Three years ago, I wrote an answer on quora. It’s been seen by 39,000 people, and had 273 upvotes. I updated the post. Quora is a good place to write, because unlike facebook, which censors posts, quora will publicize them for free. In total, my posts at Quora have gotten over 700,000 views. But… Continue reading What does it feel like to become a millionaire and lose it all?
Category: Silver / Gold Great Conservative Satire is a great satire website, like “”, but babylonbee tends to have a pro conservative anti-liberal bias. You may love it. Here’s a headline: “Pro Jesus blogger under attack for saying we should obey Jesus” That would be me, pointing to the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 to “believe it not” with… Continue reading Great Conservative Satire
Spam in the Comments, Fixed
We were getting spam in the comments. To fix this, I have changed the site so that all comments must be approved, first. Sorry, but this creates a slight delay on when your comments will be available. I’m very generous over approving comments, some even have called me demonically possessed, and I approved their comments.… Continue reading Spam in the Comments, Fixed
My commentary on “The Great Hack” on Netflix
I watched the Netflix show, “The Great Hack” on Cambridge Analytica. The bias was incredible. There was nothing but a string of continual false accusations against the company, most of which were totally false, as follows: They “stole democracy” “hijacked the election”, “stole facebook data” started a “data war”, “lied to voters” “threatened democracy” and so on.… Continue reading My commentary on “The Great Hack” on Netflix
Increase Sex Drive, Stamina, and Sexual Enjoyment: with Minerals, Herbs, and Sprinting Exercise
Getting super healthy really boosts the sex drive. In 2015, at the age of 45, my sex drive started to wane. In fact, it began to be harder to reach orgasm. And I would go a few days without much thought of sex. I thought this was the normal aging process. But it has nothing… Continue reading Increase Sex Drive, Stamina, and Sexual Enjoyment: with Minerals, Herbs, and Sprinting Exercise
Gold Stock Report #2 (20 stocks)
Market update: The gold price in the past two weeks hit a high of $1540. I’m now using $1500 for the gold price in my leverage calculations. Gold has broken out to all time highs in most currencies except the US Dollar. The gold price may well run to break out over $1950 USD to… Continue reading Gold Stock Report #2 (20 stocks)
Goldcorp deposits Gold to Blockchain
I’m unimpressed, and skeptical RE: This “blockchain” company has about 30 people working with them. Goldcorp provided $4 million worth of gold. In contrast, in April, 2011, my mint, JH MINT (now out of business) sold $5 million worth of trades. Everyone got their gold, and silver, no customer complaints. We had a… Continue reading Goldcorp deposits Gold to Blockchain
Guyana Goldstrike Private Placement
Updated August 24th. The stock price ticked down, and the gold price ticked up, creating increased leverage to the gold price, and a better buying opportunity today. 58.4 million shares issued Symbol at Yahoo! Finance: GYA.V / GYNAF (U.S.) $.12/share CDN x .76 CDN/USD =$5.3 million Market Cap Guyana Goldstrike, profiles favorably: There… Continue reading Guyana Goldstrike Private Placement
Gold Shortages at 7% over spot in China
“According to multiple sources, demand for physical gold in mainland China at the retail level is so extremely strong that many people do not mind paying the reported 7% premiums above spot prices there and now there’s developing shortages of gold bullion in mainland China at the retail level. “ I was noting shortages and… Continue reading Gold Shortages at 7% over spot in China
Silver Stock Report, August 8th, 2019
Yesterday, gold prices hit a high of $1510, and silver hit a one year high of: $17.21/oz. Here are 15 silver stocks, briefly reviewed for their market caps. They are organized by their leverage calculation, which is the value of silver resources divided by market cap. In general, I’m shocked by the very high market… Continue reading Silver Stock Report, August 8th, 2019
4 Highly Leveraged Gold Stocks; Grades Compared
Doing my homework led me to two stocks that were very outside the normal range of leverage, with leverage over 500 to 1! But Northern Dynasty’s project is very low grade, only 0.3 g/t to .04 g/t. Most projects actively being mined by the major, Barrick Gold, are much richer in the range of 2… Continue reading 4 Highly Leveraged Gold Stocks; Grades Compared
Comparative Valuations of Gold Exploration and Development Stocks
Explanation and Disclaimers: The list of stocks is sorted by the leverage calculation, from lowest to highest. The Leverage calculation is the total value of the gold resources divided by the market cap. It’s one measure of what you get compared to what you are paying. You tend to get more of what you are… Continue reading Comparative Valuations of Gold Exploration and Development Stocks
Paid Stock Pick
My most popular question about my paid stock pick, “where does this stock trade?” 4 Exchanges: London, Berlin, Toronto, and the US on the OTC. The stock price ticked up, and new shares were issued; this changes the market cap, and leverage as follows. Paid Stock Pick: as of 7-31-19 Market Cap, $25 million USD.… Continue reading Paid Stock Pick
$700,000 Silver?! What is Infinity Money divided by 1 Billion Oz. of SILVER?!
Gold & Silver Price Manipulation – The Greatest Trick ever Pulled
by Ronan Manly “That prices in the precious metals markets are manipulated is not speculation, it is fact, a fact made clear again recently by the Commodity Futures and Trading Commission´s (CFTC) ruling against investment bank Merrill Lynch Commodities Inc (MLCI) for spoofing pricing of gold and silver futures contracts on the COMEX exchange. The number… Continue reading Gold & Silver Price Manipulation – The Greatest Trick ever Pulled
Silver Price Forecast: Targeting $20 in 2019, $50 During 2020 and $169 by 2025
By Jason Hamlin: Excerpt: ” This price forecast simply takes the December 2015 low around $13.50 and multiplies it by 12.5 to get the price target of $169. [As silver moved up 12.5 times from $4 to $50 from 2003 to 2011.] And instead of forecasting 10 years out from today, we use the December… Continue reading Silver Price Forecast: Targeting $20 in 2019, $50 During 2020 and $169 by 2025
Victoria Gold Corp: Forward P/E of 2
Jason Hamlin has graciously allowed me to share just one of his “paid subscriber stock picks” with you for FREE! Victoria Gold Corp “coupon code” HOMMEL for $100 off, good for the next 10 signups. My analysis: Victoria Gold Corp is a great near term producer with a forward P/E ratio of 2! This means investors… Continue reading Victoria Gold Corp: Forward P/E of 2
Sprott: “We are blessed with stupidity”
Why Gold is Poised for a Dynamic Five Years – Weekly Wrap-Up (July 12, 2019)
Where to Get Top Gold and Silver Stock Picks and Research?
While I may write about precious metals and mining stocks at my new website (, I have limits, as I’m only one man. So at this time I want to recommend another very thorough gold and silver analyst that I think you should follow closely. I met Jason Hamlin of at a mining conference… Continue reading Where to Get Top Gold and Silver Stock Picks and Research?
Is Trump Pushing for a Gold Standard?
Trump Fed pick wants to revive the gold standard. Here’s what that means ” As President Donald Trump named his picks to fill two influential seats on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, the price of gold surged. That may be because one of the them, Judy Shelton, is a believer in the return… Continue reading Is Trump Pushing for a Gold Standard?