OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 3

What are the effects of copper deficiency on pregnant women? Copper deficiency in pregnant women can lead to a number of negative effects on both the mother and the developing fetus. Some of the most common effects include anemia, low birth weight, and increased risk of preterm birth. Copper is essential for the formation of… Continue reading OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 3

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OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 2

Previously, I probed the OpenAI for the benefits of copper. I tried to ask it to list the benefits of the benefits, but it did not quite understand the question. For example, if it said copper helped to detox mercury, what are the benefits of that? You can see my prior article here. This time, I… Continue reading OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 2

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OpenAI explains how many things reduce Cu2 to Cu1 in the body.

We would like to discuss Copper 1 vs. Copper 2 in the body. Copper is an essential trace element that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Copper is present in a variety of enzymes and proteins that play important roles in various physiological processes, including the production of energy, the synthesis of… Continue reading OpenAI explains how many things reduce Cu2 to Cu1 in the body.

OpenAI says HTMA is not scientific, and copper does not deplete potassium

We will be talking about hair tissue mineral analysis today. Please refer to it as HTMA for our conversation. Sure thing! HTMA, or hair tissue mineral analysis, is a laboratory test that measures the levels of minerals and heavy metals in a person’s hair. It is a non-invasive test that is often used to evaluate… Continue reading OpenAI says HTMA is not scientific, and copper does not deplete potassium

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OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 1.

Previously, I probed the OpenAI for the benefits of copper. I tried to ask it to list the benefits of the benefits, but it did not quite understand the question. For example, if it said copper helped to detox mercury, what are the benefits of that? You can see my prior article here.… Continue reading OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 1.

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OpenAI on the benefits of copper

Can you list 200 different functions or benefits that copper does in the human body? Copper is an essential trace element that plays a role in several physiological processes in the human body. Some of the functions and benefits of copper in the body include: Helps form collagen and elastin, which are important for healthy… Continue reading OpenAI on the benefits of copper

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OpenAI’s ChatGPT on Copper

I asked the open AI, at chatGPT, a series of questions about copper. I make no representation on whether the AI’s answers are correct. I do not refute the wrong answers. In many cases, I was able to get the AI to contradict itself. In some cases, it remained uninformed after further prompting. The AI… Continue reading OpenAI’s ChatGPT on Copper

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Cortisol and Copper

People ask us the following types of questions: I have high cortisol. Does copper raise or lower cortisol? I don’t want my cortisol to go up. I have low cortisol. Does copper raise or lower cortisol? I don’t want my cortisol to go down. Both of these questions contain vast misunderstandings and false assumptions about… Continue reading Cortisol and Copper

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High Copper & High Iodine for Pregnancy

Copper and Iodine are great for pregnant moms to take. Iodine makes babies far smarter! Jorge Flechas Total Body Iodine Sufficiency (2011) Flechas, in the video above: “Babies born to mothers on the High Iodine Protocol, (12.5 mg iodine) are genius level babies” At 14:15 in the video he states that babies whose mothers took… Continue reading High Copper & High Iodine for Pregnancy

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For Diabetes

For diabetes: iodine, selenium, copper, potassium, MSM Sulfur, B1, B12, chromium and vanadium. Iodine might be the strongest cure. In the research at, 50% of people put on 50 mg of iodine per day weaned themselves off of insulin with no instructions. Proof of iodine curing diabetes: From Pub #10 at optimox, referenced here:… Continue reading For Diabetes

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Solutions to Bloating When Starting on Copper

Some people have reported bloating after starting copper. Let’s consider possible causes and solutions. The number one cause of edema is excess sodium chloride, or table salt, sea salt, or Himalayan salt. Americans consume way too much salt. Chat GPT4 on Sodium & Potassium, Part III 6th June 2023 Problems from Excess Sodium Chloride, Part II 6th… Continue reading Solutions to Bloating When Starting on Copper

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Copper and Zinc Metallothioneins for Detoxing & Longevity

Metallothioneins (MTs) detox heavy metals. Metallothioneins are a family of copper/zinc proteins that bind heavy metals. (Superoxide dismutase, a master antioxidant and detoxer of hundreds of chemical toxins and plastics, is also a metallothionein.) MTs also increase longevity, fight diabetes, prevent neurodegeneration such as in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, MTs are very low in cancer patients,… Continue reading Copper and Zinc Metallothioneins for Detoxing & Longevity

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