Silver Prices Must Rise: Silver ETF partially approved

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 21, 2006 Silver Prices must rise because of the silver shortage!(This is my first email since March 2).  The last Silver Stock Report covering over 80 silver companies was produced in July, 2005, and can be found here: The Silver ETF is partially Approved! NY silver sprints to… Continue reading Silver Prices Must Rise: Silver ETF partially approved

Silver Coin Proposal

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 2, 2006 Silver Coin Proposal Congratulations to all silver investors!   The following is the cover letter that I’m sending to the 50 governors’ offices. Jason Hommel                                                                                                                March 3, 2006xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx, CA xxxxx(530) Governor’s OfficeAttention Scheduling Department.Governor XXXXXX XXXXXXXXState Capitol BuildingCity,  State, ZIP CODE Attention Scheduling Department.… Continue reading Silver Coin Proposal

Refuting Peak Oil’s “The market won’t work” Nonsense

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, December 16, 2005 “Peak Oil” is a theory, that is beginning to concern many people, that says the world will soon, if not already, reach a peak of oil production.  This theory is based on the observation that with any oil field, there is a time of peak production,… Continue reading Refuting Peak Oil’s “The market won’t work” Nonsense

GM soon to be Bankrupt

The Death of the Dollar Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 18, 2005 Ceasar was supposed to be a god.Julias Caesar was killedon the Ides of March (March 15th) Today, we don’t make men gods. Instead society has made our financial system into a false god. On March 15th, 2005, (the ides of March)… Continue reading GM soon to be Bankrupt

25 Reasons why the Sound Money Bill Must Be Supported

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, July 8, 2004     The state of Nevada considered minting and issuing silver coins in 2003.  They were thinking about minting once ounce silver coins with a legal tender face value of $20.     But that creates a problem.  That would not be sound silver money, but rather, fraudulent… Continue reading 25 Reasons why the Sound Money Bill Must Be Supported

Major Frauds of the U.S. Monetary System

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Feb 24, 2004     Fraud #1. Paper Money. Originally, a paper dollar was a paper promise, a contract, to pay in gold or silver. The issuers of dollars have defaulted on that promise numerous times in recent history, at a rate of about once per generation. The issuers of… Continue reading Major Frauds of the U.S. Monetary System

Freedom from Usury

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 23, 2004 Last week, I wrote an article, “Usury Enslaves“.  In this article I will discuss what I feel is the solution to the problem of usury.  I will discuss how and why society will benefit from the freedom from usury, and I will discuss how to become free individually.… Continue reading Freedom from Usury

Usury Enslaves

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 19, 2004     Luke 6:35    But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without    expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great…     Even in ancient scriptures, there is allusion to the fault of lending for the purpose of receiving back… Continue reading Usury Enslaves

The U.S. Trade Advantage with China

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Dec 17, 2003     There are misconceptions about our trade relations with China. Misguided U.S. patriots complain about the cheap Chinese labor taking away domestic jobs and U.S. politicians blame the cheap Chinese currency, and complain about the unfair trade advantage that China has.     Those are one-sided views.… Continue reading The U.S. Trade Advantage with China

Categorised as Political

Is the Silver Market Too Small to Buy?

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Nov 13, 2003 This week a popular gold community advisor warned that investment advisors create a self-fulfilling prophecy when they influence market participants to buy small market cap stocks.     I agree completely.     But this other advisor then went on to imply that such advice to buy small… Continue reading Is the Silver Market Too Small to Buy?

Inflation & Deflation During Hyperinflation

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Nov 6, 2003 Inflation is defined as an increase in volume of the money supply, and deflation, as a decrease. Thus, the money supply is said to be either growing (inflating) or shrinking (deflating).     But there is a problem. The definitions for inflation and deflation contain a false… Continue reading Inflation & Deflation During Hyperinflation

The Moral Failures of the Paper Longs

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 22, 2003     Based on my readings of GATA’s work (, my readings of Ted Butler’s work (, and a little application of common sense, I see clearly that the gold and silver futures markets are manipulated and controlled by the endless creation and selling of futures contracts.… Continue reading The Moral Failures of the Paper Longs

CFTC Response to Silver Problem

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 14, 2003     Editor’s Note: The following communiqué exchanges between Jason Hommel and the CFTC about the Silver Problem.     Open Letter To the Authorities of the Silver Markets     In reply to David Kass, Senior Economist, CFTC.     Date: January 8, 2003    From: “Kass, David” dkass@CFTC.GOV    … Continue reading CFTC Response to Silver Problem

Open Letter to the Authorities of the Gold and Silver Markets

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 6, 2003     Michael Gorham, Director of Market Oversight    U.S. CFTC (Commodity futures trading commission)    Three Lafayette Centre    1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20581    Telephone: (202) 418-5260    Facsimile: (202) 418-5527    Email: —–     Neal Wolkoff, Executive Vice President and Chief    Operating Officer    New York Mercantile Exchange    World… Continue reading Open Letter to the Authorities of the Gold and Silver Markets

Why no talk of $32,567/oz ?

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 2, 2003     What I learned at the San Francisco Gold Mining and Precious Metals Conference on Dec. 1-2, 2002:     I have been diligently studying the precious metals markets through the internet and books for five years now. I’ve written a few articles, trying my best to… Continue reading Why no talk of $32,567/oz ?

The Great Harlot of Rev 17-18 is Jerusalem

Before the discussion of the text of Revelation 17-18 here is the text: It’s very important to know who the Great Harlot is if we are to obey the command in Rev 18:4, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her… Continue reading The Great Harlot of Rev 17-18 is Jerusalem