250 Word Executive Summary of The Copper Revolution Protocol

The protocol contains near-optimal, yet moderate doses, of the following 22 vitamins and minerals: Copper Sulfate, Zinc Gluconate, Vitamin C as ascorbic acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B12, Boron, Potassium Iodide, Lugol’s Iodine, Molybdenum, Chromium Picolinate, MSM Sulfur, Colloidal Gold, Blueberry Concentrate, Magnesium Glycinate, Creatine Phosphate, Potassium Chloride,… Continue reading 250 Word Executive Summary of The Copper Revolution Protocol

Categorised as Health

JH and PI.AI on Copper Toxicity

To better detect what the AI’s really know, and the differences between AIs, I asked pi.ai the exact same set of questions that I asked claude.ai. See: https://revealingfraud.com/2024/03/health/jh-and-claude-ai-on-copper-toxicity/ Putting this together took about 1 hour and was far faster since I did not have to write anything, I just copied and pasted. I was almost… Continue reading JH and PI.AI on Copper Toxicity

Categorised as Health


Based on this article: https://www.maximumtruth.org/p/ais-ranked-by-iq-ai-passes-100-iq I found the AI. I used this model: “You are using Claude 3 Sonnet, our second-most intelligent model, for free. To try Opus, our most intelligent model, upgrade to Claude Pro.” And I began a conversation, as follows: JH: I am Jason Hommel, the author of the book, “The Copper… Continue reading JH and CLAUDE.AI ON COPPER

Categorised as Health

How to Fix Racing Heart Problems, Arrhythmia, Heart Palpitations & Irregular Heart Beats

My wife Jennifer has had symptoms of a racing heart for around 8 or 9 years until early 2023. When the symptoms started, she had been taking Vitamin A for about a year, and she had also begun supplementing salt. We finally fixed the problem last year, and within the last year she has not… Continue reading How to Fix Racing Heart Problems, Arrhythmia, Heart Palpitations & Irregular Heart Beats

Categorised as Health

Toxins to Avoid

This article is similar, yet different, than my other article, “Supplements We Avoid”. Both lists contain toxins. But the other list is stricktly a list of supplements that can be toxic. I am going to try to order this list based on a combination of factors. Those with most of these factors should be closer… Continue reading Toxins to Avoid

Categorised as Health

Refuting a “Copper Toxicity” Article from March, 2023

Regarding: “Copper Toxicity” by Amor Royer; Tariq Sharman, March 27, 2023 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557456/ The “Copper Toxicity” article here echoes much of the research that we highlight and address in the book, The Copper Revolution. They echo what we say, that copper is toxic between 10-20 grams, which is 10,000 to 20,000 mg, thus proving that copper is… Continue reading Refuting a “Copper Toxicity” Article from March, 2023

Categorised as Health

Manganese Interactions and Doses

Manganese Interactions and Doses We are taking 1-2 pills of 8 mg of manganese daily.This brand:MANGANESE: https://www.amazon.com/Pure-Encapsulations-Hypoallergenic-Supplement-Connective/dp/B000H6UM2S/ After 1 week on manganese, I’m noticing super long super vivid super detailed dreams, less flipping over in bed and sleeping longer in one position without having to move, better joints in the gym, warmer hands, and I… Continue reading Manganese Interactions and Doses

Categorised as Health

Manganese Toxicity Concerns Refuted

Regarding the following article: Manganese Toxicity (July, 2023) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560903/ This article from July 2023 shows a wide array of mechanisms that can contribute to manganese toxicity, such as: being an infant, a woman low in iron, being elderly, having liver problems, low bile flow, diabetes, low pancreas function, being a welder, having Parkonson’s or any… Continue reading Manganese Toxicity Concerns Refuted

Categorised as Health

Cancer and Copper

My book chapter on cancer is buried in the middle of this article–buried on purpose. https://revealingfraud.com/2023/08/health/refuting-the-orthomolecular-viewpoint-on-copper/ Summary points… 1. Copper detoxes many carcinogens and other toxins. 2. Copper restores ATP production, which is impaired in cancer. 3. Copper kills mold, which some say is cancer, and is nearly always co-present with cancer. 4. Copper detoxes… Continue reading Cancer and Copper

