“(Iodine) was effective against all the virus species tested”

Everyone wants to read about COVID19. A virus. But why are so few interested in: Inactivation of Human Viruses by Povidone-Iodine in Comparison With Other Antisepticshttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9403252/ “PVP-I was effective against all the virus species tested. “ Lugol’s iodine is very similar in effect to PVP-I, Povidone-Iodine. What’s great is that this is not yet censored,… Continue reading “(Iodine) was effective against all the virus species tested”

Categorised as Health

131 Scientific Articles and Reasons to Refuse

Why I Refuse to Wear a Mask (And You Should Too) Mask wearing is only a CDC recommendation, not a law.https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover.html The CDC is a cesspool of liars. The CDC has a top ten list of things people die from. The list is grossly incorrect, and neglects deaths from medical causes. https://revealingfraud.com/2019/08/health/cdcs-leading-causes-of-death-list-is-fraud/ This proves they… Continue reading 131 Scientific Articles and Reasons to Refuse

WHO: No Asymptomatic Transmission, April, 2020

The WHO has stated that to date, as of April, 2020, “there has been nodocumented asymptomatic transmission“. In other words, healthy people do not spread it. And thus, requiring healthy people to wear masks to protect others is based on nothing but false assumptions and false accusations. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200402-sitrep-73-covid-19.pdf on p. 2 of their report from… Continue reading WHO: No Asymptomatic Transmission, April, 2020

Read a Few Articles to Become Smarter Than the Yale School of Medicine

This is not to brag, because the Yale School of Medicine reveals their own foolishness. To be smarter than a fool is no great accomplishment. But rather, I write this to encourage you to follow my scientifically backed advice over that of the medical establishment that refuses to recognize real science, if you want to… Continue reading Read a Few Articles to Become Smarter Than the Yale School of Medicine

Thoughts on Wilson’s Disease

The current treatment for Wilson’s Disease is one chemical chelator, and zinc. In wild controversy that made a Wilson’s Disease Associate resort to censoring my post, and blocking me, I suggest several natural chelators, and a few more minerals. Why not the full list, here: https://revealingfraud.com/2020/05/health/minerals-and-vitamins-im-actually-taking/ It is an interesting controversy I’m creating. Should Wilson’s… Continue reading Thoughts on Wilson’s Disease

Categorised as Health

“…By Thy Sorceries Were All Nations Deceived”

Or, more properly translated, “By toxic pharmaceutical drugs were all nations dumbed down and deceived” After my vast research, I came to the conclusion that the thing that is harming humanity (and specifically the United States) the most, was toxic poisonous drugs being prescribed by modern medicine. This is harm in multiple ways. It creates… Continue reading “…By Thy Sorceries Were All Nations Deceived”

Genius Trump Intuitively Discovers COVID-19 Cure

Trump, when openly musing about the effectiveness of Light Therapy, suggests “injecting disinfectants”. Trump is not wrong; he intuitively discovered several suppressed cures. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-suggests-injection-disinfectant-beat-coronavirus-clean-lungs-n1191216 The media, playing the accusing ignorant fool, instantly and widely unfairly criticized and slandered the President’s remarks. But real science, the suppressed science, backs up the President’s intuition. Chelators are antiviral.… Continue reading Genius Trump Intuitively Discovers COVID-19 Cure

70% of Americans are Satanists; Most Don’t Realize It

70% of Americans take drugs. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/study-shows-70-percent-of-americans-take-prescription-drugs/ I can hear it now. “Hey, you deceived me, you tricked me with a click bait headline, you said 70% are Satanists, not 70% take drugs, those are not the same thing!”. No, they are the same thing. I did not deceive you. The drug industry deceived you. Taking… Continue reading 70% of Americans are Satanists; Most Don’t Realize It

My Summary of the COVID19 Hoax.

It is important to investigate the supposed reasons for locking down well people and ruining the economy. There supposedly are “asymptomatic carriers” and the disease is “quite deadly”. Neither of these suppositions can be proven, and both can be disproven. Let’s start with “Asymptomatic carriers”. This is not a “truth”; these are just words. Are… Continue reading My Summary of the COVID19 Hoax.

What is the difference between a false positive and an asymptomatic carrier?

What is the difference between a false positive and an asymptomatic carrier? Nobody knows in the entire city on lockdown because of assumed “asymptomatic carriers”. On this morning, April 3rd, 2020, in Amarillo, TX, I went out of my house to visit a few essential services, while the city is on lockdown. First up was… Continue reading What is the difference between a false positive and an asymptomatic carrier?

