Copper and Iodine are great for pregnant moms to take.
Iodine makes babies far smarter!
Jorge Flechas Total Body Iodine Sufficiency (2011)
Flechas, in the video above: “Babies born to mothers on the High Iodine Protocol, (12.5 mg iodine) are genius level babies” At 14:15 in the video he states that babies whose mothers took high iodine have IQ’s 20-30 points higher than the parents.
Furthermore, schoolchildren deficient in iodine have IQ’s that are 15 points lower compared to kids with sufficient iodine, which have IQ’s 15 points higher.
Iodine Intake and Related Cognitive Function Impairments in Elementary Schoolchildren (2022) NEW STUDY!
The original research by the iodine doctors is available to read here: These are some of the most vital studies on iodine available, and they are very comprehensive.
I have written over 80 articles on iodine, and my most comprehensive is found here:
- Pregnant women have a rise of copper in the blood by 100%. This is not in dispute.
- This fact is confirmed by the other fact that babies have 5 to 10 times more copper per pound in their bodies than adults.
- This fact is confirmed by knowing that copper is essential for the growth of the baby.
- This fact is confirmed by the fact that copper deficiency leads to miscarriages.
Low zinc and copper levels might cause spontaneous abortion, study suggests
Copper Sulfate is GRAS “Generally Recognized as Safe” and can be used in infant formula, according to the US government
The RDA for copper for pregnant women is 11% higher, and for lactating women, the RDA for copper is 44% higher.
Vitamin A excess causes birth defects. “Although doses of 10,000 IU/d or less of preformed vitamin A (retinyl esters and retinol) are considered safe, doses > 10,000 IU/d as supplements have been reported to cause malformations in a single epidemiologic study.”
I note that 10,000 IU of Vitamin A is about 3 mg.
Folate also causes birth defects. Specifically, over 1 mg causes cognitive decline.
We avoid both Vitamin A and folate on our protocol.
I understand there is some sort of “meme” going around that says “Pregnant women should not detox”. This idea is so obviously stupid and wrong I have blocked numerous people from the forum for insisting that this is true, because I have to consider them to be too stupid to be able to engage in actual discussion and reasoning.
We all detox when we exhale, sweat, pee or poop. And our liver and kidneys are detoxing all the time, and our livers and kidneys do not have “turn this off while pregnant” buttons. So everyone, including pregnant women, are detoxing in at least 6 ways continuously all the time, as we are intended to do by our creator.
How do bad ideas get spread? Because good ideas are turned into bad ideas with subtle word changes.
I recognize that fasting is bad for pregnant women. When pregnant women fast, and go without food, it lowers the IQ of the baby. There are many different kinds of fasting, such as dry fasts, water fasts, juice fasts, intermittent fasting, and detox fasts of various kinds. All of this fasting, of course, is also called detoxing. And then, because fasting is bad, people conclude or also say that detoxing is bad. This is a false equivalence. While all fasting is detoxing, not all detoxing is fasting.
Good nutrition also detoxes. Iodine detoxes, and does not lower the IQ of the baby, it vastly increases it! The Flechas video at the top of this post is a “MUST WATCH”!
Copper is also phenomenally great for the nerves and brain, as so many here testify, and as my review of the research so clearly shows, in Chapter 1 of my books, copper heals the nerves in 15 ways.
Copper also cures anemia, one of the top concerns of pregnant women.
Copper and iodine also both cure infections, another concern of pregnant women, because infections can be especially bad for babies. In fact, in copper deficiency, infections vastly increase.
Iodine also kills germs!
Copper and iodine also both increase insulin sensitivity, a fourth top concern of pregnant women.
Fifth, copper, zinc, and Vitamin C are all needed for collagen. Stretch marks are from low collagen formation. It’s not about eating collagen, which is just protein. Your body has to be able to re-synthesize and make collagen. That requires copper, zinc, Vitamin C, and yes, protein. And manganese for collagen, too.
So copper and iodine, while they detox, are not only great for pregnant mothers, they are essential.
It seems pregnant women are encouraged to take iron. And women in general, to take iron. But iron blocks copper, a key nerve and brain nutrient. And we live in an iron fortified society that is drowning in iron. And we live in a copper deficient society. People are filled with fluoride and bromine, which also block copper. And there are no valid tests for either iron or copper!!!
As iron blocks copper, needed for nerve development, and seeing as how there are no copper champions, except our brand new group… it could well be the case that iron supplements, given to pregnant moms, are a main cause of autism and other neuro developmental disorders, which have risen to rates as high as 1 in 6 kids.
Excess dietary iron is the root cause for increase in childhood Autism and allergies
Chapter 27: High iron causes neuropathy
Neurotoxic effects of iron overload under high glucose concentration
“Iron overload can lead to cytotoxicity, and it is a risk factor for diabetic peripheral neuropathy. However, the underlying mechanism remains unclear.”
Well, let me clarify. Iron blocks copper. And copper is needed by the nerves!
Babies are born with higher concentrations of both iodine and copper than their mothers. Iodine and copper are both excellent for the brain and nerves, and both lift the mood, and fix depression. Loss of iodine and copper to the baby help explain postpartum depression.
Prenatal Vitamins are the absolute worst vitamins available, for many reasons. I will add to this section at a later date.
Many of the vitamins and minerals found in prenatal formulas are ones to avoid.
For now, I know folate is often recommended for pregnant women. The US government references a study that shows high folate intake over 1 mg lowers cognitive performance in children.
“In addition, intakes of 1,000 mcg per day or more of folic acid from supplements during the periconception period have been associated with lower scores on several tests of cognitive development in children at ages 4–5 years than in children of mothers who took 400 mcg to 999 mcg [154].”
Effect of maternal high dosages of folic acid supplements on neurocognitive development in children at 4-5 y of age: the prospective birth cohort Infancia y Medio Ambiente (INMA) study — 2017
The average person’s diet in the usa contains 500 mcg folate, which is above the minimum RDA, and more than necessary to prevent neural tube defects. Taking 400 mcg folate in a supplement puts one very close to the 1000 mcg or above that causes cognitive dysfunction.
One of the harms of folate intake above 300 mcg is induced B12 deficiency, which causes nerve damage and that cognitive dysfunction. Therefore, B12 supplements, included on our protocol, are key to avoiding problems with a baby’s cognitive development.
Avoiding ultrasounds should be considered.
We have had numerous pregnant women in our forum testify to their improved health, and super healthy babies while on our high copper, high iodine protocol.
Quick little praise report:
This is my 7th pregnancy. Since my 2nd pregnancy anywhere from 20 weeks gestation to as early as 8 weeks my joints typically start softening up, get bad round ligament pain (have to wear a belly brace by week 16), and my feet literally go out of joint which is EXTREMELY painful. Oh, and by week 20 I get just enough oedema that I can’t wear my wedding ring.
Well, finishing up my 3rd month being on copper protocol with iodine. 27 weeks gestation today:
Have hardly had any round ligament pain, haven’t had to wear a belly brace AT ALL. Have no joint pain. My feet are NOT going out of joint at all. And I can still wear my rings, no oedema/swelling! Had Braxton hicks 1 time for like 20 minutes, but just increased my magnesium and bam! No more of that nonsense either!
I’m still quite tired most afternoons, but it’s steadily getting better and better. And I do a ReFit class once per week for some good stretching, mood improvement, and detoxing with a good sweat.
Got an earful from one of my doctors via email the other day saying I shouldn’t be doing any of these minerals on the protocol and should just stick with what she suggested at beginning of pregnancy (mainly my prenatal). I’m stille eating good, drinking way more than I usually do (which is great), and taking a lot of the original supplements she recommended. Baby and I get checked out monthly by my midwives who have expressed zero concerns. Baby is measure a week ahead, my midwives were super impressed with my blood pressure last month, my anxiety is down, I’m 24 weeks and still able to wear my ring on usual finger (no swelling or edema).
I keep thinking if my body has been deficient in vital minerals, WHY would I wait until AFTER pregnancy to correct that? I feel very strongly it’s not only my job to care for MY body, but it’s my responsibility to insure this baby is able to access all the nutrients he needs as well. Of I quit everything at this point, it won’t be helping my baby or myself.
Hi guys! Since I shared my pregnancy woes and the start to my protocol journey with all of you and asked for prayer for our babies delivery…I wanted to announce that she arrived safe and sound.
… born August 23rd
6 pounds 11oz, 18.5 inches long
Her first name in Hebrew means: close to God, an angel from God, beloved, delight
Light unto me, I have light, compassionate
Thank you for your prayers!
Glory to God in the Highest!
Recently, a woman took up to 100 mg iodine, 80 mg copper, on our full protocol, and got off thyroid medicines, while delivering a healthy baby boy. Here is her story, shared with permission:
Sarah C. Donaldson
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Sorry, the groups gonna get bombed with baby smiles today
We have 4 girls ages 6 to 2. After our 4th little gem, we suffered 2 devastating losses. The first was over memorial day weekend 2021 at 6 weeks gestation. The next was January 14th, 2022 at 12 weeks 1 day gestation. Both losses were thoroughly horrible and hurt our family so much.
After the 2nd loss, I had some DNA Testing done, studied the book “Dirty Genes” by Dr Lynch, saw a doctor and had blood work done. I had to find out why were suddenly losing our precious babies.
Found out my thyroid was basically shot, was for sure hypothyroid and had to go on levothyroxine to help balance my hormones. I was also suffering from severe fatigue and anxiety, atleast partially due to the hypothyroid, but also because of environment (another family was living on the property with us, and the parents turned out to be total narcissists).
