Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, August 17, 2006 The many links in this article will not work unless you access it If you like this article, click here to digg it. Daniel 12:4 “…many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” I was often bored as a kid, and sometimes I… Continue reading Wikipedia is Increasing Human Knowledge
Author: Jason Hommel
America: Freedom to Fascism
America: Freedom to Fascism Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, August 2, 2006 Circulation: 27,800 email addresses As Editor of the Silver Stock Report, I occasionally remind my readers of the many fundamental reasons why buying silver bullion is so important, which is the foundation of investing in silver stocks, which may rise in value… Continue reading America: Freedom to Fascism
Paper Money Violates All Ten Commandments
1. Paper money debt enslaves you to something other than God.2. Valuing paper money is an act of idolatry.3. “In God we trust” takes the Lord’s name in vain.4. The sabbath debt forgiveness times are ignored.5. Lack of honest standards dishonors our parents.6. Paper money has funded mass murder; two world wars.7. Lenders, usurers, are… Continue reading Paper Money Violates All Ten Commandments
Smaller Things Grow Faster
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, June 19, 2006 One of the most important investment principles that I’ve ever discovered is this: Smaller investors have the greatest advantage of all, because they can grow their money the quickest; but big money grows the slowest. In other words, acorns can grow into big oak trees, but… Continue reading Smaller Things Grow Faster
True Reflections of Silver
by Jason Hommel, June 15, 2006 Silver reflects more light than any other metal. The Bible uses the word “light” to describe truth. The following are truths that I’ve discovered, while studying silver. Men cannot give silver to God to bribe Him, because He created it all. God is impartial and he judges all men… Continue reading True Reflections of Silver
Recent Gains; Debt vs. Gold; & Zinc
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, June 9, 2006 Silver has gained over 10% in the last 6 months, from $10 to over $11/oz. Silver has gained 49% over the last 12 months, from $7.50 to $11.21/oz. Those gains are so huge, it must inevitably draw money away from bonds, and into silver (and… Continue reading Recent Gains; Debt vs. Gold; & Zinc
Increased Free Market Leading to Higher Zinc Prices
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, June 2, 2006 This page can be read online The free market is expanding to more parts of the world, and increased trade is leading to greater prosperity for more people around the world than ever before. The free market (which I believe is best described as Biblical… Continue reading Increased Free Market Leading to Higher Zinc Prices
The Best Financial Newsletter Writers
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, May 23, 2006 This page can be read online Some of the greatest financial newsletter writers, in my opinion, are listed below: Harry Schultz $382/yearRichard Russell $250/yearBill Murphy $199/yearJim Dines $195/yearDoug Casey $149/yearDavid Morgan $99/year All of these men have written positive… Continue reading The Best Financial Newsletter Writers
Godly Prosperity
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, May 20, 2006 Who prospers more: honest men or liars? A nation of honest men, or a nation of liars? That is the question when determining whether a society will be more prosperous if it uses honest weights and measures of silver and gold as money, or paper as… Continue reading Godly Prosperity
60% in 60 days!
by Jason Hommel, May 9, 2006 60% in 60 days! That’s about what Zinc just did, from about $1 to about $1.60/lb.! ($1.57 on May 9th) You can find historical charts for zinc prices at or On Jan. 5th, I wrote “Silver Stock Picks for 2006”, and included Metalling Mining, MMGG, a zinc… Continue reading 60% in 60 days!
Buffett Sold Silver; NY Times Covers Gold
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, May 7, 2006 Today, I received word from about 15 of my subscribers that Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway has sold their pile of nearly 130 million ounces silver. Five different news articles tell a similar story, that Warren admits he sold the silver. This is very bullish for silver,… Continue reading Buffett Sold Silver; NY Times Covers Gold
Why Silver Prices Must Rise
Why Silver Prices Must Rise(A thorough overview of the Fundamentals) Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, May 6th, 2006 Since silver has recently risen so much in the past six months, from about $8 to as high as nearly $15/oz., it’s time to review the fundamentals. I will back up each point with a link,… Continue reading Why Silver Prices Must Rise
How Apex Silver swindled investors and Bolivia through hedging
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, May 4, 2006 About 6 months ago, Apex silver borrowed $225 million dollars, and did the minimum required hedging of silver, zinc, and lead, to secure the loan. In those 6 months, silver and zinc prices have about doubled, and the mark-to-market losses are, I estimate, over $715 million… Continue reading How Apex Silver swindled investors and Bolivia through hedging
Silver ETF & Bolivia Confiscation
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, May 2, 2006 Silver ETF As of the close of business on Friday 4-28-06, the Barclays iShares Silver Trust ETF (Trading symbol: SLV) had nearly 21 million ounces of silver, up from 1.5 million ounces of silver when it started trading Friday morning. The Silver ETF (SLV) continues to… Continue reading Silver ETF & Bolivia Confiscation
Clyde Harrison’s Speech: Tomorrow Will Come
Governments and Central Banks are Completely Incapable of Keeping Tomorrow from Coming by Clyde Harrison, April 2006 This page can be read online Introduction: I’ve met Clyde numerous times as a fellow panelist at the Chicago natural resources show. Clyde sent me his latest draft of his speech, which he continually revises, as he… Continue reading Clyde Harrison’s Speech: Tomorrow Will Come
Silver ETF Approved!
Silver set to explode in price by Jason Hommel, April 27 2006 SEC clears Barclays iShares Silver Trust >Launch of Barclays’ Silver ETF ImminentHundred-Year Long Trend of Low Silver Prices is Ending The SEC has Cleared the Barclays Silver ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). The ETF will allow investors to buy silver as easily as they buy… Continue reading Silver ETF Approved!
Track record of the silver junior stocks
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, April 20, 2006 Today, we had a severe correction in silver, as silver was down nearly 20%. But my portfolio of silver junior stocks was down only 3%. So, in terms of silver, I actually gained about 18%, in terms of silver today, as the silver stocks outperformed silver,… Continue reading Track record of the silver junior stocks
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel The following article was emailed to me by one of my readers, and is from Investment Rarities. also: Howard Ruff’s “The Ruff Times: Home Page” also: Ted Butler’s website commentary on the article, follows, at the end of it. THE MARKETS: SILVER LININGS By Howard Ruff “Sixty years ago there… Continue reading THE MARKETS: SILVER LININGS
Silver Prices Must Rise: Silver ETF partially approved
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 21, 2006 Silver Prices must rise because of the silver shortage!(This is my first email since March 2). The last Silver Stock Report covering over 80 silver companies was produced in July, 2005, and can be found here: The Silver ETF is partially Approved! NY silver sprints to… Continue reading Silver Prices Must Rise: Silver ETF partially approved
Silver Coin Proposal
Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 2, 2006 Silver Coin Proposal Congratulations to all silver investors! The following is the cover letter that I’m sending to the 50 governors’ offices. Jason Hommel March 3, 2006xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx, CA xxxxx(530) Governor’s OfficeAttention Scheduling Department.Governor XXXXXX XXXXXXXXState Capitol BuildingCity, State, ZIP CODE Attention Scheduling Department.… Continue reading Silver Coin Proposal