The generic Hydrocortisone is manufactured by 18 companies.
Listed are 7 international and reliable suppliers for cortisone.
These vendors belong to 7 different business types like ‘Bulk chemical producer’ and ‘Bulk and laboratory supplier’
Many, perhaps all, MRSA cases fit into the category of medical malpractice, because cortisone causes MRSA.
The government exists to enable the punishment of medical malpractice, not to reward it.
MRSA is fraud, if it is induced by another medical treatment, because you can’t make another person sick, and then charge the government for your negligence. That would be like poisoning someone so you can bill the government for administering the antidote to the poison; it would be two crimes, not just the fraudulent billing!
The Medical Establishment loses many qui tam cases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_pharmaceutical_settlements
Up to 25% of cases filed, are won.
The “Public Disclosure Bar”
Is it disclosed that cortisone causes MRSA? No. It is disclosed that MRSA patients should avoid cortisone? No.
Hospitals, nor Pharma, nor the Cortisol/cortisone warnings do not warn that cortisol or cortisone can cause MRSA. Instead, they dance around and hide the issue. They only come close to saying that, warning that cortisol/cortisone causes infections, or that cortisone cause bone loss/destruction. The public line on MRSA is that MRSA causes MRSA, not “cortisone causes MRSA”.
A search of “cortisone side effects” brings up:
MRSA is not listed, and neither is infections.
However, they do list, “aseptic necrosis of femoral and humoral heads” This means “without bacteria destruction of the flesh of bones”
MRSA is not listed, only infections. Flesh destroying infections are not listed.
MRSA is not listed. “In 1989, one publication claimed that infections were observed in 12.7% of patients treated with corticosteroids versus 8% of patients that were not given the treatment.”
Conversely, Cortisone is not warned against being used, when looking at MRSA treatment.
“The CDC recommends clinicians use the 2011 guidelines published by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) that detail treatments. The 38-page set of guidelines can be found at
Scanning that document shows no mention of either the terms “cortisol” or “cortisone”.
Original Source requirement.
Nobody else is saying “cortisone causes MRSA”
Three points, as follows:
- Nobody at the top ten search results at google have anyone saying “cortisone causes MRSA”
- The CDC never says “cortisone causes MRSA”
- The media never says “cortisone causes MRSA”
A google search of “cortisone causes MRSA” shows nothing definitive nor authoritative along these lines in the top ten, but rather, mostly there are only questions about the possibility as follows:
Will cortisone shots re-infect my MRSA ? – MRSA Discussion Forum …
Jan 15, 2012 – 6 posts – ?6 authors
I am only 34 so the insurance company will only cover a cortisone shot as the next step in the process. So, I initially came here to ask: DOES THE CORTISONE SHOT CAUSE ANY RISK OF RECURRING MRSA? I honestly don’t think I can handle another MRSA infection in that knee. I don’t mean to sound …
Septic and Aseptic Complications of Corticosteroid Injections
by C Holland – ?2012 – ?Cited by 34 – ?Related articles
Jun 15, 2012 – Even though the selective data contained in MERS cannot be extrapolated to yield an estimate of the total number of injection-related adverse events that occur in Germany every year, they are certainly a good source of information on the cortisone injection–related complications and avoidable treatment …
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection of the …
by KH Teoh – ?2015 – ?Related articles
Oct 30, 2014 – Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection of the subacromial bursa: an unusual complication following subacromial corticosteroid injection (a report of two cases). Kar H Teoh … He responded well to treatment and was discharged back to the general orthopaedic ward the next day.
Daniel Fells’ Infection: How Often Does MRSA Lead to Amputation?
https://www.livescience.com › Health
Oct 12, 2015 – At this point, MRSA infections can often be treated with powerful antibiotics. … Moreover, certain medications may mask the signs of infection by reducing inflammation. A cortisone injection could possibly mask the signs, Shopsin said. MRSA can spread very quickly, Shopsin said.
cortisone shots and mrsa – MDJunction
Aug 11, 2009 – 4 posts – ?4 authors
cortisone shots and mrsa: I currently have a bad knee that needs arthroscopic surgery. Well probably can’t do that cause the mrsa will propbably develop.
