Weight Gain on Copper?

Copper can cause weight gain in several ways, some of these are very good, and some are bad and temporary, and I’ll go over each one.

  1. Copper can cause increased bone mineral density. Copper itself goes right into the bones and the bone marrow. Copper also increases collagen formation and bones are 35% collagen. Calcium goes into the bones with copper and calcium needs to bond to that collagen matrix. Increased bone mineral density does not make anyone look fat. It’s vital for health. Copper needs to be in the bone marrow for long-term storage, and to help make new red and white blood cells which are made in the bone marrow. Most articles on copper falsely say that copper concentrates mostly in the liver; this is false, there can be over half of the body’s copper storage in the bone marrow, while only 10% is in the liver, so up to 5 times more copper is in the bone marrow than the liver. Increased bone mineral density can cause a weight gain of from 2-4 pounds, and this can only be construed as a positive weight gain. The bone matrix remodeling can sometimes be a bit painful in the beginning, and this usually goes away within about 3 weeks. Most of the pain of broken bones also goes away in about 3 weeks, and it takes a full 8 weeks for broken bones to heal. Same with torn ligaments and joints, about 8 weeks to heal. Be patient. Zero increased fat is involved in this process.
  2. Copper causes a vast array of improvements all over the body such as increased metabolism, collagen formation, hormonal improvements, increased hydration, and better blood sugar metabolism.

The muscles can hold from 10-15 pounds of water weight, and that water is stored with increased sugar, all stored in the muscles.

Boxers can lose about 10 pounds in a 30-minute fight, as this blood sugar is used up and burnt off and the water is mobilized and rapidly lost through sweat. This kind of weight gain is also only 100% positive for your health, and zero fat increase is involved here.

The vast majority of people who start going to the gym gain about 10 pounds in the first month or two, and this is mostly from the improvements in blood sugar metabolism, and better sugar and water storage in the muscles. During this time, people also vastly improve their muscular endurance, and stop getting the shakes during their workouts, because their muscles are learning to hold more sugar and water to fuel the workouts. Again, this can involve about 10-15 pounds of weight, it’s all in the muscles, it always looks great and is 100% vitally important for improved health, and there is nothing bad about this form of weight gain whatsoever.

Female bodybuilders who learn to stop starving themselves end up gaining this “muscle fuel” kind of water weight when they learn that carbs are not the enemy, and they always feel far better and look far better.

A carnivore diet results in this kind of bad weight loss, the loss of fuel in your muscles, and you end up with zero energy, feel horrible, and you have no energy to work out. The solution to the keto blues is simply carb loading.

Overtraining can lead to something similar. Every now and then, I can get out of balance, I have no energy, I realize I have not had a day off from the gym in 2 weeks, or I’ve really ramped up my workouts, working out 5 days a week, and I’m easily irritated, low energy, suddenly more sore than usual, feel horrible, and I tell myself, “Ah ha! I’ve been here before! I know what to do! Time for carb loading!” I stop working out for 3 days. I eat as many carbs as I can for all my meals. Three days later I feel on top of the world, no soreness, I gained about 7-9 pounds, and my overall energy levels soar. Of course. I was simply carb-depleted.

More on this point of being carb depleted. Copper and iodine increase insulin sensitivity. Insulin is secreted by the body to utilize sugars. When people first start copper and iodine, their bodies respond more positively to the higher levels of insulin that their bodies were used to secreting. When this insulin starts working better, it results in lower blood sugar moments that the body is not used to feeling. This can lead to greater feelings of hunger, being tired or feeling “wiped out”, and a greater need for more food to balance out these “blood sugar lows”. This can lead to fat gain. This is also a temporary issue. The body will learn to secrete less insulin, and these initial hunger cravings will go away. These initial increases in hunger and weight gain may also have another vast benefit, which we will explore next.

Bad Weight Gain Temporarily when starting copper.

