How to Stop and Prevent Bleeding & Bruising.

(Useful for Reducing nosebleeds, reducing heavy periods, planned optional surgery preparation, planned UFC fighting events.)

I have a very rare type II bleeding disorder. About 100 people in the nation have it. At least 13 of them are in my own family.

I used to get nosebleeds so bad they would “gush” or “stream” and not drip, and last for up to an hour, and I went to the emergency rooms several times, and got my nose cauterized several times for these bleeds. But not anymore.

So, over my lifetime, I have gathered a list of things that help stop bleeding, and a list of things that cause bleeding. Following the guidelines works for me, and it appears it works for all who have tried these methods. Things that stop bleeding, listed in my own perceived order of importance:

  1. Copper. “In addition to preventing anemia, copper assists in blood coagulation” Again, the reverse is true, too much copper can deplete Vitamin C and can therefore cause bleeding. The body needs both copper and vitamin C to form collagen and keep collagen strong and stop bleeding. The body needs copper and several B vitamins to convert iron into red blood cells, which also prevents anemia, and helps stop bleeding. Some zinc needs to be taken with copper to form collagen. Without zinc, more bleeding can take place. We find the best ratio of zinc to copper is from around 3:1 zinc to copper to 1:1. Zinc, at 15:1 to copper, depletes copper and causes bleeding again.
  2. Greens, leafy greens, these work especially well in smoothies, but salads would work, too. Greens contain Vitamin K, but greens work far better than Vitamin K. A green smoothie with about a cup of greens also contains about 1000 mg of Vitamin K, whereas most Vitamin K pills are only 500 mg. Greens are chelating, which means they remove minerals. We also need minerals for clotting, and those minerals are listed below. Vitamin K takes about 24 hours to start working.
  3. Cayenne Pepper. Black pepper also works, but not as much as cayenne. Cayenne works within about 5 minutes.
  4. Vitamin C helps strengthen the walls of the blood vessels in the nose to help prevent bleeds from starting. But too much C can actually cause longer nosebleeds. I believe this happens because too much C can cause a deficiency of copper, which is also required to stop bleeding. I take between 1000 to 3000 mg vitamin C and between 0 to 30 mg of copper. 10mg of copper is the “tolerable upper human limit”, but I have had more success going above that. See here:
  5. Calcium. Low calcium is associated with bleeding. “Association Between Serum Calcium Level and Extent of Bleeding in Patients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage.” “A low calcium level may be associated with a subtle coagulopathy predisposing to increased bleeding and might therefore be a promising therapeutic target”
  6. B vitamins: We believe B6 and B9 are too toxic to supplement with. This rules out taking B complex vitamins. The other reason we avoid B complex vitamins is they do not include enough B12. We take: B1,2,3,5,7,12 in 6 separate individually packaged bottles.
  7. Zinc, like copper and Vitamin C, are all needed to make collagen. Better collagen leads to stronger blood vessels and stronger skin, which bleeds less. I have not found that zinc leads to less bleeding in the scientific literature, but they do claim it is needed for collagen formation. And my experience is that zinc helps stop bleeding. But too much zinc over copper, and zinc can block copper. 15:1 ratio of zinc to copper blocks copper. But some zinc helps us aborb copper better, and works with copper, such as at 13 mg zinc, and 1.3 mg copper. Or also, at higher levels, but a lower ratio, such as 50 mg zinc, and 30 mg copper, they also work well together.
  8. Lavender essential oil
  9. Frankincense essential oil
  10. Myrrh essential oil
  11. Iodine and Boron. Both detox fluoride. Excess Fluoride (which causes iodine deficiency) can cause bleeding. Thanks to Melissa Gardner at her video 29:15 into it, she tells the story of getting nosebleeds after getting fluoride pills from her dentist at age 5. Additional Sources: I went into my notes on fluoride, sure enough, it’s listed as Hemorrhage, not bleeding. Her two sources are:

1) Meiers P – “Zur Toxizität von Fluorverbindungen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Onkogenese”, Verlag für Medizin Dr. Ewald Fischer, Heidelberg (1984)

2) Waldbott GL, Burgstahler AW, McKinney HL – “Fluoridation:The Great Dilemma” Coronado Press (1978)

I recommend the high iodine protocol, here are my notes on iodine and boron:

I also take an expanded list of minerals, more than listed above. This list is found here:

Things that cause bleeding:

