You need to take iodine to be able to stop taking thyroid meds, and you have to get over the allergies if that’s a problem taking iodine, so we will start with discussing eliminating allergies first, and then move on to discuss stopping meds last. Nobody can fix an “iodine allergy” if they think they… Continue reading How to Fix Rare “Iodine Allergies” and How to Stop Taking Thyroid Meds
Results for "iodine"
Mineral Antihistamines: Magnesium, B12, Boron, MSM Sulfur, Iodine
Jason: Can you tell me more about histamine intolerance? ChatGPT4 at Bing: Histamine intolerance is a condition where the body is unable to break down histamine properly, leading to a buildup of histamine in the body1. Histamine is a chemical that is involved in the immune system’s response to allergens and injury, as well as… Continue reading Mineral Antihistamines: Magnesium, B12, Boron, MSM Sulfur, Iodine
Potassium Iodide & Lugol’s Iodine
See also: We tested taking only Potassium Iodide instead of Lugol’s for 8 months in 2023, as our source of iodine. As of October, 2023, we added Lugol’s back in. The change for us was so minor, I can hardly notice any difference. What is the difference, and what are the reasons for the… Continue reading Potassium Iodide & Lugol’s Iodine
OpenAI on Nerve Toxins, Bromine, Copper, and Iodine
What nerve toxins are the most common and most harmful and most important for humans to avoid? Nerve toxins, also known as neurotoxins, are substances that can interfere with the normal function of the nerves and can cause harm to the body. Some common and potentially harmful nerve toxins include: Lead: Lead is a heavy… Continue reading OpenAI on Nerve Toxins, Bromine, Copper, and Iodine
High Copper & High Iodine for Pregnancy
Copper and Iodine are great for pregnant moms to take. Iodine makes babies far smarter! Jorge Flechas Total Body Iodine Sufficiency (2011) Flechas, in the video above: “Babies born to mothers on the High Iodine Protocol, (12.5 mg iodine) are genius level babies” At 14:15 in the video he states that babies whose mothers took… Continue reading High Copper & High Iodine for Pregnancy
Overpriced Nascent Iodine
Long before I wrote this article: I realized that Nascent costs far more than Lugol’s iodine. Exactly how much more is the focus of this article. Dr. Group sells Nascent iodine. Other popular health gurus sell his same product through affiliate links. This is his pitch: “A true nascent form or atomic form instead… Continue reading Overpriced Nascent Iodine
Popular and Official Views on Iodine and Lugol’s
I went to 6 of the most popular health advocates I could find, to look up specifically what they had to say about Lugol’s iodine. Dr. Mercola, Dr. Axe, Dr. Group, Mike Adams (The Health Ranger), Alex Jones, Ty Bollinger (The Truth about Cancer). Dr. Mercola on twitter: Dr. Joseph Mercola@mercolaHyperthyroidism can often be successfully… Continue reading Popular and Official Views on Iodine and Lugol’s
Why I’m Taking Iodine
See also: Iodine (Lugol’s 2% iodine at and Selenium are probably the most powerful and yet most neglected and forgotten mineral supplements. Ironically, iodine boosts memory and IQ! Iodine kills fungus, it’s also a broad spectrum antibiotic, and so it fell out of favor in the 1950’s with the rise of more expensive… Continue reading Why I’m Taking Iodine
FDA Instructions for Making Lugol’s 5% Iodine
Source: January 2001 Potassium iodide (KI) 10 g Iodine 5 g Distilled water 100 ml Dissolve KI in about 20-30 ml of distilled water. Add iodine and heat gently with constant mixing until iodine is dissolved. Dilute to 100 ml with distilled water. Store in amber glass-stoppered bottle in the dark. VIDEO: Original Source:… Continue reading FDA Instructions for Making Lugol’s 5% Iodine
Refuting WEBMD on Iodine
This text from WEBMD on iodine is mostly all lies. I’ll refute each one.WEBMD: “This medication contains iodine and potassium iodide.”Truth: Iodine is NOT a medication, it is not available by prescription. It is a mineral, and available over the counter.WEBMD: “It is used along with antithyroid medicines to prepare the thyroid gland for surgical… Continue reading Refuting WEBMD on Iodine
High Copper — the Missing Nutrient on the High Iodine Program
