get less than 1 mg/boron/day, and 90% of the people have arthritis.
In the USA, we get 1-3 mg/boron/day, and 30% of the people have arthritis.
In Israel, they get 8-20 mg/boron/day, and less than 1% of the people have arthritis.

They even know the mechanism for why boron cures arthritis and makes bones strong. Boron is taken up by the parathyroid, which makes a hormone, which helps the body retain and use calcium and magnesium, which are excreted less when people take boron.


Let’s back up. MRSA is methicillin resistant staph a. bacteria. What is methicillin? It’s name is “antibiotic” or “anti life”. It’s a class of drugs from the penicillin family, which are metabolites of fungus. Fugals cause decay. Antibacterials kill.

So then, using more descriptive words then, Doctors inject a metabolite of a fungus called a cortisone or “tissue destroying hormone”. Then, an infection sets in that is not cured when they administer another metabolite of a fungus called methicillin or any of the fungal based “cillin” antibiotics.

So, two flesh destroying fungal tissue and life destroying metabolites end up destroying the flesh, and we are all supposed to be surprised? It’s amazing, when you think about it, that doctors have the audacity to even call it a “MRSA” infection, just because MRSA happens to be present at the site of their fungal-based, tissue destroying attack! Are we to rightly believe that MRSA bacteria, that is 90-98% harmless, is somehow the cause? When cortizone always causes tissue destruction and decay as its primary function?

Would I take a cortizone shot, thinking I could be protected by iodine and boron and colloidal silver supplements? No. Cortisone is still going to destroy tissue, whether or not MRSA sets in. And how is tissue destruction a pathway to healing? To heal, I want to increase the blood flow, through exercise and massage, and increase life to the area, increase nutrients, remove the toxins, and so on. If I needed to “destroy my tissues” to heal, I would choose fasting and the natural increase in cortisol to do it.

Artificially taken hormones reduce the body’s ability to make the hormones that it needs.



When I started this article, I was just thinking that MRSA can’t really cause MRSA, since MRSA bacteria don’t result in MRSA nearly often enough. I was also thinking that MRSA might be a “boron deficiency” disease. But now, I don’t know if the presence of boron and/or iodine could stop the effect of an injection of cortisone, because cortizone just destroys tissues, that’s what it does, that’s the primary function.

It is my understanding that juries get to decide liability, sometimes by percentages. If I had to judge liability by percentage before I wrote this article, I might have said that MRSA is 20% “iodine deficiency disease”, 20% “colloidal silver disease”, 20% “boron deficiency disease” and 20% “cortisol and or other medicines toxicity disease”, and 20% the MRSA bacteria.

However, upon learning that flesh destruction and increased infections are not side effects of cortisol, but rather, primary functions of cortisol, my thinking has changed. Instead, I believe MRSA is primarily a cortisol disease, and that the medical establishment is covering this up.

The cover up is exposed in the denials. The CDC lists the top ten causes of death. It does not list MRSA in the top ten. Why not? Estimates range from 25,000 to 100,000 cases of death from MRSA.

The medical establishment lists two kinds of MRSA, hospital acquired, or community acquired. However, cortisol is used in hospitals, and many topical forms of cortisol are available to the public over the counter without a prescription, so people can acquire this flesh wasting disease out in the community now as well, which distorts and hides the fact that MRSA may well be 98-100% attributable to cortisol/cortisone.

Clearly, not 100% of cortisol use leads to MRSA infections.

I suppose what I would need to look up is “what rate of cortisol use results in MRSA infections”?

Unfortunately, hospitals are notorious for covering up such data.

What is the rate of infection after surgery? “The overall incidence of infection was 0.47 per 100 procedures. Around half of infections (51 per cent) were due to methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA).”

Regardless of infection rates, cortisol always destroys the flesh and always lowers the immune system, because those are the primary functions of cortisol.

So, let’s say one cortisone shot, plus a surgery (with cortisone) are up to 4.4% infection rates. (As seen at the study linked at the beginnig of this article.)

Presence of MRSA bacteria causing MRSA infections is as low as 1.3%.

So, from those rates, cortizone causes infections at up to 3.3 times higher rates, than the MRSA bug itself! (4.4% / 1.3%)

That’s one answer! MRSA is 3.3 times more likely caused by cortizone, than MRSA bacteria!

Here’s an article that examined medical legal cases in Germany. “278 were found to have been local injections of corticosteroids. In these 278 cases, there were 223 instances of infection and 55 of aseptic tissue damage.”

It could be that the naturally low amounts of iodine and boron that everyone has, tends to help give a protective effect to a MRSA infection, and that the relatively low amounts of both iodine and boron in the general public can get overwhelmed or used up by cortisol.