An epidemiologist reveals circular reasoning is used to support the validity of COVID-19 test kits.

A discussion with an anonymous epidemiologist shows that he just assumes the test kits work, because they are assumed to work. We had a discussion based on my article that lists 15 sources that all say the COVID19 test kits don’t work: Scientists Say the COVID19 Test Kits Do Not Work, Are Worthless, and Give… Continue reading An epidemiologist reveals circular reasoning is used to support the validity of COVID-19 test kits.

Chelating Agents are Antiviral

I have both studied and practiced chelation. Chelating substances are those that wrap themselves around a heavy metal toxin, so that the body can excrete it. Common chelating agents are leafy green vegetables, vitamin C, coffee, and distilled water. Others are chemical agents such as EDTA, or various proteins. What is a virus? A virus… Continue reading Chelating Agents are Antiviral

Categorised as Health

Facebook Factcheckers Lie About Danger of IV Vitamin C Causing Kidney Stones

IV Vitamin C is currently being used to treat COVID19 in China. Even the lying facebook fact checkers admit that clinical trials are underway, and reportedly 50 moderate to severe cases have all been cured, with no deaths. Here is the statement being “fact checked”. “Official Statement From China For Recommended Treatment of COVID-19″ ”… Continue reading Facebook Factcheckers Lie About Danger of IV Vitamin C Causing Kidney Stones

Categorised as Health

COVID19 Death rate estimates: 0.2% – 0.5%

by George Avery, PhD. MPA (Epidemiologist) – (Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, and where), patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations.) We are seeing a panic reaction towards the newly emerged SARS-COVID-2 [Wuhan] epidemic, marked by panic buying of items including the much-joked about toilet paper, drastic action by… Continue reading COVID19 Death rate estimates: 0.2% – 0.5%

Categorised as Health

Scientists Say the COVID19 Test Kits Do Not Work, Are Worthless, and Give Impossible Results

A pregnancy test is 99% accurate. The coronavirus spectrum test kit is 20% accurate or worse. If a test is only 20% accurate, is the better word “inaccurate”? Please take about 1 minute to at least glance at the bold copy. My prior article got 30,000+ views and was criticized for my commentary. Here is… Continue reading Scientists Say the COVID19 Test Kits Do Not Work, Are Worthless, and Give Impossible Results

Categorised as Health

35 Sources showing the COVID19 / corona virus is over hyped, and likely fraud.

Updated 3-14-20. Updated again 3-17-20. Updated 4-6. By Jason Hommel 1. Test kits don’t work. So they can’t know how many have it. How can we trust the media to truthfully report cases, when the test kits can’t identify cases, and suffer both from false positives and false negatives? The FDA page, and the CDC… Continue reading 35 Sources showing the COVID19 / corona virus is over hyped, and likely fraud.

Anti Viral Foods, Herbs, Vitamins & Minerals

Anti Viral Foods: Black Tea, Garlic, Shiitake Mushrooms, Ginger, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cinnamon, Yogurt. Source: https://www.betternutrition.com/diet-and-nutrition/anti-viral-foods Anti Viral Herbs: Oregano, Sage, Basil, Fennel, Garlic, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Rosemary, Echinacea, Sambucus, Licorice, Astragalus, Ginger, Ginseng, Dandelion Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/antiviral-herbs Anti Viral Minerals: Zinc, Iodine. Source: https://www.sportyshealth.com.au/health-supplements/antiviral/ Anti Viral Supplements: Lysine, Elderberry, Tumeric, Echinacea, Vitamin C Source: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=antiviral+supplement… Continue reading Anti Viral Foods, Herbs, Vitamins & Minerals

Categorised as Health

For all Brain/Nerve Conditions

This list is from my research over the last several years; mostly limited to things good for the nerves. I believe this list is good for a wide array of brain and nerve conditions, ranging from nerve disorders such as MS to Palsy to Paralysis to Parkinson’s, and brain disorders from Autism to Alzheimer’s to… Continue reading For all Brain/Nerve Conditions

Categorised as Health

To President Trump

The biggest challenge facing our nation today is the 1 million people killed each year by our medical establishment. Source: https://www.ourcivilisation.com/medicine/usamed/deaths.htm This is far more than the paltry 50-150 “mass shooter” gun deaths loudly announced by the fake media. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shootings_in_the_United_States I suggest a three prong approach. First, prosecute those pushing hard to limit guns,… Continue reading To President Trump