Categorised as Health

CORRECTING MedicalNewsToday

I WILL BE MAKING CORRECTIONS TO THIS ARTICLE ON COPPER.I WILL STRIKE THROUGH LINES THAT ARE INCORRECT LIKE THIS AND INSERT MY COMMENTS IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288165 Health benefits and risks of copperHealth benefitsRequirementsDeficiencyEffectsBrain and nervous systemFoods sourcesSupplementsRisksTakeaway Copper is an essential trace mineral necessary for survival. It is found in all body… Continue reading CORRECTING MedicalNewsToday

Categorised as Health

Sodium & Potassium

Overview of Potassium, Sodium, and Health 12th September 2024 Salts: Sodium Chloride Vs. Potassium Chloride, Part 1 Problems from Excess Sodium Chloride, Part II  Chat GPT4 on Sodium & Potassium, Part III Chat GPT 4’s List of the Benefits of Potassium Racing Heart from lower Sodium? (Chat GPT4) Potassium as an antihistamine?  How to Fix Racing… Continue reading Sodium & Potassium

Categorised as Health

Public Health Is a National Security Issue

Public Health Is a National Security Issue RE: https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2023/august/public-health-national-security-issueThe focus of that article is only partially correct. Potential biological warfare is a low risk. The far bigger problem is the reality of the declining mental and physical health of the American Public that are already under attack by many unrecognized, low-grade chronic poisonings and nutritional… Continue reading Public Health Is a National Security Issue

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How we differ from the RCP

I like Morley Robbins. But he and I have developed our protocols entirely independently. We have spoken on the phone quite a few times. First, we differ philosophically in a few ways. While we are both Christians… Morley seems to believe in evolution. I believe in Creation. Morley is aiming to make his protocol as… Continue reading How we differ from the RCP

Categorised as Health

Benefits of Colloidal Gold

By Chat GPT at bing, which can access the internet for reliable sourcing of comments. Anti-inflammatory and Anti-aging: Colloidal gold has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and could potentially mitigate inflammation and accelerate wound healing12. Cognitive Function Improvement: It has been shown to help transmit electrical signals within the body, improving memory and focus1. Rheumatoid Arthritis Alleviation:… Continue reading Benefits of Colloidal Gold

Categorised as Health

Health Benefits of Molybdenum

By Chat GPT at Bing, with access to the internet to accurately source references: Molybdenum is a trace mineral that plays a vital role in many biological processes. Here are some of the key benefits of molybdenum: Enzyme Activation: Molybdenum acts as a cofactor for four important enzymes12: Sulfite oxidase: Converts sulfite to sulfate, preventing… Continue reading Health Benefits of Molybdenum

Categorised as Health

Chat GPT 4’s List of the Benefits of Potassium

Supports optimal brain functionEnhances cognitive performanceSupports a balanced moodHelps reduce symptoms of depression and anxietyEnhances memory and learning abilitiesSupports overall cognitive function Facilitates nerve impulse transmissionSupports optimal nerve function Maintains proper hydration levelsHelps alleviate water retention and edemaMaintains proper balance of fluids in the bodyElectrolyte Balance and Fluid RegulationSupports normal adrenal function Essential for normal… Continue reading Chat GPT 4’s List of the Benefits of Potassium

Categorised as Health

Chapter 45: Heart Disease (IHD)

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a condition of recurring chest pain or discomfort that occurs when a part of the heart does not receive enough blood. This condition occurs most often during exertion or excitement when the heart requires greater blood flow. Ischemic means that an organ (e.g., the heart) is not getting enough blood… Continue reading Chapter 45: Heart Disease (IHD)

Categorised as Health

Mineral Antihistamines: Magnesium, B12, Boron, MSM Sulfur, Iodine

Jason: Can you tell me more about histamine intolerance? ChatGPT4 at Bing: Histamine intolerance is a condition where the body is unable to break down histamine properly, leading to a buildup of histamine in the body1. Histamine is a chemical that is involved in the immune system’s response to allergens and injury, as well as… Continue reading Mineral Antihistamines: Magnesium, B12, Boron, MSM Sulfur, Iodine

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