The Copper Revolution: Ch 4: articles

by C.A. Bouthillier

Many of his articles are offline, and only available on the internet way back machine.  I hesitate to link to him, as one of the ways people get discredited is by linking to something said by someone who says other, unrelated, outlandish things.  But his insights on copper deserve worth looking at, and his research backing up his insights is very complete in some areas.

Article: Poisoning of Mankind – Blood Types, Copper Deficiency, Evolution Theory & Illuminati

by C.A. Bouthillier
For example, the first statement in his article is:  “Iron is NOT a nutrient, it is a poison.”  Since iron is the main component of red blood cells, which keep us alive, he overstates his case and destroys his credibility.  However, his research on the toxic effects of too much iron, and iron overload, which is a symptom of copper deficiency, is very good.  As always, one must keep a balanced mind about things, and one needs the minerals to be in balance in the body.

Iron and Copper both antagonize each other, and they are also complementary and synergistic.

Too much iron can block copper absorption. Too much copper can block iron absorption.

I was high iron, and low copper back in 2015, which is typical for older men.  Women tend to not get into high iron trouble because they bleed more than men.

The body needs both iron and copper.  The body needs copper to help turn iron into red blood cells in the bone marrow.  There is such a thing as copper deficiency anemia, where the body will have plenty of iron, but

without copper, too few blood cells are made.  This was a medical mystery for a long time, and perhaps not everyone has yet been fully educated on this concept.  The lack of quite a few B vitamins will also cause anemia, even in the presence of plenty of iron.  The point is that iron and copper are also synergistic, not always antagonistic.

All that being said, the body appears to easily absorb iron from food supplies, and I think iron rarely needs to be supplemented, and perhaps only for a few days, if needed.  Even during heavy bleeding, women can replenish their iron with Vitamin C, copper, and B complex vitamins, and B12, and iron is not likely needed, since it is so abundant in meat and in the food supply.  For example, Vitamin C alone will help the body absorb 300% more iron from meat. (Although I have read that Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, I now wonder if it is true.  Vitamin C at 1500 mg lowers ceruloplasmin, the transport protein that transports both iron and copper.  But absorbing into the body, and transporting within the body, are different things)

The research at on the many problems, that look like copper deficiency, from high iron overload, is very complete.  High iron (assumed to cause copper deficiency) leads to:  “CANCER, DEMENTIA, HEART/CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, DIABETES, LUNG DISEASE (C.O.P.D.), GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISEASE, BLOOD DISORDERS, EYE DISEASE; to mention a few of the major problem areas.”

Each of these has a long list of “high iron / copper deficiency causes” links at the following:

Each of those is well supported by studies and news.  I can understand why he would overstate his case and call iron a poison.  In excess, without enough copper to help the body block or excrete the extra iron, it certainly looks like iron is nothing but toxic to humans, but that overstates the case.  Without iron for blood, we die.

He also believes that blood type is all about copper status, and that with proper copper everyone should be AB blood type.  I rate that claim as very interesting, and as possible.  Blood cells, both red and white, in copper deficiency, are malformed.  He does not appear to back up his claims in this area with enough research.  And I never read this anywhere else.  It could be an interesting insight to try to verify.

He also has interesting ideas on blood ph.  He thinks alkaline blood is toxic.  And that copper, since it is acidic, is good.  But this could be him looking for ways to try to justify that copper is good.  As if he is looking through “copper (rose) colored glasses” so to speak.

Some of his ideas seem insane.  He thinks the US population statistics are a lie, and the real US population is only 200 million.  I do understand there are lies out there, but on this, I don’t think so.  I have seen the population increase dramatically change upwards in my lifetime.  Traffic increased.  Housing increased.  Cities increased in size.  I see no evidence that the US population figures are a lie.

He thinks healthy AB blood type people typically live to be 120 years old. But those are world records.  So.  He has crazy ideas.  This does not invalidate all of his claims.  This often happens with independent thinkers, and I’ve seen it before, in other areas of study. 

As a comparison, the government lies.  But I think they let the truth slip out by mistake oftentimes, too.  And obviously, a monstrously large government is going to contradict itself, from time to time.

