Clyde Harrison’s Speech: Tomorrow Will Come

Governments and Central Banks are Completely Incapable of Keeping Tomorrow from Coming by Clyde Harrison, April 2006 This page can be read online Introduction:  I’ve met Clyde numerous times as a fellow panelist at the Chicago natural resources show.  Clyde sent me his latest draft of his speech, which he continually revises, as he… Continue reading Clyde Harrison’s Speech: Tomorrow Will Come

Freedom from Usury

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 23, 2004 Last week, I wrote an article, “Usury Enslaves“.  In this article I will discuss what I feel is the solution to the problem of usury.  I will discuss how and why society will benefit from the freedom from usury, and I will discuss how to become free individually.… Continue reading Freedom from Usury

Usury Enslaves

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, Jan 19, 2004     Luke 6:35    But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without    expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great…     Even in ancient scriptures, there is allusion to the fault of lending for the purpose of receiving back… Continue reading Usury Enslaves

The Great Harlot of Rev 17-18 is Jerusalem

Before the discussion of the text of Revelation 17-18 here is the text: It’s very important to know who the Great Harlot is if we are to obey the command in Rev 18:4, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her… Continue reading The Great Harlot of Rev 17-18 is Jerusalem

Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy

Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy I’ve been studying the subjects of Bible prophecy (prophecy is the Bible’s predictions of the future) and the precious metals market for the past several years.  Interestingly, both subjects are quite related in that they focus on what the future will bring, and both subjects require a dedicated search… Continue reading Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy

666: Mark of the Beast

Many Christians believe the 666 mark will be a biochip implant to create the cashless society of Revelation 13. Why is it so bad?All who take the mark will be damned by God to be cast into the Lake of Fire. Why will those who take the mark be damned?I think it’s because God made Silver and… Continue reading 666: Mark of the Beast