Refuting “Copper Build Up”, or “Bio-unavailable” Copper

There is an idea that copper is toxic because it builds up in the tissues. This idea is false, and I will not only rebut it but refute it and prove that it cannot be true. My purpose in this is to dispel the misinformation and disinformation out there that causes unnecessary fear about copper, and to encourage you that by taking copper you are on the right path to healing.

This idea of “copper build up” mainly comes from Wilson’s disease, in which it actually does build up, so let’s start there:

Wilson’s Disease is said to be a disease of “high copper” and “copper accumulation”. They claim that a person with Wilson’s Disease can have up to 5 times more copper in the liver than a normal person.

Let’s quickly examine the numbers, and get to the main point.

The average person’s body has 70 mg of copper, with 10% of that copper in the liver, or only 7 mg in the entire liver. This is a dangerously low state of copper deficiency that nearly all Americans suffer from.

Thus, it is claimed that the Wilson’s Disease liver, containing 35 mg of copper, (7 mg x 5 = 35 mg) is “copper poisoned” and/or “copper toxic”.

Meanwhile, we take 30 mg of copper daily, plus 70 mg of copper topically, and maybe half of that is absorbed, so about 60 mg of daily intake.

We have taken in about 50,000 mg of copper over the last 5 years, all total.

If taking copper causes copper to build up, we would be dead.

The body easily excretes all the good minerals. Most of the minerals come out in the urine. This is true for potassium, msm sulfur, iodine, magnesium, zinc, and on and on.

Point 2 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

Babies typically have 10 times as much copper, pound for pound, in their entire bodies as adults. They are not harmed by this copper, in fact, they need it for the rapid growth (new tissue creation) / (healing) that they will be doing.

Point 3 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

In Wilson’s disease, people have diseased livers and progressive nerve damage.

Meanwhile, on our 50-60 mg of copper intake per day, we, Jennifer, I, and many in our group, have healed from fatty liver disease, and many neuropathies. I healed nerve damage in my nose area, and left hand, and left toes, and Jennifer healed nerve damage in her lower lip area and in her feet. Many others in our group have also healed from liver damage, and nerve damage on high copper. Furthermore, in the literature, copper is needed to heal the liver, and copper deficiency is recognized as being damaging to the liver. And copper heals the nerves in at least 30 different ways according to the research compiled in my book, The Copper Revolution.

See also:

Point 4 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

Cow’s liver is said to contain 64 mg of copper per pound. There are several sources on the internet making this claim. We have since learned this is not always true. Copper and Vitamin A move inversely in the liver. As one goes up, the other goes down. But the point is that the human liver is about 2.2 pounds, and should be able to easily hold about 128 mg of copper or more. So what is the proof that 35 mg of copper in the human liver is remotely dangerous? There is no such proof.

Point 5 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

It has been demonstrated that if you give mice mercury, the copper content of their kidneys goes up 7 times higher. This is more than the copper accumulation in Wilson’s.

Those mice never even took any copper, and thus, copper is not to be blamed for the copper accumulation. This is why you cannot use associations to prove causation. The copper obviously went to the kidneys to help heal them, because that’s what copper does, it’s a healer.

Why would copper go to the kidney to help detox mercury?

Copper alone stimulates metallothionein production, which detoxes mercury. Zinc and selenium also stimulate it. Also colloidal gold and blueberries stimulate it. Metallothioneins are thought to be one of, or the most important of, the mechanisms by which the body, when taking more copper, is able to excrete more copper. This process takes about a month to adjust to, so that the body is making metallothioneins that work and do this job. Oddly, the levels of metallothioneins do not change, like the other copper enzyme levels do not change, instead, they all just slowly “turn on” and start working. Unfortunately, this is further proof and evidence that there are no accurate biomarker tests to use to detect copper deficiency. Metallothioneins remove toxins, such as mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. They result in increased longevity and better brain function because they detox the body. This also explains why mice, when given mercury, end up with increased copper in the kidneys. The copper is going there to help the body detox the mercury. See our two essays on this subject: and

Point 6 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

It is known that fluoride disrupts ceruloplasmin production. People with Wilson’s disease have low blood copper, and low ceruloplasmin. Toxins generally lower copper, whether it’s iron, Vitamin A, fluoride, or mercury. While we can see copper move up 7 times in the kidneys after exposure to mercury, what really happens is overall copper depletion in the body when mercury is present. Toxins generally cause liver failure and nerve failure. I agree that Wilson’s is likely caused by some toxin. But copper is the cure for toxic buildup, not the cause.

Point 7 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

Fluoride was introduced into the USA water supply in 1945, the very same year as the end of World War II. In the same year, fraudulent studies came out blaming iodine and copper for causing diseases, thus slandering the top two antidotes to fluoride poisoning.