As for myself, I also might make that same mistake.  Keep an eye out.

Next article at

Copper: The Maligned Mineral (The many functions of copper and copper deprivation, depletion) by A.S. Gissen (different author) (1994)
71 references

“In the case of zinc, numerous studies have shown that relatively small increases (50 mg) in dietary zinc significantly lowers copper absorption.”  “…as little as 50 milligrams a day, has also been shown to antagonize copper status in healthy adults.” “Numerous cases of zinc-induced copper deficiency have been reported in scientific journals, usually resulting in anemia and blood lipid abnormalities.”

“The use of supplemental vitamin C to lower copper absorption, and hasten copper deficiency, has been
well documented in laboratory animals.19 It has subsequently been shown in several human studies that vitamin C supplements of as little as 1500 milligrams can adversely affect markers of copper status, including copper-zinc superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin activity.”  We saw this same study quote in the Linus Pauling article.

“…in next month’s newsletter, we will continue our review of copper and nutrition, including copper [deficiency]’s role in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, free radical damage, cancer, inflammatory diseases, immune function, blood lipids, and thyroid function.”

Several times now we have seen copper is good for heart disease.  This should be big news.  I have never seen it on the news.

“research in numerous animal models, including humans, has shown that copper deficiency can significantly increase the plasma cholesterol concentration.”

“In one human study that compared heart copper levels in heart attack victims and controls that died of other causes, it was found that the hearts of people that died of myocardial infarction were low in copper.”

Explaining the paradox and confusion of copper and heart disease:  Why blood serum copper may be found to be high in heart disease.

“While the role of adequate copper levels in maintaining cardiovascular health is well established, it is not entirely surprising that copper’s importance has been overlooked. One of the laboratory findings often found in cardiovascular disease is increased serum levels of copper. While this may sound confusing, recent research has helped to explain this paradox. It has been suggested, for instance, that an elevated serum copper level is an independent risk factor for heart disease.29 Many researchers have considered this elevation of serum copper to play a role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, although other researchers have strongly disagreed with this hypothesis. A recent animal study, however, seems to have explained this relationship between copper levels and cardiovascular disease. This study examined the effects of diet-induced atherosclerosis on the copper levels and status of numerous tissues.30 It was found that serum copper levels increase significantly, while aorta and liver copper levels decrease significantly, in rats with experimental atherosclerosis. Instead of assuming that these elevated copper levels contribute to the formation of atherosclerosis, these researchers examined the effects of increasing the dietary copper levels in these animals. Administration of additional copper resulted in a further increase in serum copper, a significant decrease in serum cholesterol, and an increase and normalization in aorta and liver copper levels.

However, instead of increasing the incidence of atherosclerosis, additional copper significantly decreased the incidence of atherosclerosis in the aorta and coronary arteries.”

“Further, it has been shown that excess dietary cholesterol causes cardiovascular disease by lowering the absorption of copper, an effect that is preventable by increasing the copper level in the diet.”

“It seems almost certain that copper plays a large role in the development of this killer [heart] disease, not because of its excess in the diet, but rather its deficiency.”

“Almost two hundred years ago, the German physician Rademacher empirically established that broken bones healed faster when the patient was given copper supplements.”

“Prolonged cortisone treatment, well known for promoting the development and accelerating the progression of osteoporosis, has been shown to increase the body’s excretion of copper and lower copper status, providing more evidence of a correlation between copper status and osteoporosis.”

Cortisone lowers copper.  Both cortisone, and low copper, lower the immune system.

“Copper, Cancer, and Carcinogenesis”

“The role of copper in the development of cancer is somewhat similar to copper’s role in cardiovascular disease. This is because the serum level of copper is often elevated in animals and humans with cancer.52 Like the elevation of serum copper in cardiovascular disease, it seems that the elevation of serum copper that occurs in conjunction with cancer is part of the body’s biological response to cancer, rather than its cause.”

“In fact, there is some experimental evidence that copper complexes can cause established tumor cells to redifferentiate into normal cells,56 and because of this it has been suggested that, “..the future use of copper complexes to treat neoplastic diseases has some exciting possibilities.”