Superbug MRSA linked to pain injections – UPI.com
Jul 12, 2012 – The three Arizona patients with MRSA were hospitalized for nine to 41 days, with additional long-term acute care required for one patient. A fourth recipient was found deceased at home, six days after treatment at a clinic, the report said. The
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services was notified …
CA-MRSA Skin Infections: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of …
One morning during wrestling season, he noticed a sore spot on his left buttock, assumed it was an insect bite, and applied hydrocortisone cream. … Initially almost exclusively health care–associated, by the mid-1990s, MRSA strains were reported to cause infections among previously healthy individuals in the community …
Medical malpractice (Due to Cortisone shot in k – Q&A – Avvo – Avvo.com
https://www.avvo.com › Legal Advice › Personal injury › Advice
Mar 30, 2014 – A staph infection is an unavoidable complication of a cortisone injection. If there is a deviation from the standard of care, it would consist of a delay in the diagnosis and treatment of the staph infection. You need to request the nurse’s progress notes and lab reports to determine if…
Current Insights On Using Cortisone Injections For Athletes | Podiatry …
Aug 28, 2015 – Cortisone shots are either short-acting or long-acting. Short-acting shots normally are beneficial for three days and can quickly reduce inflammation. They are commonly betamethasone (6 mg/mL) or dexamethasone (4 mg/mL) formulas. Since even short-acting cortisone can cause damage/weakness to …
A Kentucky Hospital May be Spreading Deadly MRSA Infections …
Two days later, that patient was diagnosed with an epidural abscess due to a MRSA infection. The abscess was compressing the spinal cord and caused severe neurological deficits. And from what we hear, when the patient was admitted she was told by a healthcare provider that she was not the only case of MRSA due to …
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Of those articles, the closest one to saying that cortisone causes MRSA is a lawyer on the page here, but he says Staph, not MRSA, which is the more deadly form of Staph. However, in reality, the rest of his comments suggests he thinks other factors are more important.
He writes:
“A staph infection is an unavoidable complication of a cortisone injection. If there is a deviation from the standard of care, it would consist of a delay in the diagnosis and treatment of the staph infection.
You need to request the nurse’s progress notes and lab reports to determine if there were signs and symptoms of an infection in your mother’s knee, such as redness, swelling and pain. The lab reports will provide the white blood cell count which will be elevated (above 10,500) when there is an infection.”
The page is very instructive on the current ideas of thought of lawyers in general regarding the topic. Most seem to think MRSA is more likely caused by MRSA bacteria, such as through contamination, rather than cortisone, and none make the connection that cortisone is a flesh destroying hormone causeing a flesh destroying infection.
Point 2: The CDC website does not say that cortisone causes MRSA.
The CDC maintains that MRSA bacteria is the Cause of MRSA infections in healthcare settings, with no mention of cortisone:
“How Does Someone Know if MRSA is the Cause of an Infection?
The only way to know if MRSA is the cause of an infection is to perform a laboratory culture of the bacteria. Obtaining bacteria to culture is a procedure done by a doctor or nurse.”
The CDC maintains that MRSA is an antibiotic resistance problem:
“Is MRSA an Antibiotic Resistance Problem?
Yes. Staph bacteria have become resistant to several antibiotics, making MRSA and other types of resistant staph major antibiotic-resistance problems. In CDC’s landmark report, Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2013, CDC listed MRSA as a “serious threat.” See the report and the national plan to combat antibiotic resistance here”
On the CDC MRSA Prevention page, there is no mention of cortisone at all, and also nothing about avoiding cortisone to prevent MRSA.
They only talk about cleaning as prevention. I find this ironic, given that hospitals and doctors vehemently opposed cleaning as being necessary as recently as the early 1900’s when doctors refused to wash their hads after performing autopsies and before delivering babies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK144018/
Point 3. The media has been saying with regularity for over ten years that MRSA is caused by the overuse of antibiotics. They never point to cortisone as the cause of MRSA.
Based on these three pieces of evidence, nothing in the top ten google searches, and nothing on the CDC website, and the media parroting that MRSA is caused by antibiotic resistance, in that sense, this lawsuit, based on my studies, research, experience, and my intuition that cortison is the primary cause of MRSA, qualifies as an “original source” fulfilling the “Original Source requirement”.
The CDC is hiding information about MRSA in several ways.
- MRSA is not listed in the CDC list of the top ten ways to die.
- The CDC does not list the numbr of MRSA cases, citing wide ranges or none at all.
- There are several tests for MRSA; blood tests, biopsies, etc., so they know how to detect it. They also know it’s MRSA if they try to treat infections with pennicillin and methcillin, and then they don’t work.
MRSA is an interesting disease, that the medical establishment would naturally want to hide, if they know they are the cause of it. Also MRSA is a testimony against doctor use of fungal based antibiotics, which don’t work against MRSA, which shows that they should be using mineral based antibiotics like iodine, colloidal silver, boron, zinc, copper, etc., instead. The media line about MRSA, that we need to find new antbiotics that work against MRSA, is essentially a call to go back to using what used to work, and used to be used, iodine, colloidal silver, etc.