In 1945, the theory that copper caused Wilson’s Disease was also introduced. Wilson’s Disease is obviously a disease of copper deficiency.

In 1945, the theory that iodine caused low thyroid hormones, or Wolf-Chakoff effect, a study done on rats, that was never replicated, was introduced.

Both of these false claims are the claims that iodine and copper cause the very same kinds of effects as copper and iodine deficiency. Copper heals the liver and nerves. Iodine heals the thyroid. There is undisputed evidence for these claims, and no evidence for the claims of slander against these minerals.

The medical community has been irrationally paranoid of both copper and iodine ever since. It’s almost statistically impossible for fluoride to be introduced, and false claims against the top two fluoride antidotes, to all be introduced in the same year.

Point 8 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

Copper flat-out does not build up, unless there is a poisoning. Even if there is a poisoning, taking enough copper will eventually clear out the poisons, and then copper will be excreted.

It has been repeatedly shown in experiments that 10 mg of copper, given over a month, turns on and starts making all the copper-containing enzymes in the body which also become more effective and start working, and then 100% of the copper that is being consumed is excreted in about the 5th and 6th weeks. For a few days, even 11 mg of copper may be excreted. Then, things settle back down, and about 9 mg of copper is excreted after about 6-8 weeks.

This excretion of copper is also slandered as if it is evidence that “the body does not want copper”. This is an insane kind of interpretation.

In contrast, toxins have a nearly universal effect in the body. Toxins build up and are difficult to excrete. Mercury builds up. Fluoride builds up. Salt builds up. Iron build up. Vitamin A builds up. Vitamin B6 builds up. And on and on.

The deceivers can’t have it both ways. They can’t simultaneously claim that copper is toxic because it builds up, and because it is easily excreted.

That’s obviously nothing more than irrational bias. They know this is irrational bias, so they invent further lies to double down on their lies.

They will then claim, “Oh, it must be that this form of copper is toxic, or that form is biounavailable to explain this.” Those are false explanations that have also been refuted time and time again. All forms of copper are safe, unless the copper has been bound to a toxin, like “copper-fluoride” which explains why they blame copper pipes for copper toxicity, rather than blame fluoride or any of the other 50 toxins added to the water supply.

Point 9 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

Now, Wilson’s has no cure. Wilson’s is incurable. The attempted cure for Wilson’s Disease is to lower the copper by taking zinc to block copper, high molybdenum, such as 1000 mg to 4000 mg molybdenum to remove copper, and chemical chelators that remove both toxic heavy metals and remove copper. These chelator drugs, such as pennicilamine, also induce copper deficiency symptoms and diseases, such as liver failure and nerve failure. You can see why that would be half somewhat useful. Removing toxins that are causing disrupted copper metabolism is always going to be a good thing. And nutrients like zinc are also good. However, the flaw is that they are inducing copper deficiency diseases, the exact symptoms from which they suffer. It should be no wonder that they can’t cure Wilson’s Disease, because they are doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing. They should be giving these people copper and other healthy nutrients.

If they can’t cure Wilson’s, then this is proof that their entire theory of the cause of Wilson’s is incorrect, and is thus refuted.

Point 10 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

We have actually had at least 2 people with Wilson’s disease who have thrived and are healing on our copper protocol.

Point 11 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

Wilson’s Disease is super rare. It happens to 1 person in about 200,000. There are only 1500 cases of Wilson’s Disease documented. The population of the USA is 330 million. Here’s some of that scary math coming up: 330 million divided by 1500 is 220,000.

What copper haters/slanderers do is they extrapolate from this super rare disease, and their fraudulent copper build up hypotheis, to create a fradulent mechanism of action to then falsely claim that everyone, or up to 80% of the population is suffering from copper toxic build-up. So they end up scaring everyone. And then, nearly everyone who learns that they have low copper in their blood, or low ceruloplasmin, should be tested for Wilson’s disease, which is a super preposterous theory. There is no valid test for Wilson’s Disease.

Point 12 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis in Wilson’s.

Wilson’s Disease is claimed to be genetic. And yet, there is no valid genetic test for Wilson’s Disease. How can it be claimed to be genetic if there is no genetic test? There is no basis upon which to make the claim that Wilson’s is Genetic.

Furthermore, Wilson’s acts unlike any other genetic disease in the world. Nearly all genetic diseases manifest at birth. Wilson’s Disease, by contrast, does not usually manifest usually until after around age 40 or so, and of course, there are a few exceptions of it showing up in younger people. But of course. Younger people are not immune from being poisoned. But the nature of a slow poisoning itself is that toxins typically take years to accumulate to dangerously high levels which then can be blamed on “aging”, rather than poisoning. Or in this case, “genetics”.