“Because copper is an essential component of several endogenous antioxidant enzymes, and free radicals have been proposed to play a role in the process of carcinogenesis, the effects of dietary copper levels on the development of cancer has been investigated. Rats fed low copper diets show a higher incidence of carcinogen-induced colon tumors when compared with rats fed a high copper diet. 58 Another study in rats found similar results, but with the additional finding of a decrease in aortic integrity possibly leading to eventual aneurysm. 59 These findings are especially interesting for two reasons. To begin with, dietary copper has often been incorrectly suggested to be a cause or promoter of cancer. If this was true increased dietary copper would enhance, rather than inhibit, carcinogen-induced gastrointestinal malignancy. Lastly, it has been shown that there is a relationship between aortic aneurysmal disease and malignancy in humans, and this is likely the result of decreased copper status as demonstrated in the animal study mentioned above.”

“Copper, Inflammation, and Arthritis
As long ago as 1000 B.C., foods high in copper and copper bracelets were thought to be beneficial in treating arthritic conditions.61 In 1945, patients with rheumatoid arthritis were shown to exhibit higher than normal serum copper levels.62 Indeed, the copper content of serum is known to be elevated above normal values in various inflammatory diseases in man and laboratory animals.63 Despite this seeming contradiction, copper complexes were successfully used from the 1940s to 1970s in the treatment of numerous conditions characterized by arthritic changes and inflammation.64 Even the time-tested copper bracelet was eventually shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory, due to the absorption of copper through the skin.65 However, the development of anti-inflammatory steroids and aspirin-like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs quickly replaced copper compounds in the treatment of these conditions. Numerous researchers have examined the paradoxical role of copper in the process of inflammation, and they have determined that the increase in serum copper is a physiological response to inflammation, rather than a promoter of it. 66 In fact, the main copper-containing enzyme, ceruloplasmin, is significantly elevated in inflammatory conditions and has anti-inflammatory activity.67 Additionally, it has been shown that copper deficiency increases the severity of experimentally-induced inflammation,68 and that dietary copper must be increased to maintain adequate copper status of animals in an inflammatory state.”

In my book, “Beyond the Arthritis Fix:  Protocols for Strong Joints,”, I identified multiple ways copper helps arthritis.  In fact, my chapter on copper was the largest in my book, at 27 pages.  And my study of copper for my book led me to further investigate copper and write this book. 

Copper is an anti-inflammatory.
Copper helps move calcium out of the soft tissues, and into the bones.  Other things that do this: magnesium, boron, silica, Vitamin K, and Niacin.  
Copper builds collagen, which strengthens the bones, muscles, and joints.
Copper detoxes fluoride, which weakens bones and joints.
Copper detoxes many other things, through the copper-containing enzymes.
Copper improves blood circulation, promoting general healing. 
Copper boosts hormones, which promote general healing.

Despite the great analysis and study of copper in the article above, the summary is weak:  “Total copper supplementation should not exceed 5 milligrams daily, except under a physician’s supervision.”  That is a very low level of supplementation.

I see this all over, that nobody should take copper at all, unless after consulting a doctor.  That’s not how copper works.  Copper is not a medicine nor a prescription poison.  Copper is available over the counter, at health food stores and online retailers.

As previously noted, aspirin is more dangerous than copper.

He also made no mention of fluoride.  Nobody’s perfect.  What are my mistakes? 

Copper: Defining the Human Requirement by A.S. Gissen (1996?)

“Apparently five weeks of almost 2.6 milligrams of copper daily (over 42 days) doesn’t provide enough excess copper beyond the body’s actual requirement to significantly replete copper stores.”

This is good.  His prior recommendation that people take 1-3 mg of copper, and no more than 5 mg, is refuted, as 2.6 mg of copper is not enough to restore copper levels after depletion for 105 days at .57 mg copper…

Next, it is known that copper helps blood to clot.  But not the bad clotting kind.  Coagulation factor VIII is reduced with copper.  Factor VIII increases with copper deficiency.  That is a bad clotting factor, causing internal blood clots.

“elevation of factor VIII activity is often seen in hypercoagulation and thrombotic disease, important risk factors for vascular disease.”