  1. Iron. Iron blocks copper, and can therefore cause bleeding and anemia. Anemics can have bleeding due to low red blood cell counts. Iron alone does not always solve Anemia. We need several other nutrients for the body to help use iron and turn it into blood cells. For the body to convert iron into blood cells, the body also needs copper. “In fact, anemia due to copper deficiency has been frequently reported in adults.3 Copper, iron and calcium can all block the absorption of the other, the body needs all three in balance. The body also needs B12 and another B vitamin to convert iron into blood cells. “Vitamin B12 deficiency Anemia”. Folate, and possibly a third B vitamin are also needed. I rarely take iron. I had high iron a few years ago. Men typically do. Because we don’t bleed much. But women bleed during their periods, and can end up low in iron as a result. My wife was low in iron, and when she began to take iron in addition to the other things on this list with regularity and diligence, her heavy periods stopped.
  2. Alcohol & sugar & white bread. They deplete minerals such as iron, calcium, and copper and B vitamins.
  3. Pain killers like Tylenol, Aspirin and Ibuprofen. They all cause bleeding, but doctors will say that Tylenol causes the least or no bleeding, or to take Ibuprofen, but neither is true. People die from bleeds from taking each of those. The mechanism by which they cause stomach bleeds is that each one depletes the copper, causing bleeding. Interestingly, two alternatives to pain killers are in the list above: greens and lavender. Another alternative to pain killers is DMSO sulfur which is also strongly anti inflammatory. But DMSO sulfur causes bleeding, whereas MSM sulfur does not. Other prescription drugs can also cause bleeding. Every prescription drug that you are taking should be carefully looked at to see if it causes bleeding as a side effect. If it’s a side effect, it’s not a “chancy” thing, it’s a sure thing.
  4. All mints; peppermint, wintergreen, spearmint, found in candy, tea, toothpaste, dental floss. This one is tricky and weird. Dentists push this flavor, which causes bleeding, right into your mouth where your gums are likely to bleed, then say that the bleeding is a sign of “infection”, when it might just be a reaction to the mints! One time, I had no nosebleed for nearly a year, and I decided to test a cup of peppermint tea. The next day, I had a nosebleed!
  5. Mentholatum, menthol and methyl salicylate all cause bleeding. This is useful for breaking up bruises and breaking up blood clots, and because of that it usually used in body rubs such as Ben Gay, or Tiger Balm. Also used in Vicks vapor rub, or Vicks cough drop candies. As a bleeder, who got bad bruises, I found these very useful at first. But if you continue to use these products, and then do things that cause bleeding or bruising, the bruising can get very, very bad.
  6. Clove, clove supplements, clove essential oils. Also found as an alternative to mints, in some toothpastes.
  7. Eucalyptus causes bleeding. A friend of mine was introduced to this. I said no more than every other day. He began using it three times a day on his arms, simply because he liked the smell. Soon, he began to have red bleeds under the skin that looked like tattoos. It took a while to discover what was causing the problem, but we did.
  8. Camphor. Camphor essential oil. Camphor lip balm. These cause bleeding, too. Like mentholatum, menthol, and methyl salicylate, camphor creates a cooling sensation, and is also indicated for tired muscles, healing and breaking up a bruise. So, it breaks up clotting (bruise), thus causing bleeding.
  9. Blood thinners. Both natural and prescription. Garlic can cause bleeding. But what is far worse is warfarin. Warfarin is rat poison.
  10. Medications. Read the side effects. If it says “causes bleeding”, there you go. I believe many medications cause bleeding by way of depleting copper.
  11. Sodium Citrate prevents clotting. Also, citrus helps absorb zinc, and is antagonist to copper. Source: “1914: Almost simultaneously, researchers Albert Hustin of Brussels and Luis Agote of Buenos Aires discover that adding sodium citrate to blood will prevent it from clotting. Dr. Hustin publishes his findings in April.” Source 2: “Sodium citrate is used to prevent donated blood from clotting in storage.” Additional point: There is a popular “adrenal cocktail” with salt added to orange juice. It may cause bleeding if you over consume it.
  12. Serrapeptase disrupts clotting, and is used to “degenerate” tissues, which is always a bad thing. Your body does not need faster degeneration in any setting nor for any reason. You need to remove toxins, and build back up.
  13. Folate. (Vitamin B9). Folate can deplete B 12, and thus cause anemia, low red blood cell counts, and thus cause more bleeding.
  14. Lycopene, a carotenoid (Vitamin A precursor) found in tomatoes and watermelon. “Lycopene may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with anticoagulant drugs.[28]
  15. Aloe Vera “Oral use of aloe might also slow blood clotting. Taking aloe orally with either of these types of medications might lead to increased bleeding.” As of 12/20/2023, I noticed my recent daily consumption of Aloe Vera led to a minor nosebleed.,might%20lead%20to%20increased%20bleeding.

If you know of anything that helps to stop bleeding and helps to cause it, please leave a comment below.