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Overtraining looks like copper deficiency!

A google search of “signs of overtraining bodybuilding”:

“Lifestyle-related signs of overtraining:

Prolonged general fatigue.
Increase in tension, depression, anger or confusion.
Inability to relax.
Poor-quality sleep.
Lack of energy, decreased motivation, moodiness.
Not feeling joy from things that were once enjoyable.”

It now appears to me, and particularly from my knowledge gained in our forum in the last three months, after the publication of my book, is that all of these signs are signs of COPPER DEFICIENCY!

Fatigue, no energy, poor sleep, no joy, poor sleep, depression, anger, confusion, these are all signs of low copper.

The article has another category:

“Health-related signs of overtraining

Increased occurrences of illness –COPPER DEFICIENCY!
Increased blood pressure and at-rest heartrate –COPPER DEFICIENCY!
Irregular menstrual cycles; missing periods
Weight loss; appetite loss –COPPER DEFICIENCY!
Constipation; diarrhea”

Another article also lists overtraining symptoms. I will only list the ones that I feel are copper deficiency:

“(1) A plateau or decline in workout performance or progress.
(2) A perception of increased exertion during “normal” or “easy” workouts.
(3) Excessive sweating or overheating.
(4) Unusual feelings of heaviness, stiffness, or soreness in muscles.
(5) A lack of feeling “refreshed” after regular rest and recovery.
(6) Recurrent injuries, such as muscle sprains, tendonitis, stress fractures, and chronic joint pain.
(7) A decline in enthusiasm for exercise (or skipping or quitting workouts).
(8) Persistent feelings of fatigue, exhaustion, or low energy throughout the day.
(9) A decline in motivation and/or self-confidence.
(10) A lack of enjoyment in favorite hobbies and interests or other signs of depression.
(11) Unusual mood or emotions, such as agitation, anger, confusion, irritability, and restlessness.
(12) New problems with sleeping, including insomnia and poor sleep quality.
(13) Problems with concentration and performance at work or in school.
(14) A sickly appearance, including changes to skin, hair, and nails (such as acne or hair loss).
(15) An increase in resting heart rate and/or resting blood pressure.
(16) Unplanned/undesired weight loss or weight gain or disordered eating.
(17) Digestive issues, such as constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and increase in thirst.
(18) Reproductive issues, such as a decrease in libido (sex drive) and a change in menstruation (including irregularity or cessation of periods).
(19) Repeated bouts of illness, such as colds and upper respiratory tract infections.”

Look at that, 19/19 appear to be copper deficiency.

The article’s next sentence is screaming “copper deficiency” at me, as they mention anemia and diabetes. But asthma and depression are also less obvious signs of copper deficiency. Again, 4/4!

“Note: Because many of the signs of overtraining can mimic those of health conditions (such as asthma, anemia, depression, and diabetes), it’s essential to talk to a healthcare practitioner about any new or unusual symptoms as they arise.”