“While taking aspirin to prevent abnormal blood clotting is widely practiced and recommended, adequate copper supplementation seems even more logical, beneficial, and necessary for overall cardiovascular health.”

“It is already well-documented that most of us get only about 1 milligram of copper daily from our diets, well below the recommendation of up to 3 milligrams daily. In fact, subclinical copper deficiency is believed to be a common cause of illness in this country. The problem, up until now, has been proving the existence of subclinical copper deficiency in otherwise healthy human subjects.”

My research for this book leads me to believe that widespread copper deficiency exists, as copper deficiencyseems to play a role in so many of the top causes of death in America in the last few decades.  Copper deficiency also plays a role in nearly every symptom that people go to doctors to try to treat with the top 50 drugs in America.

But once again, his conclusion falls short, and he fails to mention a level for optimal human requirements.

It should go without saying, that determining the optimal levels of copper would seem to require giving people more and more copper until all copper deficiency symptoms go away.  And to do this for enough time to matter.  Mineral deficiency symptoms typically take at least 3 months to begin to resolve, and sometimes a year or longer. 


Mad Cow disease and other brain diseases may be caused by copper deficiency made worse by manganese contamination from pesticides.

“Copper supplements are routinely fed to farm animals: in cattle, to address copper deficiency in grazing fields that are high in molybdenum; in swine, as a growth stimulant; and in poultry, to prevent aortic rupture.” 

I note that poultry feed is also extremely high in copper blocking fluoride, at 130 ppm or 130 mg/Liter, so naturally, the fluoride would create copper deficiency symptoms that would have to be fixed by more copper.

Humans get no such beneficial treatment, not from food producers, not from governments, nor from doctors.  When it comes to supplements, we are on our own.

“McBride, at Cornell University, also pointed out the potential role of copper deficiency in BSE (mad cow disease).  He noted that animal protein is high in sulfur content, and that diets containing as little as 0.4% S can contribute to copper deficiency. He also pointed out that the presumed high iron content of MBM from incorporated blood also has a potential negative effect on copper availability.”

Sulfur, Iron, and Manganese can contribute to copper deficiency.  I note that manganese is often very high, like 10 times over the RDA, in store-bought green smoothie drinks.

Prion proteins contain copper, and act as antioxidants.

“The link between copper and prion proteins was discovered in early 1995 by Dr. Martin P. Hornshaw and his team at the MRC Neurochemical Pathology Unit, Newcastle General Hospital, in the UK.”

“In simple English, prions need copper to remain “normal” and non-infective.”

“Brown’s laboratory tested the ability of PrP to bind other cations and found that only manganese and nickel could substitute for copper.”

“He found that the brain tissue of patients with CJD (like Mad Cow) contain up to half as much copper and 10 times as much manganese as those with normal brain cells.”

“a vegetarian diet, … may contain excess levels of manganese” (green drinks)

There is also “Mn-induced Parkinsonism”

“Jackson and his colleagues at the Imperial College School of Medicine and elsewhere examined the location and properties of metal-binding sites on the human prion protein.44 They found that copper (II) ions are strongly bound to human prion protein with Ni+2, Zn+2, and Mn+2 more weakly bound by 6, 7 and 10 orders of magnitude, respectively. Human PrP is capable of binding up to five copper (II) ions per molecule. They concluded that: A role for prion protein (PrP) in copper metabolism or transport seems likely and disturbance of this function may be involved in prion-related neurotoxicity. “

“The consequences of copper deficiency were implied many years ago in a series of experiments in which it was found that the laboratory reagent, cuprizone, caused spongiform encephalopathy in rats, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs when added to their feed. Cuprizone is a powerful chelator of copper used to study the effects of copper deficiency in the central nervous system. It is also used as an analytical reagent for the detection of trace amounts of copper in wastewater.”

Copper deficiency, induced by cuprizone, which chelates copper, destroys nerves in the brain! 

This is a serious warning to those people who buy into the ever-more-popular theory that “copper is toxic, and must be chelated”.  Such people may well be destroying their ability to think.  And when I read their articles, I can see it!

One comment

  1. Regarding copper deficiency anemia, there are also several B Vitamin induced anemias, especially B12.

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