• We should be scared of an invisible virus carried by people with no symptoms. But if we believe in an invisible God, we are nuts.
• COVID19 test kits are unavailble and unreliable, but trust the media counts on who got it.
• We shut down travel from Europe over fear of COVID19, but should have have an open southern border.
• Trump was a racist for closing travel from China over COVID19, but didn’t do enough to stop COVID19.
• Abortion: My body, my choice. Vaccines: Your body, no choice.
• The government that was rationing health care to the elderly through Obamacare or through gutting Obamacare now wants to shut down the entire economy to protect a tiny fraction of the elderly.
• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate Central-American gang-banger who jumps the southern fence is welcome.
• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but “free” health care for illegals is not.
• Citizens should be fined if they don’t buy their own health insurance, and then they should be forced to buy it for illegals.
• Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
• Illegals should not be required to show ID, but citizens can’t buy SUDAFED without it.
• Politicians who say that the President is not above the law put illegal immigrants and themselves above the law.
• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegal Mexicans voting in our elections are good.
• Russians hacked the election by spending $100,000 on facebook ads, because it wasn’t American money, but Bloomberg could not get any votes by spending $500,000,000, and Hillary receiving money from Russians is good.
• Voter suppression through votor ID is bad, but not allowing the President to be on the ballot in CA is good.
• It was cool for Joe Biden to “blackmail” the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump asks about it.
• Trump asking Ukraine about Biden was unconstitutional abuse of power, but a full national lockdown over COVID19 is not.
• Twenty is too young to buy a beer or a gun, but eighteen is old enough to vote, be a porn star, or join the military and shoot people.
• And kids of any age should be allowed to engage in a sex change operation, or get vaccinated.
• If a dude wants to pretend to be a woman, everyone else is supposed to pretend with him.
• Homosexuals who take pride in sexually discriminating against an entire gender should not be discriminated against.
• People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
• Fourth-of-July parades are bad, but parades of women dressed as vaginas are good.
• People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
• Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants for wearing a MAGA hat is virtuous.
• People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for useless degrees.
• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing and putting everyone into poverty, and it seems like a great plan because capitalism made too many people too rich.
• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
• Criminals are catch-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it’s a violation of THEIR rights.
• The media needs “free speech” to do their job, but they cry to censor anti-vaxxers without debating them.
• The media says “the science is settled” on global warming and vaccines, even though science is a process that never ends and was never followed, and has repeatedly been revealed to be lies, but that viewpoint needs to be censored, because “the science is settled”.
• And pointing out all this hypocrisy automatically makes us “racists”, a “mansplainer”, or a “hater”.
• Facebook’s “community standards” say there must be freedom of religion, but exposing hypocrisy as Jesus did in Matthew 23 is bad and must be censored.
• And the left that tolerates free speech will censor and block and remove this post without explanation, and you have no rights to appeal.
Q: “We need the world’s governments to lock everyone down, so the world’s governments can arrest all the NWO people who want a world government so they can lock everyone down.”