Paid Stock Pick

My most popular question about my paid stock pick, “where does this stock trade?” 4 Exchanges: London, Berlin, Toronto, and the US on the OTC.

The stock price ticked up, and new shares were issued; this changes the market cap, and leverage as follows.

Paid Stock Pick: as of 7-31-19
Market Cap, $25 million USD.
Resources of 2.4 million oz. of gold at 4g/t.
2.4 million oz. x $1415 gold = $3400 million
$3400 million Resources / $25 million Market Cap = Leverage: 134 to 1.
Project is permitted.
Located in South America.
Project backed by an investor with a net worth of $25 billion.

In the last week, the leverage decreased from 176 to 134 to 1. This is still highly leveraged. This is great for people buying in now; I believe now is a bottom, and that this kind of exploration stock stands to move up strongly to catch up to the gold price that has broken out to 4 year highs.

The public tends to not buy market opportunities at the bottom. That’s what makes it a bottom. And yet, everyone tries to buy in at the top. I saw this especially in bitcoin, as bitcoin first hit $13,000 a coin nearly two years ago. Everyone was a bitcoin salesman on facebook. People were emailing me out of the blue, saying they were going to sell their silver for bitcoin because they didn’t want to miss out.

It should be the opposite. People should be scrambling to buy this stock, while the price has bottomed, as it WILL go up to catch up to the gold price.

I am literally astonished at the leverage here, and high grades. Silver stocks rarely had leverage greater than 40 to 1. This gold stock, with NI 43-101 compliant and validated resources is leveraged at 155 to 1.

A leverage calculation makes no calculation as to the costs of getting the gold out of the ground. But the grades are high at 4 grams per tonne.

I didn’t think this company had those cost to mine estimates yet, because the leverage of this stock is so great. Usually, by the time we get a full feasibility study, the stock price has moved up far more than we see here. But they have a permit, and they do have those estimates:

Current estimated cash costs to mine each ounce of gold are $700/oz., which is half the gold price of $1400.

The grades are high, and this will be an open pit mine producing around 100,000 oz. per year.

$700 x 100,000 = $70 million.

The CAPEX is $110 million, which is the cost to build the mine. So the payback would be in about 1.6 years? That’s amazing.

The NAV (Net Asset Value) is $92 million US.

One of the company insiders is a man who founded a multi billion market cap major mining company. He owns 5 million shares. So, the people involved are “super mining professionals”.

Sometimes, stocks remain extra cheap because the big insiders are still buying in. I checked. Many of the insiders were still buying in big as of July 14th, 2019, 2 weeks ago.

My conclusion? You should buy my stock pick, do your research and due dilligence on the company, and then buy the stock!

For the name of this stock send $39 to:

You do not have to have a paypal account to pay me. All you need is a credit card.


Jason Hommel
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