  1. Copper detoxes Vitamin A, which is toxic. Detoxing is a good thing. Copper kicks Vitamin A out of the liver. But where does the Vitamin A go? It can be temporarily stored in the fat tissues and skin tissues and cause things like a rash. Copper itself does not cause rashes, because copper stops bleeding and speeds up wound healing. But the Vitamin A detox induced rashes do happen sometimes when starting copper. Zinc helps, because zinc makes a retinol binding protein that helps to detox Vitamin A. This is bad weight gain from Vitamin A mobilization. This is temporary, because you will learn to avoid excessive Vitamin A foods, right? Right? This won’t be temporary if you continue to eat high vitamin A Foods. If you continue to dance with the devil, then you will continue to pay the price here. Tomatoes and spicy peppers and sweet potatoes are high in carotenoids that get converted into Vitamin A.
  2. Copper detoxes sodium, which Americans consume far in excess. Copper increases ATP. Cells use from 20% to 70% of ATP just to detox sodium via the sodium/potassium pump. This sodium, when it leaves the cells, causes a temporary edema or tissue swelling outside the body’s cells, underneath the skin, before it is kicked out through the urine or feces. It can also cause a temporary diarrhea. It causes a puffy look, akin to increased fat. This is also a temporary situation, because you will learn to consume less sodium, right? This won’t be temporary if you continue to insist that you need excessive sodium. If you do the wrong things, you will pay the price. Sodium also results in far less energy for the body, because the body spends so much energy trying to get it out of the body’s cells. All forms of excessive sodium cause up to 30 or more horribly bad things for the body, whether it’s sea salt, Celtic salt, Himalayan salt, sodium tetraborate, or sodium bicarbonate. More on all of this is here: https://revealingfraud.com/2024/09/health/overview-of-potassium-sodium-and-health/
  3. Bloating. Some people get stomach bloating when starting copper, and this can be from a wide variety of reasons, again, usually temporary. Cutting back sodium and Vitamin A is one of the best things to stop this. Often, people also need improved digestion and improved HCL acid production, which can be helped with additional zinc and B Vitamins. For more on bloating and how to stop it: https://revealingfraud.com/2022/12/health/solutions-to-bloating-when-starting-on-copper/

Some people mistakenly think that the nausea on copper is harming their gut. No, it’s the toxins. Some people mistakenly think they need to heal their gut before starting copper. No. We need copper to heal the gut.

Putting it all together.

Copper actually causes muscle gain, and fat loss.

  1. In farm animals. Copper is used exactly for this purpose commercially. Proof:

This is exactly the change that everyone wants. Generally, more muscle is gained than fat is lost, so overall, there is weight gain.

  1. In rehab. I went to the Betty Ford Center for my alcoholism. Everybody there gains about 10 pounds in their first month. It turns out, toxins and stress are bad for you and causes atrophy of the muscles. When people recover, their muscles fill out, and they gain weight, and everyone looks far better and healthier.
  2. Usually, people complain about weight gain on copper in their first month or two. Usually, they have not yet gotten up to 20-30 mg, and they may not even intend to ever go so high, and they can’t even imagine it yet, because 5-10 mg of copper is making them more sick, nauseated, and they are just beginning to understand the process of detoxing. They don’t know what it will be like after they detox, because they are not there yet. They often don’t understand that the body will increase fat in order to help trap toxins, and that this is a good thing, and that it’s helping them detox at the pace that they can detox.

The average person’s body has 2600 mg of fluoride to detox. While this may be disputed on whether fluoride is a toxin, or how much a person really has, this is just one of many toxins. The body will also detox lead, mercury, aluminum, excessive iron, excess Vitamin A, excess calcium, excess sodium, excess plant toxins, excess plastic toxins, excess pharmaceutical toxins, and up to 300 to 2000 potential toxins all found in all people living in modern societies. They can usually detect an average of 300 different toxins in the average person. In the initial phases of detoxing, these toxins come out of more vital tissues like the nerves and brain and pancreas, and go into less vital tissues like fat tissues for temporary storage. This is a good process, a life saving process. The only way this fat tissue will come off is to continue detoxing. A person is not going to detox 2600 mg of fluoride with 5 mg of copper per day. Why not? Because the average person is also consuming 3-5 mg of fluoride per day, and we need twice as much copper just to detox the incoming fluoride, let alone get enough copper to handle what has built up inside the body. The average person is also consuming about 13 mg of iron. We need to get copper intake up and over this iron, too. And the average person is also consuming those 300 other toxins that all end up in the body. More copper and other good minerals for more toxins. 5 mg of copper per day is not going to work. It’s amazing that works at all, but it does, because people’s bodies are so starved for copper, with the average person only getting 0.6 mg of copper per day.

See also:

Many people in our forum also report overall weight loss on our protocol. Everyone starts out at different levels of weight and a toxic burden.

Ultimately, weight loss requires reduced calorie intake. Ultimately, reduced calorie intake works for 100% of the time for everyone, because starvation results in people looking like skin and bones 100% of the time, with no exceptions.

Many people report that calorie restriction does not work, or stops working, and we can also agree with that. Rebound weight gain is a thing, see the article above. If the metabolism lowers faster than the calorie restriction, or from calorie restriction, it does not work. Or muscle loss from dieting also results in reduced metabolism. Fat loss mobilizes toxins like Vitamin A and many other toxins that destroy the metabolism, or leads to increased tendency to gain fat tissue. Fortunately, increased copper and iodine and our full protocol tends to restore metabolic damage from rapid fat loss, and/or increased toxicity.

The ultimate solution is to keep detoxing, and keep moving, don’t overeat, trust the process, give the protocol time to do the work that needs to be done to heal.

The Copper Revolution Protocol:

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