Started medication, then found out we were expecting again. We checked my levels right away, after a couple weeks we found even with the meds my progesterone was going DOWN, not up, and I was at risk of losing our baby, again. I was put on high dose progesterone cream in addition to the meds for 1st trimester.
During this time my mom discovered Hommels book, then website and Facebook group. She started the protocol and was having some amazing results with her hair (it had turned black going grey to orange in recent years, copper turned it black with shiny grey), her heart palpitations were getting better, her anxiety, fatigue, and IBS were suddenly decreased, and she really encouraged me to look at possible mineral deficiencies for myself.
I did, I joined the group, read everything I could on the website, bought the book and read that, compared what Hommel had to say with my hair toxicology test (which showed low copper, low iodine, and low lithium).
I started the copper protocol at start of my 2nd trimester. A month later I started adding the high iodine protocol in conjunction with the copper.
I had very little nausea or cravings, my joints were strong (normally my feet would go out of joint during pregnancy, very painful, but not this pregnancy ), my energy was good for longer periods of time until I hit 3rd trimester, then I got super fatigued, but was still able to do what was needed everyday.
By end of pregnancy I was up to 80mg copper and 100mg iodine everyday, with cofactors, and was off my thyroid meds!
The last month of pregnancy I started having very painful back spasms, chiropractic and stretches didn’t seem to help or prevent them for some reason.
February 24th, 2023, I was having contractions from 10 to 2pm. Then they stopped. They picked up again about 10pm and got down to 3 minutes apart, we got the birth pool set up, and then contractions went up to 12 minutes apart and pittered out. Got back to bed about 4am. Woke about 8am February 25th, took care of animals, had breakfast, texted my mom that I thought we’d be staying home that day rather than going to Bible study cause we were up most the night. 10am, contractions started again, by noon I texted my midwife who was about an hour drive from us. By 1pm I knew I needed my mom to come over. Midwife was packing up from her event.
My mom got to my place about 2pm, midwife arrived about 4pm.
I labored in the tub a bit, which was nice. But found I was having issue with a cervical lip (again). Tried to not push for a few contractions so the lip could dissolve, but it hurt too much not pushing. So I got out of the tub, midwife held back the lip so I could push babies head past it. Baby was born at 4:20pm. 6 hrs of “Active” labor. 8lbs 8oz, our first Boy, and our Double Rainbow baby
He had a tongue tie like his sisters before him, but the tie wasn’t frenulum but rather a thin membrane that gave way super easily! He wanted to nurse right away, and had a great big latch (nursing moms will know what that means). He has no dimples, but is a super nurser and the happiest baby!
Placenta just kind fell out within a couple minutes of him being born (which was a huge relief as my 12 week lost I had retained placenta and took 5 weeks to pass it).
I felt great while in labor (aside from the pain of contractions, of course), but shortly after the placenta was born, I started passing out. My birth team had me lay donlwn flat for a bit so my blood pressure could stabilize. When I regained consciousness I tried to get up but found no strength to move at all. I passed out again. I couldn’t even have a pillow under my head or I’d pass out. Had to lay flat with my knees up so blood flow would come to my head.
Midwife gave me a shot of pitocin because my uterus wasn’t cramping down like it should’ve been (it was too tired). Got some ibuprofen and tylenol for the pain.
My birth team discussed my symptoms and seems my blood volume didn’t increase as much during pregnancy (due to my hypothyroid, i have a friend who has the same issue). A friend of ours who is a retired ER nurse said I needed 4 oz of electrolyte water every 20 minutes to help get me hydrated and build blood volume. So my sister stayed with us a few days and had a timer going during wake time to make sure I was getting the 4oz on time during the day. By 24 hrs postpartum I was able to get to the bathroom while being carried by my hubby, by 36 hrs I could walk to the bathroom with assistance. He was born Saturday, and it wasn’t until Monday I was able to sit up and change his diapers myself (hubby and my mom and sister did all his changes before that). Best advice to avoid this issue in future: drink water WITH electrolytes during pregnancy; I was drinking LOTS of water but my mouth always felt dry because I wasn’t using electrolytes. Midwife says this is why I was having bad back spasms too.
Anyways, I’m still using electrolytes in my water, back on copper and iodine with cofactors. I have had zero mastitis, I’ve got a nice supply of extra milk I pumped in the freezer, baby nurses great! He’s super alert and smiley. He lives to study new people. Talk to him and he’ll start moving his lips and wiggling his tongue, he even moves his hands like he’s try to use gestures while talking! At 8 weeks he was already up to 15 lbs and had to move to 3-6 month clothes, now at 12 weeks the 3-6 month clothes are getting hard to put on already, need to weigh him again this weekend.
For myself, I’m right back to homeschooling my girls, keeping house, working the goats and ducks, getting the garden ready with my hubby, and loving on this sweet boy We are doing great and still learning every day
Everyone, meet Thomas William Donaldson
Born 2/25/2023, 8lbs 8oz.