Disclaimers: I, Jason Hommel, am now paid to research and write about TEXITcoin. My wife and I own both TEXITcoin and we are miners of TEXITcoin (TXC = the trading symbol for TEXITcoin). We also wish to begin trading TEXITcoin. This article presents a look into how crypto mining supports crypto value, and how the… Continue reading Crypto Mining and Crypto Value
Category: My Favorite Articles
TEXITcoin as a Currency
Disclaimers: I am now paid to research and write about TEXITcoin. My wife and I own both TEXITcoin and we are miners of TEXITcoin. We wish to begin trading TEXITcoin. In the last week, I attended a few Libertarian conferences, and I was invited to speak about TEXITcoin and cryptocurrencies. I also manned the TEXITcoin… Continue reading TEXITcoin as a Currency
Why We Bought TEXITcoin
By Jason and Jennifer Hommel 11-14-2024 Bitcoin has proven its value to the world, and just hit all time highs. It’s also known as “MONEY GO UP TECHNOLOGY”! Bitcoin has flaws, and TEXITcoin has a detailed plan to do it better. Bitcoin flaws: The plan: The Core TEXITcoin technological innovations are numerous, and designed by… Continue reading Why We Bought TEXITcoin
The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide
This page, titled “The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide” is now the old protocol. The New Copper Revolution Protocol for 2023 is at this new link: https://revealingfraud.com/2023/06/health/the-copper-revolution-protocol-2023/ Why take copper? See our book: “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q6D3R7B Here is one of the best and most recent articles on copper from one of the… Continue reading The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide
Why I’m Taking Iodine
See also: https://revealingfraud.com/2023/02/health/we-switched-from-lugols-to-potassium-iodide/ Iodine (Lugol’s 2% iodine at amazon.com) and Selenium are probably the most powerful and yet most neglected and forgotten mineral supplements. Ironically, iodine boosts memory and IQ! Iodine kills fungus, it’s also a broad spectrum antibiotic, and so it fell out of favor in the 1950’s with the rise of more expensive… Continue reading Why I’m Taking Iodine
90 Natural Cancer Cures
I make no claims as to the effectiveness of any of these cancer cures. I built the list initially from the feedback of over 500 different people who simply answered the question, “What would you do if you were diagnosed with cancer?” The people did not always list their sources. I went looking for sources… Continue reading 90 Natural Cancer Cures
Read a Few Articles to Become Smarter Than the Yale School of Medicine
This is not to brag, because the Yale School of Medicine reveals their own foolishness. To be smarter than a fool is no great accomplishment. But rather, I write this to encourage you to follow my scientifically backed advice over that of the medical establishment that refuses to recognize real science, if you want to… Continue reading Read a Few Articles to Become Smarter Than the Yale School of Medicine
35 Sources showing the COVID19 / corona virus is over hyped, and likely fraud.
Updated 3-14-20. Updated again 3-17-20. Updated 4-6. By Jason Hommel 1. Test kits don’t work. So they can’t know how many have it. How can we trust the media to truthfully report cases, when the test kits can’t identify cases, and suffer both from false positives and false negatives? The FDA page, and the CDC… Continue reading 35 Sources showing the COVID19 / corona virus is over hyped, and likely fraud.
The Hypocrisy of the Left, the Media, and the Government
• We should be scared of an invisible virus carried by people with no symptoms. But if we believe in an invisible God, we are nuts. • COVID19 test kits are unavailble and unreliable, but trust the media counts on who got it. • We shut down travel from Europe over fear of COVID19, but… Continue reading The Hypocrisy of the Left, the Media, and the Government
Alternatives to antibiotics / Natural antibiotics
MINERALS 1. zinc/copper (should be taken together) Up to 100 mg zinc, up to 30 mg copper (slowly work your way to these higher doses). Copper specifically increases the white blood cell counts, which fight infections. 80% or more of people are copper deficient! 2. iodine/selenium: Lugol’s 2%, 50 mg, 20 drops, must take with… Continue reading Alternatives to antibiotics / Natural antibiotics
Gold Stock Report #3
Market update: Gold has broken out to all time highs, in most currencies except the dollar. And now we have Trump escalating a trade war with China! https://revealingfraud.com/2019/08/silver-gold/trumps-trade-war-with-china/ Trade wars collapse business and contract the economy, cause inflation, and a rising gold price. I’m now using $1500 for the gold price in my leverage calculations.… Continue reading Gold Stock Report #3
What does it feel like to become a millionaire and lose it all?
