NBC lies about Boron

Let’s count the number of lies of omission in the latest hit piece on boron from the lamestream media in this article. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/drinking-borax-tiktok-trend-medical-authorities-debunk-rcna95526 They don’t say how many mg of boron is in a pinch of borax. A simple google search reveals: 1/16 teaspoonIf you want to get very technical and scientific, a pinch is… Continue reading NBC lies about Boron

Categorised as Health

Can Vitamin C and copper cause kidney damage?

The Combined Administration of Vitamin C and Copper Induces a Systemic Oxidative Stress and Kidney Injuryhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9856059/ Regarding this study. They claim taking Vitamin C and copper together might cause oxidative damage in kidneys. Might. Suggest. “All of these observations suggest that the combined use of AA plus Cu2+ induces renal injury.” The Study is inapplicable… Continue reading Can Vitamin C and copper cause kidney damage?

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Racing Heart from lower Sodium? (Chat GPT4)

Jason: Why do some people get racing heart symptoms from cutting back sodium and increasing potassium? Chat GPT4: When people cut back on sodium and increase their potassium intake, it is usually part of an effort to follow a low-sodium, heart-healthy diet. This dietary change is often recommended for individuals with conditions such as hypertension… Continue reading Racing Heart from lower Sodium? (Chat GPT4)

Categorised as Health

My workout routine

I have experimented with many different workouts. Very high rep, and high set training. And low rep, low set, training. Even mixing them up. And doing other things like all rest pause training. The research suggests that it is best to work out a muscle every other day, otherwise atrophy can set in. Other research… Continue reading My workout routine

Categorised as Health

How We Make Copper(1) Iodide

This is a three step process. 1. Make copper sulfate solution at 1 mg per drop. 2. Make a fully saturated potassium iodide. 3. Put 23 drops of potassium iodide into a bottle of copper sulfate. Step 1. Start with making a copper sulfate solution, in a 2 oz. bottle, at 1 mg per drop,… Continue reading How We Make Copper(1) Iodide

Categorised as Health

Problems from Excess Sodium Chloride, Part II

Problems from excess sodium chloride. https://www.houstonmethodist.org/blog/articles/2022/mar/what-happens-if-you-eat-too-much-salt/ “The immediate symptoms of eating too much salt include:” Increased thirstSwollen feet or handsHeadache (in some cases)Rise in blood pressure “over time, eating too much salt comes with long-term health consequences, including:” High blood pressure (hypertension)Heart diseaseStrokeKidney diseaseKidney stones Salt (sodium chloride) has (or is) an addictive flavor. When… Continue reading Problems from Excess Sodium Chloride, Part II

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The Copper Revolution Protocol 2023

5400 words. Reading Time: 20 minutes. 48 links for further research. The full protocol is at the following link which lists the minerals and vitamins we are taking. https://revealingfraud.com/2022/06/health/minerals-and-vitamins-im-actually-taking/ My wife Jennifer Hommel and I take about 30 mg of copper daily in coffee every morning, plus about 70 mg of copper applied topically to… Continue reading The Copper Revolution Protocol 2023

Categorised as Health

12 Tips and Guidelines

Citrus, Calcium, Molybdenum, Rice, Magnesium, Greens, Boron, Zinc & Vitamin C, Tiny meals, Iodine & Selenium, Voluntaryism, Not just Copper and being moderate. https://revealingfraud.com/2022/11/health/17-ways-copper-heals-the-gut/ Kidneys can get blocked up with too much fluoride detox from taking too much copper, too much boron, too much iodine, too much Diamotaceous Earth too quickly, all of which need… Continue reading 12 Tips and Guidelines

Categorised as Health

The Copper Revolution Test

Since copper and iodine improve intelligence…Wicked Hard Mode, Unlocked! This test is mostly just for fun and for learning. What form of copper is recommended on the Protocol? A. Any copper glycinate or pure copper sulfate will do.B. Copper oxide, as used by Radmacher is best.C. Colloidal copper has the best absorption rates due to… Continue reading The Copper Revolution Test

Categorised as Health

Copper(1) Iodide Notes

copper(1) iodide or cuprous iodide On our recent FB live, I spoke a bit about Copper Iodine and how to make it. https://www.facebook.com/1033169015/videos/3163078403989499/ https://www.academia.edu/10255028/Patnaik_P_Handbook_of_inorganic_chemicals_MGH_2003_T_1125s_COPPER(I) IODIDESynonym: cuprous iodide “UsesThe iodide salt is used as a source of dietary iodine in table salt and animal feed; in cloud seeding; as a coating in cathode ray tubes; as… Continue reading Copper(1) Iodide Notes

Categorised as Health

Copper for “the things that shall not be named”

5 key points: copper helps prevent heart attacks. copper helps prevent internal blood clots. copper is great for the flu. copper’s effects from chapter 1. copper is a detoxer by making many detoxing enzymes and by being easily excreted popular articles (1.) Copper cures heart attacks. There are over 80 identical biomarkers between people with… Continue reading Copper for “the things that shall not be named”

Categorised as Health

Osteoporosis: 22 Ways To Increase Bone Mineral Density

Things that deplete minerals are chelators, diuretics, fruits, leafy greens, phytate in most grains, and many amino acids in meats. Literally, most foods deplete minerals, including coffee and alcohol. Other mineral-depleting substances: activated charcoal, zeolites, many medications, exercise, sweating, and excessive mineral intake from any one mineral can cause other minerals to be depleted. I… Continue reading Osteoporosis: 22 Ways To Increase Bone Mineral Density

Categorised as Health

Why We Need 30+ mg of Copper/day

1. Copper is safe. A. Copper is declared to be GRAS, or SAFE in US Law. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=184.1261 B. Copper is safe at 20 mg/day, see the Olivares study. Copper is very very effective and has from 200 to 20,000 positive effects in the body: Copper detoxes toxins and is needed to beat allergies by helping… Continue reading Why We Need 30+ mg of Copper/day

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