First published June 24, 2018 Edited July 22, 2019 Edited May 20, 2020, I was deficient in copper at 10mg/day, the “tolerable upper limit”. In the last few weeks (June, 2018), I’ve taken 20-30 mg of copper per day, and I feel fantastic in so many ways. I don’t believe a person would get these… Continue reading High Copper — the Missing Nutrient on the High Iodine Program
Refuting Dr. Christianson on Iodine
If you enjoy a thorough refutation and rebuke of a deceiver who might be self-deceived, then this article is for you. If you enjoy reading about iodine, double bonus. This is about 9000 words, reading time, about 32 minutes. Settle in. Dr. Christianson (hereafter, Dr. C) attempts to refute the “high iodine protocol” as published… Continue reading Refuting Dr. Christianson on Iodine
“(Iodine) was effective against all the virus species tested”
Everyone wants to read about COVID19. A virus. But why are so few interested in: Inactivation of Human Viruses by Povidone-Iodine in Comparison With Other Antiseptics “PVP-I was effective against all the virus species tested. “ Lugol’s iodine is very similar in effect to PVP-I, Povidone-Iodine. What’s great is that this is not yet censored,… Continue reading “(Iodine) was effective against all the virus species tested”
Iodine Deficiency Causes Retardation. High Iodine Causes Geniuses.
Here are 5 research papers showing Iodine deficiency causes retardation. Iodine in autism spectrum disorders (2016) Key Quote: “RESULTS:19 out of 40 children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) had mild to moderate iodine deficiency.” Iodine Deficiency and Autism Linked in Research (2015) Key Quote: “some research has shown a potential link between iodine… Continue reading Iodine Deficiency Causes Retardation. High Iodine Causes Geniuses.
Iodine Deficiency Symptom List
JASON HOMMEL·THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 201772 ReadsIodine helps and cures 182 identifiable conditions of iodine deficiency which are all the same symptoms and conditions that show up with fluoride poisoning, as listed here, in 175 scientific papers and references: This is an absolutely amazing and very thorough list. Sweating, Acne, ADHD/Learning Disorders, Allergies, Alopecia (Hair-loss),… Continue reading Iodine Deficiency Symptom List
Progesterone Increases the Size of Uterine Fibroids
It has been very commonly stated that progesterone supplementation is not harmful and that it does not cause problems. This is simply not true. Here is the evidence: Progesterone Signaling and Uterine Fibroid Pathogenesis; Molecular Mechanisms and Potential Therapeutics 2023 Apr 9 Note, this was published, 2023. They list 5 mechanisms of action for… Continue reading Progesterone Increases the Size of Uterine Fibroids
The Hidden Dangers of Folate: Challenging Conventional Wisdom
By Claude.AI, based on Jason Hommel’s 11,000 word article: For decades, folate (vitamin B9) has been promoted as an essential nutrient, particularly for pregnant women. However, mounting evidence suggests this widespread supplementation may be causing more harm than good. This article examines the concerning research about folate toxicity and why current supplementation practices need… Continue reading The Hidden Dangers of Folate: Challenging Conventional Wisdom
The MTHFR Scam
We do not think MTHFR genetic tests have any meaning. I don’t believe that humans can read and understand the human genome. So far, many false ideas have come out of the attempts to do so. In contrast, I believe all humans breathe oxygen. And likewise, all humans need copper, magnesium, and B Vitamins to… Continue reading The MTHFR Scam
Weight Gain on Copper?
Copper can cause weight gain in several ways, some of these are very good, and some are bad and temporary, and I’ll go over each one. The muscles can hold from 10-15 pounds of water weight, and that water is stored with increased sugar, all stored in the muscles. Boxers can lose about 10 pounds… Continue reading Weight Gain on Copper?
Universal Physiology Outweighs Individual Differences
A brief discussion with Claude.AI Jason: I have found that all kinds of training heal the joints. Whether isometrics, plyometrics, or high rep training; all seem to be the best for healing the joints and making them stronger. Lifting heavy, such as 5 reps, for too long, eventually leads to joint pains. But if I… Continue reading Universal Physiology Outweighs Individual Differences