Silver Stock Report #5

Silver Stocks – Comparative Valuations By: Jason Hommel, The Silver Stock Report What’s new?  New commentary.  A GREAT tip on how to track stocks yourself.  42 total silver stocks in this report, and symbols to research on 20 others, and 5 more new ones.  It was another very busy week for me, and I did not… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #5

Silver Stock Report #4

Silver Stocks — Comparative Valuations Weekly Report #4 By: Jason Hommel, The Silver Stock Report Friday, Oct 10, 2003What’s new?  41 total silver stocks in this report, and symbols to research on about 20 more. Price of silver is $4.89 as of Friday, 2pm, Oct. 10, 2003, which was used to calculate the following figures. The CAN… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #4

Silver Stock Report #3

Silver Stocks III — Comparative Valuations By: Jason Hommel, The Silver Stock Report What’s new?  A bit more commentary in response to all the letters and questions regarding my valuation method.  Also, more silver stocks, 39 total now.  The one-page executive summary is right up here at the top.Price of silver is $4.80 as of Friday,… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #3

Silver Stock Report #2

Silver Stocks Report — Comparative Valuations By: Jason Hommel, The Silver Stock Report Update:In response to my first silver stock article, I received about 100 emails, many filled with tips on silver stocks.  So I have been extremely busy. Part of the reason for writing my first article was to refute the market myth that there… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #2

Silver Stock Report #1

Silver Stocks — Comparative Valuations By: Jason Hommel,  September 22, 2003   For the past few months, I’ve been researching and acquiring silver stocks.  It has been a very profitable few months, especially since June, as I’ve picked some of the best upward movers.  It has been easy and rewarding work, and the upward potential… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #1

Silver Stock Report #13

Silver Stocks–Comparative Valuations  Weekly Report #13by Jason HommelThe Silver Stock Report Friday, Dec 12th, 2003 This week’s report lists 90 silver stocks.  There are 28 silver stocks that list reserves, resources (and exploration potential.) which I calculate by using my “ounce in the ground” forumula.  There are 39 explorers.  There are 23 additional “silver” stocks with incomplete information. Additions & Changes from… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #13

Silver Stock Report #12

Silver Stocks–Comparative Valuations  Weekly Report #12by Jason HommelThe Silver Stock Report Friday, Dec 5th, 2003 This week’s report lists 87 silver stocks.  There are 28 silver stocks that list reserves, resources (and exploration potential.) which I calculate by using my “ounce in the ground” forumula.  There are 31 explorers.  There are 28 additional silver stocks with… Continue reading Silver Stock Report #12

The Moral Failures of the Paper Longs

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 22, 2003     Based on my readings of GATA’s work (, my readings of Ted Butler’s work (, and a little application of common sense, I see clearly that the gold and silver futures markets are manipulated and controlled by the endless creation and selling of futures contracts.… Continue reading The Moral Failures of the Paper Longs

CFTC Response to Silver Problem

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 14, 2003     Editor’s Note: The following communiqué exchanges between Jason Hommel and the CFTC about the Silver Problem.     Open Letter To the Authorities of the Silver Markets     In reply to David Kass, Senior Economist, CFTC.     Date: January 8, 2003    From: “Kass, David” dkass@CFTC.GOV    … Continue reading CFTC Response to Silver Problem

Open Letter to the Authorities of the Gold and Silver Markets

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 6, 2003     Michael Gorham, Director of Market Oversight    U.S. CFTC (Commodity futures trading commission)    Three Lafayette Centre    1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20581    Telephone: (202) 418-5260    Facsimile: (202) 418-5527    Email: —–     Neal Wolkoff, Executive Vice President and Chief    Operating Officer    New York Mercantile Exchange    World… Continue reading Open Letter to the Authorities of the Gold and Silver Markets

Why no talk of $32,567/oz ?

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 2, 2003     What I learned at the San Francisco Gold Mining and Precious Metals Conference on Dec. 1-2, 2002:     I have been diligently studying the precious metals markets through the internet and books for five years now. I’ve written a few articles, trying my best to… Continue reading Why no talk of $32,567/oz ?

The Great Harlot of Rev 17-18 is Jerusalem

Before the discussion of the text of Revelation 17-18 here is the text: It’s very important to know who the Great Harlot is if we are to obey the command in Rev 18:4, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her… Continue reading The Great Harlot of Rev 17-18 is Jerusalem

Refuting Myths about Gold

by Jason Hommel, October 28, 2002 Now refuting (47) false ideas about gold and precious metals that prevent people from investing in them.  I have attempted to refute these false ideas to convince people to change their minds and behavior, so that they can protect their wealth by owning gold.  False ideas about gold have… Continue reading Refuting Myths about Gold

A Few Supply and Demand Fundamentals of the Dollar and Gold

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, May 6, 2002     Argentina’s peso crisis has highlighted a seldom discussed phenomenon in supply and demand analysis. One writer pointed this out, but I read from so many sources, I forgot to remember who said the following: The supply of the peso actually shrank, but demand collapsed faster,… Continue reading A Few Supply and Demand Fundamentals of the Dollar and Gold

Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy

Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy I’ve been studying the subjects of Bible prophecy (prophecy is the Bible’s predictions of the future) and the precious metals market for the past several years.  Interestingly, both subjects are quite related in that they focus on what the future will bring, and both subjects require a dedicated search… Continue reading Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy