Public Health Is a National Security Issue

Public Health Is a National Security Issue

The focus of that article is only partially correct. Potential biological warfare is a low risk. The far bigger problem is the reality of the declining mental and physical health of the American Public that are already under attack by many unrecognized, low-grade chronic poisonings and nutritional deficiencies.

“A new study [Published September 28, 2022] from the Pentagon shows that 77% of young Americans would not qualify for military service without a waiver due to being overweight, using drugs or having mental and physical health problems.”

The USA maintains military superiority by actually being superior in numerous areas. Military superiority is largely dependent on two pillars: the strength of the economy and the health and intelligence of its people, both of which are declining compared to the rest of the world.

In recent years, the U.S. Economy has slipped and has been surpassed by China in many areas, and China’s total GDP is close behind, with US GDP at $23 trillion and China’s at 17.7 trillion. A simple adjustment of the value of the currencies could easily reveal a major upset in this comparison.

Copper ore, for example, is called “king copper” because its use is widely suggested to be a key marker of overall economic activity. China uses 55% of the world’s copper. In comparison, all of the Americas, including both North and South America, of which the USA is only a part, only uses 10% of the world’s copper. This suggests that the real economy of China could be up to 5 times bigger than the USA, or more.

As for Steel production, China produces over half the world’s steel, and over 12 times more steel than the USA.
China 1,018 million metric tonnes.
USA 80.5 million metric tonnes.

US Steel production has always been regarded as absolutely vital to national security interests and military might as steel is used to produce tanks and ships.

Finally, Oil Consumption:
USA: 19.6 million barrels per day.
China: 12.8 million barrels per day.

Oil consumption more closely approximates the GDP comparison.

But what about total car sales?

China: 23.5 million cars sold in 2022.
USA: 13.6 million cars.

Car sales in China have increased from 13.7 million back in 2010.

Car sales are probably the best indicator of those we just considered to determine the size of China’s economy.

China’s population is 1.4 billion.
The USA population is 0.33 billion, or 332 million.

Lastly, we should consider exports of cars, to get an indication of how many cars are needed by the domestic markets.

In 2021, China’s automobile export sales reached 2.19 million units.’s%20automobile%20export,%2Dyear%20increase%20of%2055%25.

About 1.6 million passenger cars and light vehicles were exported from the United States in 2021.,the%20United%20States%20in%202021.

Each nation exports roughly 10% of the cars produced.

And what about imports?

In 2022, China imported a total of about 878,000 passenger cars and commercial vehicles.,year%2C%20reaching%202.1%20million%20units.

According to a analysis, … imported vehicles still account for roughly 47% of all vehicles sold for 2023 [in the usa],names%20on%20such%20a%20list.

Educational achievement in the USA is far worse, as the US ranks 38th among 71 nations. China is oddly not listed, but other Asian nations top the list, such as Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong.

Total college graduates in engineering might be more important than comparing the basics of math and science, and it’s also bad.

China awarded 1.38 million engineering bachelor’s degrees in 2020. The comparable American number is 197,000,This%20is%20a%20daunting%20disparity. China is producing 7 times as many engineers each year as the USA.

What are the solutions?

We must get smarter. How?

Iodine supplementation raised IQ scores in the USA according to a study that was published in 2013.

“Salt was iodized over a very short period of time beginning in 1924. We use military data collected during WWI and WWII to compare outcomes of cohorts born before and after iodization, in localities that were naturally poor and rich
in iodine. We ˝find that for the one quarter of the population most deficient in iodine this intervention
raised IQ by approximately one standard deviation [about 15 IQ points].”

That intervention started 99 years ago, and was very successful. Since then, things have disrupted it.

There is a troubling current decline in intelligence in the USA and in the military:

While the intelligence levels in the military seem to have peaked around 1980, the intelligence of the general population of the USA appears to have peaked somewhere between the years 2000 and 2006.

Iodine was widely used as a dough conditioner in breads between the years 1960 and 1980. It was replaced with neurotoxic bromine.


The solution to these problems is our Protocol of copper, iodine, and other minerals.

Here is our latest free protocol guide: