Windmill Power is a Fraud

Trump on windmills:

Wind Energy is not economic. The true costs are quoted in articles below as being 20 to 100 to 20,000 times higher! Since it is not economic, it is not “sustainable”. –Jason Hommel

Wind Energy, because it is wasteful, and not economic, means that it generates more CO2 than if it were not tried at all. While the increased CO2 does not bother me, because I know that CO2 is plant food, and is helping the planet, it goes against the dogma of the uninformed greenies who think CO2 induced Global Warming is a problem, and not a solution. What really bothers me are the fraud, the lies, the increased costs, the energy poverty that wind creates, and the wasted government spending on wind farms. –Jason Hommel

Wind Energy, a big scam
Fred Campbell, April 4, 2019

“Wind energy may be the biggest scam in the U.S. I am a retired engineer with over 30 years’ experience working with electric utilities. I have been against wind turbines ever since they were first introduced.

Wind turbines are not economically viable and are only built because of the billions of dollars in tax incentives that is being wasted by our government to support them. Our government plans to spend over $40 billion over the next nine years in support of wind energy.

The large developers installing the wind turbines don’t care about efficiency, meteorological data, or community concerns. It is all about the money, the tax incentives. We need to stop the tax incentives, and then all the other problems will go away.”

by Matt Ridley | Jun 2, 2017

“Even after 30 years of huge subsidies, wind power provides only slightly more than zero energy to the world.

Their trick is to hide behind the statement that close to 14 per cent of the world’s energy is renewable, with the implication that this is wind and solar.

Even in rich countries playing with subsidized wind and solar, a huge slug of their renewable energy comes from wood and hydro, the reliable renewables.”

“the Unreliables Lobby cannot take refuge in the idea that wind turbines could become more efficient. There is a limit to how much energy you can extract from a moving fluid, the Betz limit, and wind turbines are already close to it. “

” But out of sight and mind is the dirty pollution generated in Inner Mongolia by the mining of rare-earth metals for the magnets in the turbines. This generates toxic and radioactive waste on an epic scale, which is why the phrase ‘clean energy’ is such a sick joke and greenie politicians should be ashamed every time it passes their lips. “

” MacKay, former chief scientific adviser to the Department of Energy and Climate Change, said in the final interview before his tragic death last year that the idea that renewable energy could power the UK is an “appalling delusion” — for this reason, that there is not enough land. “

More from Matt Ridley:

California to rely on 100% clean electricity by 2045 under bill signed by Gov. Jerry Brown
By LIAM DILLON, SEP 10, 2018

“Senate Bill 100 by state Sen. Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) requires the state to obtain all of its electricity from clean sources — such as solar, wind and hydropower — by 2045. The bill also requires electric utilities and other service providers to generate 60% of their power from renewable sources by 2030, up from the 50% goal previously set for that date.”


This is the book that exposes the utter uselessness of wind power, including how:

  • Wind turbines rarely produce their full advertised power.  On average, wind turbines only produce about 20% of their nameplate rating.
  • Wind power is totally unreliable and is not dispatchable. When it is needed most, it will likely be unavailable to provide any power at all.
  • Wind power is not clean.  It takes a lot of dirty energy to make the materials, manufacture and install a wind turbine facility.
  • Wind turbines are not environmentally friendly.  They are noisy, unsightly, kill bats and birds, interfere with radars, and have been shown to be responsible for a slew of human health problems.
  • Wind turbines, whether operating or not, consume a considerable amount of electricity to power their auxiliary systems.  Often this power is not even metered. Care to guess who is paying the bill for this power?
  • When the wind doesn’t blow, power must be provided by reliable fossil or nuclear plants.  Thus, wind power will never replace fossil or nuclear power plants; they can only compliment them.  Why have only one reliable fossil and nuclear system, when you can build another unreliable wind system for twice the price?
  • Denmark’s experience shows that wind power doesn’t reduce CO2 emissions at all, because backup fossil power plants have to be kept on-line and must cycle wildly and inefficiently trying to keep up with erratic wind power output.
  • Wind Power will not reduce CO2 emissions.  If 20% of US electric generation was replaced by wind power, the decrease in CO2 emissions would be an unnoticeable 0.00948%.  This decrease would be like trying to notice that two people left the average NBA basketball game after you came back from the concession stands.
  • Wind power will not reduce US dependency on foreign oil.  If wind power replaced 20% of US electric generation, the resulting decrease in oil imports would be a measly 0.292%.
  • The Livermore Pass Project in California, the only Energy Returned On Energy Invested analysis found on the Internet, was touted as having an impressive EROEI value of 14.87.  However, upon rigorous analysis, it turns out that Livermore Pass has an embarrassingly low EROEI value of only 0.29.  In other words, this installation will produce less than a third of the energy that was needed to design, fabricate, transport, erect, operate, maintain, and decommission it. 


“The short usable lifespan of a wind turbine [20 years] is one of the most important, but least-talked about subjects in energy policy.

In contrast to wind, coal, natural gas, and nuclear plants can run for a very long time. Coal and natural gas plants can easily run for 50 years, and nuclear plants can be updated and retrofitted to run for 60 years. This has profound implications for the cost of electricity on a per megawatt hour basis that seemingly no one is talking about.

When the federal government puts out their cost projections for energy, the numbers they produce are called the Levelized Cost of Energy, or LCOE. These numbers are supposed to act as a measuring stick that allows policymakers to determine which energy sources will best serve their needs, but these numbers are wrong because they assume all power plants, whether they are wind, coal, natural gas, or nuclear will have a 30-year payback period.

This does two things. It artificially reduces the cost of wind power by allowing them to spread their costs over 30 years, when 20 would be much more appropriate, and it artificially inflates the cost of coal, natural gas, and nuclear by not calculating the cost over the entirety of their reasonable lifetimes.”

“But when they learn that – contrary to the ONLY “justification” for the $billions filched from power consumer and taxpayers and directed as perpetual subsidies to wind power outfits – wind power INCREASES CO2 emissions in the electricity sector – rather than decreasing them, as claimed – their attitude stiffens to the point of hostility to those behind the fraud and those hell-bent on sustaining it. “

South Australia’s Wind Power Debacle: Supermarkets Sacking Staff, While Sales of Portable Generators Boom, February 18, 2017

Bill Gates says Subsidies for Wind Power a Pointless Waste: Time to Back Nuclear & R&D on Systems that Can Actually Work
July 7, 2015

“There’s no battery technology that’s even close to allowing us to take all of our energy from renewables,” he said, pointing out – as we’ve noted on these pages before – that it’s necessary “to deal not only with the 24-hour cycle but also with long periods of time where it’s cloudy and you don’t have sun or you don’t have wind.”

Lessons from Germany’s Wind Power Disaster
August 3, 2014

“No modern economy can run with electricity delivered at crazy, random intervals. To compensate for that meteorological fact, Germany is flat out building more coal fired power stations – not less.

German industry is bailing out and heading to the US – where power is a third of the cost that it is in Germany – and some 800,000 German homes have been disconnected from the grid – victims of what is euphemistically called “fuel poverty”. For Germans the attraction to wind power is fading fast – funny about that.”

Professor Ross McKitrick: Wind turbines don’t run on wind, they run on subsidies.

August 31, 2014 by stopthesethings5 Comments


“As STT followers are acutely aware, wind power is an economic and environmental fraud. Because wind power can only ever be delivered at crazy, random intervals – and, therefore, never “on-demand” – it will never be a substitute for those generation sources which are – ie hydro, nuclear, gas and coal (see our posts here and here and here and hereand here and here and here and here).

Were it not for government mandates – backed by a constant and colossal stream of subsidies (see our post here) – wind power generators would never dispatch a single spark to the grid, as they would never find a customer that would accept power delivered 30% of the time (at best) on terms where the vendor can never tell customers just when that power might be delivered – if at all (see our post here).”

Offshore wind power, a fraudulent fiasco
By Roger Bezdek and Paul Driessen – – Sunday, December 2, 2018

Virginia lawmakers recently approved an offshore wind project — with no competitive bidding and an estimated cost of $300 million. Virginians will pay 25 times the U.S. market price for the turbines — and then pay 78 cents/kilowatt-hour for their intermittent electricity. That’s 26 times the 3 cents per kWh wholesale price for coal, gas, hydroelectric or nuclear electricity in the Commonwealth.

State utility regulators blasted the decision. The legislature nevertheless enacted it at the behest of Gov. Ralph Northam, to demonstrate his commitment to “fighting climate change.” After the two “demonstration” turbines run awhile, they could be joined by hundreds more.

Advocates of green energy write the following:

In 2013 research, Keith described how each wind turbine creates a “wind shadow” behind it where air has been slowed down by the turbine’s blades. Today’s commercial-scale wind farms carefully space turbines to reduce the impact of these wind shadows, but given the expectation that wind farms will continue to expand as demand for wind-derived electricity increases, interactions and associated climatic impacts cannot be avoided.

What was missing from this previous research, however, were observations to support the modeling. Then, a few months ago, the U.S. Geological Survey released the locations of 57,636 wind turbines around the U.S. Using this data set, in combination with several other U.S. government databases, Keith and postdoctoral fellow Lee Miller were able to quantify the power density of 411 wind farms and 1,150 solar photovoltaic plants operating in the U.S. during 2016.

“For wind, we found that the average power density — meaning the rate of energy generation divided by the encompassing area of the wind plant — was up to 100 times lower than estimates by some leading energy experts,” said Miller, who is the first author of both papers.

“As consumers, we pay for electricity twice: once through our monthly electricity bill and a second time through taxes that finance massive subsidies for inefficient wind and other energy producers.

Most cost estimates for wind power disregard the heavy burden of these subsidies on US taxpayers. But if Americans realized the full cost of generating energy from wind power, they would be less willing to foot the bill – because it’s more than most people think.

Over the past 35 years, wind energy – which supplied just 4.4% of US electricity in 2014 – has received US$30 billion in federal subsidies and grants. These subsidies shield people from the uncomfortable truth of just how much wind power actually costs and transfer money from average taxpayers to wealthy wind farm owners, many of which are units of foreign companies.”


Global Warming is also a Fraud.