The Copper Revolution Test

Since copper and iodine improve intelligence…Wicked Hard Mode, Unlocked! This test is mostly just for fun and for learning. What form of copper is recommended on the Protocol? A. Any copper glycinate or pure copper sulfate will do.B. Copper oxide, as used by Radmacher is best.C. Colloidal copper has the best absorption rates due to… Continue reading The Copper Revolution Test

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Copper(1) Iodide Notes

copper(1) iodide or cuprous iodide On our recent FB live, I spoke a bit about Copper Iodine and how to make it. IODIDESynonym: cuprous iodide “UsesThe iodide salt is used as a source of dietary iodine in table salt and animal feed; in cloud seeding; as a coating in cathode ray tubes; as… Continue reading Copper(1) Iodide Notes

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Copper for “the things that shall not be named”

5 key points: copper helps prevent heart attacks. copper helps prevent internal blood clots. copper is great for the flu. copper’s effects from chapter 1. copper is a detoxer by making many detoxing enzymes and by being easily excreted popular articles (1.) Copper cures heart attacks. There are over 80 identical biomarkers between people with… Continue reading Copper for “the things that shall not be named”

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Osteoporosis: 22 Ways To Increase Bone Mineral Density

Things that deplete minerals are chelators, diuretics, fruits, leafy greens, phytate in most grains, and many amino acids in meats. Literally, most foods deplete minerals, including coffee and alcohol. Other mineral-depleting substances: activated charcoal, zeolites, many medications, exercise, sweating, and excessive mineral intake from any one mineral can cause other minerals to be depleted. I… Continue reading Osteoporosis: 22 Ways To Increase Bone Mineral Density

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Why We Need 30+ mg of Copper/day

1. Copper is safe. A. Copper is declared to be GRAS, or SAFE in US Law. B. Copper is safe at 20 mg/day, see the Olivares study. Copper is very very effective and has from 200 to 20,000 positive effects in the body: Copper detoxes toxins and is needed to beat allergies by helping… Continue reading Why We Need 30+ mg of Copper/day

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Folate (B9) A Nerve Toxin!

The short summary: Folate is neurotoxic from 300 to 1000 mcg, which is very low and it causes nerve damage and cognitive impairment and has no clearly recognized benefits. And most people already get 500 mcg from food alone, without any supplementation. Some say it helps with anxiety, but so do many other toxic drugs,… Continue reading Folate (B9) A Nerve Toxin!

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Contaminants in Copper Sulfate?

People often have concerns about the contaminants in copper sulfate. We are not concerned, and this article explains why not. In sum, copper detoxes millions of times more lead than is contained in copper sulfate. We recommend getting 99% to 99.9% pure copper sulfate pentahydrate. 25% “contained” copper in copper sulfate is similarly 99% pure,… Continue reading Contaminants in Copper Sulfate?

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Potassium Iodide & Lugol’s Iodine

See also: We tested taking only Potassium Iodide instead of Lugol’s for 8 months in 2023, as our source of iodine. As of October, 2023, we added Lugol’s back in. The change for us was so minor, I can hardly notice any difference. What is the difference, and what are the reasons for the… Continue reading Potassium Iodide & Lugol’s Iodine

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OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 3

What are the effects of copper deficiency on pregnant women? Copper deficiency in pregnant women can lead to a number of negative effects on both the mother and the developing fetus. Some of the most common effects include anemia, low birth weight, and increased risk of preterm birth. Copper is essential for the formation of… Continue reading OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 3

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OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 2

Previously, I probed the OpenAI for the benefits of copper. I tried to ask it to list the benefits of the benefits, but it did not quite understand the question. For example, if it said copper helped to detox mercury, what are the benefits of that? You can see my prior article here. This time, I… Continue reading OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 2

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OpenAI explains how many things reduce Cu2 to Cu1 in the body.

We would like to discuss Copper 1 vs. Copper 2 in the body. Copper is an essential trace element that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Copper is present in a variety of enzymes and proteins that play important roles in various physiological processes, including the production of energy, the synthesis of… Continue reading OpenAI explains how many things reduce Cu2 to Cu1 in the body.

OpenAI says HTMA is not scientific, and copper does not deplete potassium

We will be talking about hair tissue mineral analysis today. Please refer to it as HTMA for our conversation. Sure thing! HTMA, or hair tissue mineral analysis, is a laboratory test that measures the levels of minerals and heavy metals in a person’s hair. It is a non-invasive test that is often used to evaluate… Continue reading OpenAI says HTMA is not scientific, and copper does not deplete potassium

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OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 1.

Previously, I probed the OpenAI for the benefits of copper. I tried to ask it to list the benefits of the benefits, but it did not quite understand the question. For example, if it said copper helped to detox mercury, what are the benefits of that? You can see my prior article here.… Continue reading OpenAI’s lists of the benefits of the benefits of Copper, part 1.

Categorised as Health

OpenAI on the benefits of copper

Can you list 200 different functions or benefits that copper does in the human body? Copper is an essential trace element that plays a role in several physiological processes in the human body. Some of the functions and benefits of copper in the body include: Helps form collagen and elastin, which are important for healthy… Continue reading OpenAI on the benefits of copper

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