The Copper Revolution: Ch 14: Copper, a historic cure-all

Copper was regarded as a cure-all in 1841 by Johann Gottfried Rademacher.  It was listed as a “universal medicinal product” that can “eliminate most forms of disease”.

(born August 4, 1772 in Hamm in the county of Mark, † February 9, 1850 in Goch)

(1.) Universal medicinal products – these are those that can eliminate most forms of disease. They are of mineral origin, such as copper, iron and cubes of saltpeter.

Unfortunately, his book is over 900 pages, volume 1, and is all in German.

This refutes the many people who claim that copper for human health was “discovered” in dates that often range from 1920 to 1950.

Next article: This miraculous metal could cure all that ails

“In Ancient Egypt, the metal was used to sanitize drinking water and treat chest wounds, as well as other infections, scalds, and itching. Recently, the use of copper containers for drinking has been revisited as a low-cost way to fight infections in developing countries.”

“In Ancient Greece, copper was used in wound dressings, particularly for leg ulcers. Dry copper was sprinkled into the dressings of fresh wounds to prevent infections.”

“The Romans used copper to treat venereal diseases and non-healing chronic ulcers.”

Copper for ulcers is mentioned in two ancient societies, Greece and Romans.  Today, we know of many actual mechanisms of action for why copper would heal ulcers.  1.  Copper stops bleeding.  2. Non-healing leg ulcers are associated with diabetes, and copper is good for diabetics.  3.  Copper promotes growth.  4.  Copper kills infections.  5.  Copper is needed for collagen formation.

“In the 19th and 20th centuries, inorganic copper preparations were used to treat chronic adenitis, impetigo, eczema, tuberculosis, syphilis, lupus, and more. Its use continued until 1932 when antibiotics were made commercially available.”

In other words, copper is an effective antibiotic, and so much more!

I note, like colloidal silver and iodine, copper also was abandoned as an antibiotic with the rise of fluoride and fungal-based prescription antibiotics.  I prefer to use silver, iodine, and copper, rather than fluoride or fungus.  And not too shockingly, I have not needed any prescription antibiotics since I started using the minerals!

Copper: An Ancient Remedy That Actually Works

“A natural material that has enjoyed long use in medicine and health is copper. Copper, in various forms, is finding renewed interest in the last decades for its biocidal properties. Without knowing why it was effective, ancient Egyptians and Greeks used copper powder in wound care and to cure eye infections. We now understand that copper has very effective antibacterial properties, killing bacteria through oxidation. Interestingly, another ancient use of copper was to help control seizures. Today, we know that there is a connection between copper deficiency and seizures, especially in patients with Wilson’s disease. There are even new antibiotics being studied that use copper, which makes sense when you consider our own immune system uses copper in the same way.”

Using Copper to Improve the Well-Being of the Skin

Key quote: “the ancient Chinese culture (~3000 B.C. TO 1100 A.D.), who used copper (sulfate or sulfide) for topical treatment of skin and eye diseases and also for treatment of systemic infections by oral administration of copper; the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca cultures (~600 B.C. TO 1500 A.D.), who used gauzes soaked in a copper sulfate solution to ‘‘disinfect’’ surgical wounds afflicted during widely practiced drilling of a hole in the skull as a physical, mental, or spiritual treatment, with estimated survival rates above 50%;”

“the ancient Roman culture (~600 B.C. TO 476 A.D.), who used various copper compounds for the treatment of eye and skin diseases, inflammation of the tonsils, hemorrhoids and generally wound treatment”.

After reading so much about copper in history, I considered what the Bible had to say.

In the Bible, a large copper/brass bowl, or bath, 15 feet wide, 7 feet deep, was used in the Temple by the priests to wash or baptize. 

The command to make it:

“Thou shalt also make a laver of brass, and his foot also of brass, to wash withal: and thou shalt put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar, and thou shalt put water therein.” –Exodus 30:18

Solomon building it:

“And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.” — 1 Kings 7:23-26

The Babylonians destroying the brasen (brass) sea:

“Also the pillars of brass that were in the house of the Lord, and the bases, and the brasen sea that was in the house of the Lord, the Chaldeans brake, and carried all the brass of them to Babylon.” — Jeremiah 52:17

The “Molten Sea” described and pictured in wikipedia:

People continue to make bathtubs out of copper today, typically costing thousands of dollars.  I estimate the copper bath that Solomon built would cost about half a million dollars worth of copper today.