The genetic test that is sometimes used to try to detect Wilson’s, is the PCR test, in which they get a sample of genes, mix it with other cellular tissues from another source, and then add it to a growth medium, and then multiply the mixed culture and double the genetic material by heating and cooling up to 40-50 times, for a total multiple of over 1 million times more genetic material. This kind of test is notoriously invalid for a wide array of now proven reasons.

Point 13 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis, in general.

The copper toxicity theorists have utterly no data or evidence to back up their theory. There are no studies showing they gave people copper, and then copper built up.

They only have associations, of either tissue samples, or blood samples, that are then associated with diseases in those people. But copper is high in the blood in copper deficiency, so that is no proof. And copper high in tissues is also not proof of having taken in excess copper, it’s actually evidence of poisoning by some other substance.

Point 14 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis, in general.

Copper has been claimed to cause excess pyrroles in the urine, or “pyrrole disease” which is, in theory, a newly invented disease, or a classification of schzophrenia. All of these claims came from Hoffer and Pfeiffer (who were CIA disinformation agents who promoted LSD, the psychedelic drug) and have since been disproven, and not even accepted by the medical community that also hates copper, because the claims are so bad. Hoffer went on to found the orthomolecular newsletter, generally promoting Vitamin C and Niacin, both of which block copper.

In actual fact, many people who were diagnosed with Pyrrole disorder have started our protocol, healed up tremendously, and now regard the entire pyrrole thing as a fraudulent disease filled with fraudulent claims of copper toxicity.

The theory of Pyrrole disorder seems to have gained a bit of acceptance in Australia. Sorry Australia.

See more about the fraud of Pyrrole disorder here:

Point 15 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis, in copper IUDs.

In sum, a copper IUD gives off about 0.04 mg of copper per day, an amount far too low to be toxic. It is also far too low to provide any meaningful nutrition, far below the .9 mg per day recommended. (.9 divided by 0.04 is 22.5). In other words, they need 22.5 times more copper to get even the super low RDA of copper.

The “copper IUD is toxic” groups are literally causing themselves brain damage in their false and futile attempts to lower copper in their bodies, which causes nerve damage and cognitive decline. It angers me and saddens me to observe them being deceived into doing themselves harm.

Copper is actually toxic in amounts of around 20,000 mg.

Point 16 refutes the copper build-up hypothesis, in general.

In general, the current and accepted mainstream medical theory of copper toxicity today is that a supplement containing 2 mg of copper is going to be toxic. This is utterly preposterous and is refuted by the basic facts.

Mainstream medical gets just about everything wrong; in part because they promote prescription drugs which are poisons. They scoff at the entire idea of detoxing, except in rare cases of extreme and obvious toxicity like a high exposure to mercury or lead, and in those instances, they will use chemical chelators to try to cure the patient. They detest the idea of low-level chronic exposures to toxins causing harm because that’s what their entire profession does; they poison people.

Mainstream medical cannot accurately detect copper deficiency, because there are no such valid tests. Blood tests give the opposite results, with high copper in the blood indicating copper deficiency.

Mainstream medical will typically only diagnose copper deficiency by the time a person has lesions or holes in their spinal cord, indicating massive demyelination, or loss of that fatty sheath coating the nerves. By the time this happens, a person is usually bound to a wheelchair from nerve damage, because they can no longer walk, nor use much of their brains. Many people with Wilson’s Disease are similarly wheelchair-bound and also have difficulties of speech and difficulty engaging in reason, due to the nerve damage harming their brains.

By the time people hit this very advanced stage of severe copper deficiency, the mainstream solution is to give IV injections of 0.5 mg of copper per day. This is because they are falsely assuming 2 false things. They falsely assume these people cannot absorb copper, so they blame the person’s body, rather than any poisoning or deficiency of consumption. And they falsely blame copper as toxic, and thus, they don’t want to give too much, because they are paranoid and irrationally fear copper.

These twin false assumptions are easily disproven, as follows. 1. 80% of copper sulfate that is ingested is easily absorbed. 2. Topical copper sulfate is also easily absorbed, as is indicated by the very same government report that also scares people about copper toxicity, the 400+ EPA report that “warns” that copper sulfate on the skin is easily absorbed. They will lie and claim that copper toxicity kills people, yet also claim that copper sulfate from “topical exposure” has never killed anyone. The lies crumble under this kind of cross-examination and investigation into the details.

Mainstream medical also then relies on their poor diagnosis capacity to detect copper deficiency, until it has finally hit that late stage of severe deficiency and major nerve damage, in a circular argument to then claim that “copper deficiency is rare”, because they only rarely diagnose it.

In conclusion, I hope you have found this refutation of the false “copper build up” idea useful and encouraging, so that you don’t have to fear any copper building up causing any problems.

For more refutations of the false idea of copper toxicity, see here: