How We Make Copper(1) Iodide

This is a three step process. 1. Make copper sulfate solution at 1 mg per drop. 2. Make a fully saturated potassium iodide. 3. Put 23 drops of potassium iodide into a bottle of copper sulfate.

Step 1.

Start with making a copper sulfate solution, in a 2 oz. bottle, at 1 mg per drop, as instructed in our protocols guide:

Here is a video on how to make a 1 mg copper per drop solution:

The video in words: Put 5/8ths teaspoons of copper sulfate crystals (4.7 grams) into a 2-ounce dropper bottle, and fill it with hot distilled water. Wrap the bottle with a towel to protect yourself from the heat, then shake to dissolve. It does not have to be hot, but the heat helps it dissolve more quickly. It does not have to be distilled, but distilled is cleanest, looks the best, and helps it dissolve more quickly.

The 2-ounce bottle will contain 1182 mg of contained copper. It will be blue.

Step 2.

Make a fully saturated potassium iodide, as instructed here:

“Potassium iodide can be conveniently prepared in a saturated solution, abbreviated SSKI. This method of delivering potassium iodide doesn’t require a method to weigh out the potassium iodide, thus allowing it to be used in an emergency situation. KI crystals are simply added to water until no more KI will dissolve and instead sits at the bottom of the container. With pure water, the concentration of KI in the solution depends only on the temperature. Potassium iodide is highly soluble in water thus SSKI is a concentrated source of KI. At 20 degrees Celsius the solubility of KI is 140-148 grams per 100 grams of water.[52] Because the volumes of KI and water are approximately additive, the resulting SSKI solution will contain about 1.00 gram (1000 mg) KI per milliliter (mL) of solution. This is 100% weight/volume (note units of mass concentration) of KI (one gram KI per mL solution), which is possible because SSKI is significantly more dense than pure water—about 1.67 g/mL.[53] Because KI is about 76.4% iodide by weight, SSKI contains about 764 mg iodide per mL. This concentration of iodide allows the calculation of the iodide dose per drop, if one knows the number of drops per milliliter. For SSKI, a solution more viscous than water, there are assumed to be 15 drops per mL; the iodide dose is therefore approximately 51 mg per drop. It is conventionally rounded to 50 mg per drop.”

“The term SSKI is also used, especially by pharmacists, to refer to a U.S.P. pre-prepared solution formula, made by adding KI to water to prepare a solution containing 1000 mg KI per mL solution (100% wt/volume KI solution), to closely approximate the concentration of SSKI made by saturation. This is essentially interchangeable with SSKI made by saturation, and also contains about 50 mg iodide per drop.”

“Thus, a drop of SSKI provides 50/0.15 = 333 times the daily iodine…” [US RDA] {which are established for prisoners}.

A source of potassium iodide crystals: Amazon’s Choice:

Potassium iodide crystals are white, and it makes a clear solution. The solution slowly turns a bit yellow over a few months of time, as some of the iodine is naturally liberated through decay. This does not mean the solution has turned bad, it’s fine if it’s yellow.

Step 3.

Put 23 drops of fully saturated potassium iodide solution, at 51 mg per drop, which is a total of 23 x 51 mg = 1173 mg of contained iodide, into the 2 oz. bottle of copper sulfate, which contains 1175 mg of copper. This makes a 1:1 ratio of copper to iodine. Half of the iodine appears to bind to the copper, making the copper(1) iodine white powder that precipitates and falls out to the bottom. The other half of the iodine remains as I(2) or iodine bound to itself, making the majority of the solution dark, like Lugol’s.

There is very little information available on copper(1) iodide. What I could find, I added to my notes here:

UPDATE: as of October 17th, 2023. Jennifer Hommel, my wife, experimented taking this copper iodide for a few months as she was trying to slowly increase her intake of copper up to 160 mg. She got as far as 85 mg for about 2 months, until it just got to be too much, and she developed nausea, and work requirements seemed to get in the way. She is no longer taking copper iodide at this time, but we may experiment with this again.