The Money Chart

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, February 25th, 2006 To know where the price of gold is going, in terms of dollars, we need to know the fundamentals.  The fundamentals of what?  Dollars or gold? Some people focus primarily on what the fundamentals of gold are, thinking it is all about the supply and demand… Continue reading The Money Chart

The Silver ETF: What’s the deal?

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, February 23, 2006 The Silver ETF continues to get a lot of coverage, as follows: Hit With The Stupid Stick Again, By Theodore Butler, February 21, 2006 The Silver Fund Battle Continues, Australasian Investment Review, February 21, 2006 Approaching Hubbert’s Peak of Silver? By Jon A. Nones, February 20,… Continue reading The Silver ETF: What’s the deal?

Silver Users Association Voices EFT Opposition to SEC

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Feb 16, 2006 Jon A. Nones of interviewed me for a few minutes this afternoon for his article, below, quoting me at length.   See also my article from October, 2005: Silver Users Fear Silver Shortage The Silver Users voiced opposition to the Silver ETF here: Here’s the article:Silver… Continue reading Silver Users Association Voices EFT Opposition to SEC

Gold, silver, copper, and zinc all soaring!

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 26, 2006 We are probably in a better position that even I can realize, so forgive me for my excitement and wordiness today, as I try to understand, and explain, our good fortune! Silver, exploding to new highs: $9.50/oz. now!Gold, exploding to new highs: $567/oz. earlier today.Copper, exploding… Continue reading Gold, silver, copper, and zinc all soaring!

Future Gold & Silver Prices

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, December 21, 2005 It’s always easy to make investment decisions in hindsight.  It’s much harder to have a vision for the future.  I believe that paper money will be destroyed, and that gold and silver money will once again be restored as money worldwide.  And I will share my… Continue reading Future Gold & Silver Prices

Refuting Peak Oil’s “The market won’t work” Nonsense

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, December 16, 2005 “Peak Oil” is a theory, that is beginning to concern many people, that says the world will soon, if not already, reach a peak of oil production.  This theory is based on the observation that with any oil field, there is a time of peak production,… Continue reading Refuting Peak Oil’s “The market won’t work” Nonsense

Central Banks Now Buying Gold

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Dec 8, 2005 The Russian Central bank is buying up to 1000 tonnes of gold, to double its gold holdings from 500 tonnes, most of which, 377 tonnes, is lent out. The news of Russian central bank gold buying is getting more press.  Either the Russian buying,… Continue reading Central Banks Now Buying Gold

Silver Users Fear Silver Shortage Silver Users Fear Silver ShortageThursday October 27, 3:49 pm ET GRASS VALLEY, Calif., Oct. 27 /PRNewswire/ — The Silver Users Association (SUA), a group devoted to the conflicting goals of keeping silver prices low and keeping silver available for users, stunned the silver investing community last month by repeating the claims made by silver… Continue reading Silver Users Fear Silver Shortage

Copper, Oil, and Silver

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, July 20, 2005 So, do you feel you missed out on investing in oil since it made the move from $10/barrel to $60/barrel? Don’t worry, not all commodities move up at the same time, so this means there is the opportunity to invest in those that have lagged behind,… Continue reading Copper, Oil, and Silver

Silver Stock Report #57

Silver Stocks–Comparative Valuations  Report # 57by Jason Wed, July 15th, 2005 Table of Contents:You can click on these links to “jump to” that part of this report.[Introduction][Summary list of Silver Stocks][My Methodology] [Weekly Commentary] [My Conference Schedule] [General Commentary on Silver] [WHERE and HOW to BUY SILVER BULLION] [The money chart] [Disclaimers, Warnings, and Advice] [Company profiles][Company profiles with the most resources, and least… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #57

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, May 13, 2005 I believe that now is an excellent time to buy silver stocks. Here is the silver story in a nutshell: Silver is cheap because silver is not being used as money anywhere in the world. Reduced demand for silver money causes a reduced price. This trend has taken over… Continue reading Silver Stock Report

GM soon to be Bankrupt

The Death of the Dollar Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 18, 2005 Ceasar was supposed to be a god.Julias Caesar was killedon the Ides of March (March 15th) Today, we don’t make men gods. Instead society has made our financial system into a false god. On March 15th, 2005, (the ides of March)… Continue reading GM soon to be Bankrupt

Silver Stock Report #56

Silver Stocks–Comparative Valuations  Report # 56by Jason Friday, Feb 25th, 2005  A day’s wage used to be a silver dime, a silver quarter, or maybe a silver dollar.  2000 years ago in Rome, a silver denarius was a day’s wage, and that coin was about the size of a silver dime, too.  Even as recent as… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #56

Silver Stock Report #55

Silver Stocks–Comparative Valuations  Report # 55by Jason Friday, Feb 18th, 2005  A day’s wage used to be a silver dime, a silver quarter, or maybe a silver dollar.  2000 years ago in Rome, a silver denarius was a day’s wage, and that coin was about the size of a silver dime, too.  Even as recent as… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #55

Silver Stock Report #54

Silver Stocks–Comparative Valuations  Report # 54by Jason Saturday, Feb 12, 2005  This is the first complete Silver Stock Report since October, 2004.  Not all of the company profiles have been fully updated.  Those that have been updated, are in bold text.  ALWAYS do your own due diligence, research, on the companies profiled BEFORE you go out… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #54


Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Nov 16, 2004 Government confiscation fears were one of the biggest concerns that investors asked me about while I was speaking recently in Toronto and Chicago. But the silver market is several orders of magnitude too small for the government to even be concerned about! It is impossible that… Continue reading Confiscation