A Few Supply and Demand Fundamentals of the Dollar and Gold

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, May 6, 2002     Argentina’s peso crisis has highlighted a seldom discussed phenomenon in supply and demand analysis. One writer pointed this out, but I read from so many sources, I forgot to remember who said the following: The supply of the peso actually shrank, but demand collapsed faster,… Continue reading A Few Supply and Demand Fundamentals of the Dollar and Gold

Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy

Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy I’ve been studying the subjects of Bible prophecy (prophecy is the Bible’s predictions of the future) and the precious metals market for the past several years.  Interestingly, both subjects are quite related in that they focus on what the future will bring, and both subjects require a dedicated search… Continue reading Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy

Hommel’s View of Gold: Interview with Gold-Eagle

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 24, 2001 Editor’s Note: The following is an interview between GOLD-EAGLE and market analyst Jason Hommel. Most of the questions put to Mr. Hommel reflect some of the common concerns many investors have regarding the current gold market. His answers provide a good overview of the situation for… Continue reading Hommel’s View of Gold: Interview with Gold-Eagle

666: Mark of the Beast

Many Christians believe the 666 mark will be a biochip implant to create the cashless society of Revelation 13. Why is it so bad?All who take the mark will be damned by God to be cast into the Lake of Fire. Why will those who take the mark be damned?I think it’s because God made Silver and… Continue reading 666: Mark of the Beast