Three years ago, I wrote an answer on quora. It’s been seen by 39,000 people, and had 273 upvotes. I updated the post. https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-feel-like-to-become-a-millionaire/answer/Jason-Hommel-1 Quora is a good place to write, because unlike facebook, which censors posts, quora will publicize them for free. In total, my posts at Quora have gotten over 700,000 views. But… Continue reading What does it feel like to become a millionaire and lose it all?
CDC’s “Leading Causes of Death” list is Fraud
The CDC’s list of top ten causes of death is missing 6 things! Number of deaths for leading causes of death1. Heart disease: 614,3482. Cancer: 591,6993. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,1014. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,0535. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,1036. Alzheimer’s disease: 93,5417. Diabetes: 76,4888. Influenza and pneumonia: 55,2279. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: (kidney disease)… Continue reading CDC’s “Leading Causes of Death” list is Fraud
How to Argue
In my 20+ years of of experience making serious arguments, it seems to me that I have gotten better at it, while society has gotten worse. Here are some basic guidelines I’ve learned. The basic unstated rules of arguing are to share truthful and verifiable information that either provides evidence for an argument or basic… Continue reading How to Argue
Why We Take all of these Supplements
This article is Chapter 5 of the book: “The Copper Revolution: Quick Start Guide and Companion Journal” https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BHL2XDBT See the list of minerals, and in what amounts we take, here: https://revealingfraud.com/2019/04/health/minerals-and-vitamins-im-actually-taking/ We are taking mineral supplements for quite a few reasons: 1. The soils our food is grown in are notoriously deficient in minerals. 2. Sugar… Continue reading Why We Take all of these Supplements
Depression / Suicide Awareness & Solutions
Are you aware that Doctors kill themselves at rates 2.5 to 3 times higher than the national average? Thus, they are not a solution, they are the problem. I suspect they kill themselves because they know they are the problem, or they realize too late that they are part of a profession that will oppress… Continue reading Depression / Suicide Awareness & Solutions
Cortisone causes MRSA
Cortisone causes MRSA more than MRSA causes MRSA. “MRSA bacteria does not cause MRSA infections” is far more true, than not true. https://www.cdc.gov/mrsa/community/index.html#how2 “How Common Is MRSA? Studies show that about one in three people carry staph in their nose, usually without any illness. Two in 100 people carry MRSA.” With 323 million people in… Continue reading Cortisone causes MRSA
Why I’m Taking Boron
Boron Cures Arthritis, Boosts Testosterone, Detoxes Fluoride. (Fluoride causes arthritis, and lowers testosterone.) Boron cures arthritis, makes stronger bones, kills germs, detoxes fluorides, boosts testosterone, stimulates the brain, and is an anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti biotic, anti viral. There seems to be less information out there on boron than on iodine. There are 100… Continue reading Why I’m Taking Boron
Infant Death Rates Show Vaccines Kill 16,000/year (1/250 babies)
Infant death rates show vaccines kill. This article is an analysis of the following peer-reviewed scientific study: Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/ In summary, the study shows a very strong positive correlation; the more vaccines given, the higher the infant mortality.… Continue reading Infant Death Rates Show Vaccines Kill 16,000/year (1/250 babies)
About 15% of Christians Believe the Rapture is Pre Tribulation?
Who believes The Pre Tribulation Rapture? I think about 15% of Christians believe it. Summary: Assemblies of God @ 65 million x est. 90% = 58.5 million Calvary Chapel @ 25 million x est. 90% = 22.5 million Pentecostalism @ 280 million x est. 75% = 210 million Baptist churches @ 75-105 (90) million x est. 60%… Continue reading About 15% of Christians Believe the Rapture is Pre Tribulation?