Fixes for Copper Detox, Induced Deficiencies, or other Latent Deficiencies

Nausea! About half the people who take copper at 3 mg get nausea. Taking copper with milk greatly reduces nausea. Vegan milks also work. Or try with calcium, zinc, potassium, B Vitamins, or food, or molybdenum, those all help nausea. Molybdenum deficiency might be induced by high copper, or it could also be a latent deficiency already present. We believe the nausea is also from fluoride detox, or low stomach acid, or dehydration, or excess Vitamin A. Molybdenum, as a cure for nausea on copper, dates back to the 1850’s.

Paradoxically, those who have the hardest time adjusting to copper, seem to need it the most, and benefit the most, because they are the most toxic, and have the most detoxing to do. Some people give up too soon, concluding that “copper is not for everyone”, which we believe is a mistake. Everyone needs copper to live. Allergies are from the detoxing, not from the copper, because nobody is copper toxic, except for about 1 person on the planet per year, see more proof of this here:

Bleeding / Headaches! You may need 500-3000 mg Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, not whole food C), and zinc with copper to prevent bleeding and or headaches. See also the guide on How to stop and prevent bleeding. Vitamin C works for headaches in minutes. Just as copper can induce a headache, iodine induces a bromine detox headache. For that, potassium chloride or magnesium chloride works. Key factors to stop bleeding: take cayenne pepper which works in about 5 minutes. Eating greens works better than taking Vitamin K, but takes about 24 hours for it to work. Avoid iron, mints, mentholatum, pain killers and fluoride. Copper stops bleeding. But we need copper, zinc, and Vitamin C in balance to make collagen to prevent and stop bleeding. What is the Balance? The ratio of zinc to copper supplementation should be in a range from 1:1 to 3:1 zinc over copper, with 1000 mg Vitamin C. Example: If you take 10 mg of copper, you can take from 10-30 mg of zinc.

Kidney pain, lower back pain and/or fluid build-up/swelling. For about 2 in 700 people, if you increase iodine, boron, and copper too quickly, all of which detox fluoride, you can overwhelm your kidneys with fluoride and/or other toxins, causing kidney pain, back pain, etc. You can help detox your kidneys, and give them a metabolic boost, with 1/8th of a teaspoon of baking soda in two large glasses of water, and/or with green smoothies. Take 1/8th of a teaspoon of baking soda per glass of water, several per day, until kidney pain is gone. This should work in about 1-2 hours. Take no more than 1 full teaspoon of baking soda per day, short term. Long term, baking soda at 1 teaspoon daily for 1 year can cause mineral depletion. The body makes about the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of bicarbonates per day. Potassium bicarbonate is healthier than sodium bicarbonate.

Hair loss. Copper is actually great for the hair. Copper is needed to make the hair shaft and hair color! But toxins are bad. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis does show that many detox methods lead to increased toxins coming out in the hair, which can then damage the hair. The trick is to encourage more toxins to come out in the feces. Green smoothies are very good for this. Greens bind to minerals, like mercury and fluoride, but can block copper. Just don’t overdo the greens. Two green smoothies a day can lead to demineralization and dehydration, especially if combined with diuretic drugs. About 1-3 green smoothies a week is a more balanced approach. More water fixes constipation. Other constipation fixes: copper, magnesium, Vitamin C, B Vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B7, B12), Potassium chloride, less carbs like rice/pasta/bread, more fruits and vegetables, more meat.

Joint Pain, & Acne. Boron and Green Smoothies are also great for both arthritis and acne. Again, we want toxins coming out in the feces, rather than the skin. Boron and Greens bind fluoride, which is responsible for joint pain, bone pain, and acne. Iodine also detoxes fluoride. For joint pain, boron, greens, niacin, and copper, followed by stretching are especially good. For more on this subject, see my First book: “Beyond the Arthritis Fix: Protocols for Strong Joints”

Rashes, allergies, and histamine are from toxins, and/or low zinc and low copper. Zinc, like copper, also detoxes things. But which toxins? A common toxin is excess Vitamin A (retinol and beta carotene). Most people are unaware of this connection. Zinc also helps make retinol-binding protein, which is extra good for fixing Vitamin A toxicity. Try both low Vitamin A foods (such as beef, rice and beans), and zinc, copper & Vitamin C, to get rid of allergies, and rashes. We are avoiding high Vitamin A foods such as peppers, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes, and avoiding Vitamin A pills and avoiding cod liver oil. We easily eat eggs, milk, butter.

Anxiety, Excess Energy, Panic Attacks, Racing Heart. Copper admittedly increases energy by way of increasing ATP production and increases norepinephrine and thus, epinephrine (adrenaline). One of the purposes of adrenaline is to act as an antihistamine. Think: “Epi Pens”. These can be short-term effects. Most people report being calmer on copper. The anxiety could be either from waking up the adrenal glands, from detox, or from a deficiency of the calming minerals and vitamins as follows: Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, B Vitamins, Iodine, Molybdenum, Potassium, and yes, even Copper. I recently expanded on this topic of racing heart issues, as it can be from excess salt, which is very common to take by people looking at “alternative” health information:

Low Energy / Constipation. After about a month on copper, some people can run low on magnesium and B vitamins. Both magnesium and B Vitamins (and copper) are needed to make ATP, and all of these seem to help bowel movements and relieve constipation. Muscles need ATP for energy for contractions and bowel movements. Constipation can also be from a lack of water. Also, toxins build up and cause problems when not properly eliminated. Copper itself helps bowel movements and can be taken until “bowel tolerance” when it creates watery stools. Watery stools can also be from excess salt, and salt detoxing, and increased ATP production.

Insomnia / High Estrogen / Low Testosterone / low libido / rashes / sneezing / runny nose / excess histamine. Take more zinc, and potassium, magnesium, boron and iodine. We generally recommend low zinc, such as a 2:1 ratio. Some are more comfortable at 5:1 to 10:1. But at 15:1, zinc over copper, the zinc depletes copper. See Zinc/Copper ratios. See also:

General discomfort. Starting anything new is difficult. Detoxing can be rough. If things continue to get unbearable or worse, it’s good to back off the minerals, and cut the doses of everything in half, or even stop for a day or two. This is called “pulse dosing”. It can help the kidneys and liver and bowels catch up with elimination, and help everything work better. This is often reported. For example, a person rapidly increases copper to 20 mg in 2 weeks, and then the high energy stops. Then, they go back down to 8 mg, and feel great again. The key is not to “push through” but to take a dose that is tolerable, and to let time do the work. So, if you properly adjusted to 10 mg of copper per day for a month, and then rapidly increased to 20 mg and develop uncomfortable symptoms, it’s wise to back of to 10 mg again, and either try 12 mg copper, or let more time to the work. Starting super slow and super low is counterproductive however, because most people need more than 5 mg of copper to begin detoxing. Less than 5 mg tends to only stir up toxins, without getting them out and without providing the energy needed to detox.