Osteoporosis: 22 Ways To Increase Bone Mineral Density

Things that deplete minerals are chelators, diuretics, fruits, leafy greens, phytate in most grains, and many amino acids in meats. Literally, most foods deplete minerals, including coffee and alcohol. Other mineral-depleting substances: activated charcoal, zeolites, many medications, exercise, sweating, and excessive mineral intake from any one mineral can cause other minerals to be depleted.

I advise avoiding all prescription drugs that are demineralizing, especially diuretics and chelators, where demineralization is the goal. Natural foods and distilled water have far lower demineralizing effects, and can be used more safely to your advantage to deplete salt, clear the kidneys, and eliminate swelling like edema. Distilled water can help your body clear out excess bad minerals, so it can better absorb good, necessary and depleted minerals.

Demineralizing substances are not always bad. Counterintuitively, it is good to deplete excessive calcium and excessive magnesium, which, in excess, can be counter-productive towards increasing bone mineral density.

It is more important to focus on calcium metabolism and retention, rather than “more calcium intake”, which, if it worked, then osteoporosis would be easily curable. And also, it is important to focus on magnesium metabolism and retention.

How in the world does calcium cause bone wasting? Calcium depletes magnesium. We need magnesium for calcium metabolism. Magnesium keeps calcium in solution, out of the soft tissues, and into the bones. Without magnesium, calcium ends up being deposited all over the body into the soft tissues, and it leeches out of bones.

Most people already suffer from low magnesium from “magnesium wasting”. In other words, no matter how much magnesium that people take, they cannot retain enough magnesium in their bodies. So, not only does taking in calcium not help in retaining calcium, but taking in more magnesium similarly causes more magnesium wasting. How? Because excess magnesium causes copper losses. We need copper to help retain magnesium in the body. We also need boron to help retain calcium and magnesium in the body.

You almost never read about copper and boron.

These things that work for increasing bone mineral density include copper, boron, Vitamin K, iodine, selenium, silica, potassium, vitamin B12, Vitamin C, zinc, MSM sulfur, and other things that I have identified in my book on arthritis. “Beyond the Arthritis Fix: Protocols for Strong Joints,” December 15, 2020, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TQ4KCNY

But those are the most important ones.

Things that actually lower bone mineral density include: fluoride, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and surprisingly calcium itself, and many other toxins that lower copper.

Fluoride causes “skeletal fluorosis”, which is almost indistinguishable from osteoporosis. The average person is almost suffering from active symptoms of skeletal fluorosis, as the average person has 2600 mg of fluoride in the body, and 99% of that is already in the bones, IE, fluoride in the skeleton!

Vitamin D supplements also cause bone wasting, because it causes the excessive calcium retention problem previously mentioned, with corresponding magnesium wasting.

Excess Vitamin A is also known to be a cause of osteoporosis. Why? Because it gets converted to harmful “retinoic acid”, and the body needs to buffer it with calcium so it’s not as harmful.

Sources showing harm to bones from excessive sodium (salt), Fluoride, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Calcium, aluminum, iron, lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As):


Osteoporosis is listed in slide 12 as a long term problem of excess sodium salt.

Skeletal fluorosis is a bone disease caused by excessive accumulation of fluoride leading to weakened bones.

“Among doctors, and even many researchers, it is conventional wisdom that vitamin D supplementation reverses osteopenia and osteoporosis. However, a growing body of interventional trials and molecular evidence shows this is not the case.”

Is vitamin A consumption a risk factor for osteoporotic fracture?
“Severe vitamin A toxicity is known to have adverse effects on skeletal health.”

“Hypercalcemia (high calcium) can cause hypomagnesemia (low magnesium) owing to increased filtered calcium load in the loop of Henle, resulting in decreased reabsorption of magnesium”

Aluminum toxicity to bone: A multisystem effect?
(Aluminum is detoxed with silica)

Association between iron overload and osteoporosis in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis
(Iron lowers copper)
Conclusions: Osteoporosis is … associated with … severity of iron overload.

“Several studies have reported that heavy metals, including lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As), have detrimental effects on bone.”

How do we detox lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic? Metallothioneins, which is made with protein, copper, zinc, and selenium.


Studies showing benefits to bones from various nutrients:

“Based on studies in animals and humans, the effects of copper deficiency include… connective tissue disorders, osteoporosis and other bone defects…”

Essentiality of boron for healthy bones and joints
“Since 1963, evidence has accumulated that suggests boron is a safe and effective treatment for some forms of arthritis… areas of the world where boron intakes usually are 1.0 mg or less/day the estimated incidence of arthritis ranges from 20 to 70%, whereas in areas of the world where boron intakes are usually 3 to 10 mg, the estimated incidence of arthritis ranges from 0 to 10%…”

Vitamin K2 Plays Key Role in Bone Health
“Studies have shown that poor Vitamin K intake is linked to low bone mass, osteoporosis and fracture risk. “

Iodine detoxes fluoride. Both iodine deficiency and fluoride toxicity cause osteoporosis.

The Effects of Selenium on Bone Health: From Element to Therapeutics
“Most observational studies have reported that the level of selenium correlates positively with bone health, as it increases bone mineral density or reduces the risk of osteoporotic fracture…”

Silicon: A Review of Its Potential Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
“Increased intake of bioavailable silicon [Silicon in the form of silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2)] has been associated with increased bone mineral density.”

The association of potassium intake with bone mineral density and the prevalence of osteoporosis among older Korean adults
“Daily potassium intake was significantly related to a decreased risk of osteoporosis at the lumbar spine in postmenopausal women (odds ratios: 0.68, 95% confidence interval: 0.48-0.96, P trend = 0.031).”

Fight Osteoporosis: Bone Up on B12
“This study suggests adequate vitamin B12 intake is important for maintaining bone mineral density.”

“According to Cambridge University Press, greater dietary vitamin C intake is associated with higher bone mineral density at the femoral neck and lumbar spine. Furthermore, reduced risk of hip fracture and osteoporosis is associated with greater dietary vitamin C intakes.”
Why? Vitamin C is needed to form collagen, and bones are 35% collagen.

“Recommended doses for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis are 15mg to 30mg zinc and 1.5mg to 3mg copper a day. A zinc deficiency is associated with decreases in bone density. Likewise, copper is an important mineral in the normal growth and development of the skeletal system.” Why? Zinc and copper are needed to form collagen, and bones are 35% collagen.

Methylsulfonylmethane Increases the Alveolar Bone Density of Mandibles in Aging Female Mice
“Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory compound that effectively treats multiple degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis…”


Finally, it is well known that weight-bearing exercise increases bone mineral density.

Slowing bone loss with weight-bearing exercise
April 11, 2021
“Numerous studies have shown that weight-bearing exercise can help to slow bone loss, and several show it can even build bone. Activities that put stress on bones stimulate extra deposits of calcium and nudge bone-forming cells into action. The tugging and pushing on bone that occur during strength and power training provide the stress. The result is stronger, denser bones.”

Yet, the corrupt medical establishment continues to insist there is no cure for osteoporosis, despite all the evidence in their own medical journals!!!!!

Dec 21, 2022 — “There is no cure for osteoporosis”

January 09, 2023 — “osteoporosis. There is no cure for the condition”

What explains this? Simply this: Liars exist.