My gut instinct at the moment tells me that MRSA is at least 75% the fault of cortisol. But that’s not what the data mean. I’m open to the possibility that MRSA is up to 100% caused by cortisone, made by fungals.

It could well be that nearly 100% of the people with MRSA who get MRSA infections, also have used some form of cortisol, either a shot, or a surgery, or topical steroid creams.

I don’t think it’s possible to research the answer to the question, “At what rates do people with pre-existing MRSA bacteria, get MRSA infections after a cortisone shot, surgery with cortisone, or use of cortisone cream?”

I don’t think doctors who administer cortisone pre-check the nostrils of people for the presence of MRSA. Maybe they should.

It’s funny, because the media is already willing to blame MRSA on the overuse of antibiotics, which are another form of fungal based medicine. So, it’s not really much of a stretch to say that another fungal medicine, cortisone, which actually causes tissue death, and reduced immune function, and a rise of blood sugar, causes MRSA.

It could also be that fungal antibiotics are a co-factor to causing MRSA. How else would they know that an infection is resistant to antibiotics, unless they put the fungal antibiotics onto it and got no positive response?

Dumping two rot inducing fungals into the body at the same time, a cortisone and an antibiotic, (especially into a person with MRSA colonization in the nose) seems like an obvious recipee for disaster, when the alternatives of the antifungals and antibiotics of iodine and boron and colloidal silver exist. And for joint pain, there is boron, magnesium, zinc, copper and greens, which are all so much safer.

If MRSA is mostly caused by cortisone based medicines, then iodine, boron, and colloidal silver will have lessor effect healing it, until or unless topical cortisol creams and or pills and or injections and also fungal based antibiotics stop.


Last thing I wanted to look up, “antidote to cortisone”. Hardly anything “The person may receive: Activated charcoal” Absorbing a poison is one thing. Counteracting the effect is another.

It seems the bodybuilding world knows more than doctors do, so I’ll repeat the line from earlier: “Cortisol is termed catabolic as it has the opposite effect to testosterone, insulin and growth hormone in that it breaks down tissue.”

Who benefits from this information? Of course, the entire world would benefit, and as people stop thinking cortisone will heal them, when it’s really destroying them. I actually don’t know which groups might benefit the most, but a few come to mind:

Sports teams who are being sued, or who are settling lawsuits over MRSA infections obtained by athletes who get cortisone injections or surgery followed by cortisone now have a means to protect themselves, and their athletes.

If MRSA is caused by cortisone, this explains why endless and excessive sterilization of facilities does not stop nor prevent MRSA. It could be a red herring, a false accusation, that people are getting MRSA through scratches in their skins.

If MRSA is caused by cortisone, then sports teams could insulate themselves from liability, and also protect their valuable athletes, by warning of the dangers of cortisone to their athletes in advance.
“In 1974, the Hall of Fame linebacker Dick Butkus of the Bears sued his team, contending that repeated cortisone injections had harmed his long-term health. The Bears paid Butkus $600,000 in a settlement.”

MRSA Infections Continue To Plague The NFL
“One of the players, kicker Lawrence Tynes, this year sued the team for $20 million, alleging the MRSA infection ended his career.
Tynes claimed the team was at fault because it did not maintain the cleanliness of its facility. That case is pending.”

If MRSA is caused by cortisone, then lawyers who are bringing lawsuits against the medical establishment will need this information to win cases of medical malpractice and/or neglect.

I therefore plan to contact professional sports associations, and law firms, and MRSA researchers with this information.
Medical malpractice and corticosteroid use.
To analyze malpractice litigation trends related to the administration of corticosteroids and the reported complications.

Eighty-three cases met inclusion criteria and were selected for review. The most common conditions for which steroids were prescribed were pain (23%), asthma or another pulmonary condition (20%), a dermatologic condition (18%), a nondermatologic autoimmune condition (17%), and allergies (6%). Allegation of negligent use was the most common reason for a suit being filed (65%), followed by lack of proper informed consent (36%), failure to diagnose or misdiagnosis (22%), multiple allegations (25%), and wrongful death (4%). Verdicts for the defendant predominated (59%), whereas 24 cases (29%) were found for the plaintiff, and 10 cases (12%) settled out of court. The range of monetary awards was from $25,000 to $8.1 million. Complications reported were often multiple and included avascular necrosis (39%), mood changes (16%), visual complaints (14%), and infectious complications (14%). Three cases involved otolaryngologists.

Although other specialties were more often involved in suits, otolaryngologists frequently prescribe corticosteroids and must be diligent in explaining potential side effects of steroids. The informed consent process, documentation, and close monitoring of patients are critical to avoid potential litigation.

