Iron, Copper and Anemia

Copper raises red blood cell counts above normal. Source: Chapter 1.

Iron does not do that, thus, copper is the superior solution for anemia, better than iron.

Iron blocks copper, which then, in turn, makes anemia worse. Source: Chapter 26-30

The Medical Establishment’s first, and nearly only option for treatment for anemia is iron, and maybe B12, and never copper. But which is more likely?

Everyone is copper Deficient. Source:

On average, people have 5500 mg iron in the body (or more), and only 72 mg of copper. Source: Chapter 35

Blood tests for iron and copper do not work. Copper is often high in the blood during copper deficiency. Source: Chapter 4, the quick start guide, and the US government.

Even the government says there is no reliable way to test for copper in the body: “no biomarkers that accurately and reliably assess copper status have been identified [2].” The Source is the NIH factsheet on copper for professionals.

Ferritin blood tests do not test for iron. Ferritin is a protein, not iron. Blood tests are irrelavant when it comes to the facts above. The only way to truly know how much copper is hidden in your tissues, such as in the bone marrow, where blood cells are made, is a very expensive, risky, and super painful bone marrow test, which is not approved for this use. Or a cremation test, and people do not survive such tests. Bone marrow tests are not needed. They are not needed to confirm the facts above and below, and are not needed to start supplementing with copper that only costs 3 cents a month.

There are many other ways we know that iron deficiency is unlikely, and copper deficiency is far more likely, in addition to the facts above.

  1. The USA fortifies nearly all flour with iron, and meat is naturally high in iron. Whereas no foods are fortified with copper. WE EAT BEEF!
  2. Vitamin C, a popular supplement, helps people absorb up to 300% more iron from high iron foods.
  3. The average person has 1 mg of iron in their body for every day alive, because iron is bioaccumulative. A 30 year old thus has just under 11,000 mg of iron, and a 50 year old therefore has just over 18,000 mg of iron in the body.
  4. The blood only holds about 4000 mg of iron. So most people would have to lose about 2-3 times all the blood in their entire body before becoming iron deficient, which is extremely extremely rare, unless a person has been in involved in 4-5 multiple car accidents or multiple shootings, or multiple major surgeries several times within a few years, where a person loses half their blood volume many times. Typical small volume bleeding problems do not cause iron deficiency. Even then, and perhaps especially them, they will also need copper, or may need copper even more, because such events also cause copper deficiency, too, as copper is used up in the repair and healing of tissues, and drugs like anesthesia deplete copper.
  5. Copper is not bioaccumulative, as it is excreted easily. At 10 mg of copper supplement, over 6 weeks, people excrete 90% to 100% of the copper supplemented. Copper is more easily excreted the more copper one takes, because as people take more copper, more copper detoxing enzymes are created, and they are more active, such as the metallothioneins.
  6. A woman’s typical period involves the loss of about 1/3 of a cup of blood. Of course many women have much heavier periods.
  7. The body has the capacity, with only a mere 30 mg of copper supplemented per day, to make 10 cups of new blood per day.
  8. Doctors have moved to “iron infusions” or injections into the veins, because they claim that people “cannot” absorb iron, ignoring that Vitamin C and copper are needed to absorb iron.
  9. “Iron infusions” are an admission that IRON DOES NOT WORK TO SOLVE ANEMIA.
  10. Iron cannot fix copper deficiency anemia, when iron causes copper deficiency.
  11. People who assert that “iron fixed their anemia” have never tested to see whether copper would have fixed their anemia, and are speaking from bias.
  12. Many more experienced people who have taken iron to fix their anemia report that it works for shorter and shorter periods each time, and that anemia comes back faster and faster. Because of point 10. Iron cannot fix copper deficiency when iron causes copper deficiency.

True, iron can fix things in the short term. And this creates a “paradox” or a “resistance to the facts” in humans who think this is proof that iron is the solution because iron works. Why? How can iron work? The body has at least 5 enzymes that can work with either iron or copper. Two of them are ceruloplasmin and Superoxide Dismutase. And in the absence of a severe copper deficiency, the body will use existing copper to help turn iron into red blood cells. But inducing copper deficiency means this process becomes weaker over time as body copper stores are depleted, and as incoming copper is blocked by the iron.

Many toxins work in the short term for symptoms, but do not offer long-term relief. Most pharmaceutical drugs fall into this category. So do painkillers and alcohol. Pain killers kill pain, but they do not fix damaged tissues, they actually make pain worse by inducing copper deficiency.

Iron is thought to be needed for blood because a major component of red blood cells is hemoglobin. However, the body needs copper to mobilize iron and turn it into hemoglobin and into red blood cells.

Calcium does not always fix low calcium bone density either. Why not? It has been known for 30 or more years that calcium lowers magnesium. Magnesium is required to keep calcium in solution and to put calcium into bones.

Just like magnesium is needed for calcium to work, copper is needed for iron to work.

Often people have fallen into the trap of copper deficiency induced by high iron supplements.

People reportedly have trouble weaning off of iron and into taking copper. Reported symptoms are air hunger or trouble catching one’s breath, as one stops taking iron, and starts taking copper.

The solution to air hunger, which is reported by many members of our forum, that sometimes happens when taking iron with copper, or just taking copper for the first time, is zinc. Zinc also helps to regulate and lower iron, and helps prevent iron from blocking copper during the transition to taking copper supplements. Zinc is also an antihistamine, which helps the lungs to breathe better.

My wife Jennifer’s story:

About 6 months after starting copper at around 9 mg a day, Jennifer decided to really tackle her trouble with anemia and bleeding, and decided she needed iron. We did not know that iron blocked copper at the time. We knew of many cofactors for iron and for anemia: Vitamin C, copper, B Vitamins, B12. And so, we got the “Blood Builder” brand of natural iron supplement that contains 46 mg of iron. We were faithful with supplementing with everything needed to fix anemia, leaving nothing out, leaving nothing to chance. I was diligent and faithful to make sure she took everything daily. Really sure.

But her periods kept getting worse and worse over 6 months. The bleeding was worse. Periods were longer. It’s like we were going backward. 15 day periods turned to 21-day periods or 23 days! What was wrong? We were doing everything right. We did not know.

Was iron blocking copper? Was copper blocking iron?

What did we know?

We did know that one of the problems with iron was constipation. Check. Let’s tackle that. We know of 8 methods to fix constipation: magnesium citrate, Vitamin C, salt, cayenne pepper, senna, more water, oranges, coffee, ultra magnesium, the five tibetan exercises. Ok, that’s 10. None of that was working, either. So. She is bleeding heavily. Constipated. Frustration. And we were even doing 9 mg of copper! So, back to the drawing board.

Iron causes constipation. She is constipated. Finally, we reasoned, clearly, she is full of iron. If she is full of iron, then we concluded it’s time to just pause. Besides, it’s clearly, clearly, clearly not even working. What else can she do?

So, we stop the iron. Tired of the iron. Sick of the iron. But ok. Next up. Research. Is she going to bleed to death? That was the risk, right? So, I research that.

She is bleeding like 1 cup a day. Multiple diva cups full. This is horrible. However, research says she should be able to make 10 times more blood than that. So she is not likely to die from low blood cell count, but yet she feels anemic.

But one symptom of anemia is low energy. That is also a low copper symptom.

So, next, we not only stop iron, we should at least turn to my stop bleeding program. It’s time for green smoothies, cayenne pepper, and to increase the copper a bit, to 15 mg. Copper is supposed to work.

I have a stop bleeding program, because I’m a type II bleeder. I’ve been keeping records of things that cause or stop bleeding my entire life. My list is the biggest I know of on earth. No to brag, I don’t know of everything on earth, it’s just that I keep looking, and I never find anything compared to my own list.

We really only had to add the cayenne pepper, the green smoothies, and the calcium, because we were doing everything else. And we stopped taking the high-dose potassium iodide, which could block copper and/or calcium.

We also finally stopped the adrenal cocktails, because orange juice is citrus, and sodium citrus is used to prevent blood clots in blood donations. I just so happened to discover this one while researching and trying to figure it all out.

The resistance to trying it my way, was that “You are a man. You know nothing about a woman’s period.” And “Your bleeding disorder has no power over my uterus!” Ok, she never said that, but it sounded fun. And she really did say “Hey, my bleeding issues are hormonal, and have nothing to do with any of the stuff on your list.”

My retorts were, that fluoride messes with hormones, and boron, iodine and copper detox fluoride, and all the minerals are good for hormones.

And furthermore, the things on my list are not “things that start and stop bleeding for TYPE II blood disorder people”. They are things that “start and stop bleeding for PEOPLE, both men and women”.

Next month the period length was half, like only 10 days. And much less bleeding. Was this real? It was unreal. And it only got better from there.

Boom! Copper for the win!

About a year and a half later, we added topical copper, when I was writing the book, because we gained confidence in copper. This time, the period length dropped from about 7 days of average bleeding intensity to only 3 days and it was very light bleeding. It’s now like a teenager period. It has been like this, 3-day periods, for the last 12 months now, as it is the summer of 2022. So, no, it’s not early menopause. No missed periods, no irregular timing of periods.

And also, no PMS, no cramping either. Copper is needed to make ATP. We need ATP for “energy”, and we need ATP for strong muscle contractions. Period cramps, and intestinal peristalsis require copper for the muscle contractions. This is why iron causes constipation. It blocks copper, blocking intestinal muscle contractions, and also explains why 9 other ways to relieve constipation did not work. None of those other 9 things fixes copper deficiency, and you can’t fix copper deficiency while taking iron supplements.

And of course, Jennifer has utterly no sign of any anemia, and she has not taken any iron supplements with any need in about the last 3 years now.

There was one exception. In the beginning of experimenting with high topical copper, we both took some iron, with the fear that copper could block iron. We quickly stopped that, because it was not working, and felt bad. And furthermore, we found in the research that copper blocked iron only in one guy who took 2000 mg of copper every day for 4 months, he developed a copper-induced anemia. That is 240,000 mg copper. At our rate of about 50 mg copper per day (30 mg oral, 70 mg topical), it will take 240,000 / 50 = 4800 days, or 13 years to become iron deficient, if that is even possible, because we continue to get iron from our diet, like everyone else. And, we might be absorbing iron even better, because we are not copper deficient like most everyone else.