Figure 1 is a pie chart that shows the percentage of MRSA-associated hospital stays in California in 2013 by clinical condition associated with MRSA. Septicemia: 15.9; pneumonia: 17.0; cellulitis and skin ulcers: 41.9; complications of surgery or medical care: 7.4; other: 17.8.

complications of surgery

Septicemia is treated with cortisone:
Corticosteroids for severe sepsis: an evidence-based guide for physicians
“Hydrocortisone should be given at a daily dose of 200 mg”

pneumonia is treated with cortisone:
Reports of corticosteroids for the treatment of pneumonia date back at least 6 decades;

cellulitis is treated with cortisone:
Treatments for Cellulitis
“NSAIDs and corticosteroids are essential parts of the treatment because they provide symptomatic relief.”


MRSA costs $10 billion.
“MRSA care in the U.S. can cost up to $60,000 per patient and up to $9.7 billion annually.”

Medicare penalties for MRSA infections could cost some hospitals millions
“The federal government will start penalizing hospitals in 2017 for patients who contract Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections during their stay, and the move will cost many institutions millions of dollars in Medicare revenue–not to mention the cost of treating the afflicted patient.”


Methicillin, the first beta-lactamase-resistant penicillin, was licensed in England

First MRSA isolates identified in a British study

Infrequent hospital outbreaks of MRSA in Western Europe and Australia

First hospital outbreak of MRSA in the United States at the Boston City Hospital, Massachusetts

1968–mid 1990s
MRSA gradually recognized as an endemic pathogen in hospitals, especially in large urban university hospitals
Percent of Staphylococcus aureus infections in hospitalized patients that were caused by MRSA increased slowly but steadily
Methicillin was introduced in 1959 to treat infections caused by penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. In 1961 there were reports from the United Kingdom of S. aureus isolates that had acquired resistance to methicillin (methicillin-resistant S. aureus, MRSA)

“Cortisone was first produced commercially by Merck & Co. in 1948 or 1949.”
“During the 1950’s, the potential for corticosteroid therapy expanded. After its initial success in treating rheumatoid arthritis, cortisone was used to successfully treat a range of other diseases as well.”

What conditions are treated?
Many diseases are treated with corticosteroids. It would be difficult to include all of them on a single list. For example, when prednisone entered the market, it concerned the treatment of over a hundred diseases.
A study in the UK revealed that the main conditions frequently requiering long term (i.e. > 3 months) prescriptions of oral corticosteroid over the past 20 years were:

Asthma 25 – 30% of prescriptions
Polymyalgia rheumatica/ giant cell arteritis 15 – 20% of prescriptions
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 15 – 20% of prescriptions
Rheumatoid arthritis 5% of prescriptions
Cancer 5% of prescriptions
Eczema/ atopic dermatitis/ pruritus 5% of prescriptions
Other skin diseases 5% of prescriptions
Crohn’s disease 3% of prescriptions
Ulcerative colitis 3% of prescriptions
Transplantation less than 2% of prescriptions
Connective tissue (e.g. systemic lupus) less than 2% of prescriptions
Sarcoidosis less than 1% of prescriptions
Addison’s disease less than 1% of prescriptions
Other vasculitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis) less than 1% of prescriptions
Myasthenia less than 1% of prescriptions
Kidney disease less than 1% of prescriptions

And that’s only “oral” cortisone use. It is also injected and also used as skin creams.

Iodine is effective against MRSA

1% Iodine kills MRSA in 15 seconds.
Bactericidal activity of antiseptics against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
“Povidone-iodine (Betadine) solution was maximally effective at the 1:100 dilution, killing all the MRSA within 15 s(econds)”
Evaluation of chlorhexidine and povidone iodine activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis using a surface test.
“Povidone iodine was equally active against resistant and sensitive strains of both species with microbicidal effects (ME), i.e. the log(10)concentration of micro-organisms compared with controls treated with distilled water, after 1.5 min of 3.14 and 3.49 for VRE and VSE respectively, and 3.47 and 3.78 for MRSA and MSSA.”

Alternatives are:

  1. Boosting the body’s natural cortisone production through sleep, salt, B vitamins and herbs.
  2. Reducing inflammation through green smoothies, DMSO, or boron.
  3. Fighting infections (sepsis and cellulitis) through iodine, boron, and colloidal silver.
  4. Instead of taking a flesh destroying hormone, boost your own testosterone boosting hormones through iodine, boron, herbs.
  5. Reduce bone spurs with magnesium, and boron.
  6. Eliminate arthritis through boron, and greens and stretching.
  7. Pnumonia treated with h2o2 and iodine.