MINERALS 1. zinc/copper (should be taken together) Up to 100 mg zinc, up to 30 mg copper (slowly work your way to these higher doses). Copper specifically increases the white blood cell counts, which fight infections. 80% or more of people are copper deficient! 2. iodine/selenium: Lugol’s 2%, 50 mg, 20 drops, must take with… Continue reading Alternatives to antibiotics / Natural antibiotics
Results for "iodine"
How I Increased my Brainpower, Memory, & Focus. 4-6-16
This was written on 4-6-16. Since then, I’m taking even more minerals, which I list here: https://revealingfraud.com/2019/04/health/why-i-take-all-the-minerals/ If this 5000 word article is too long for you, that’s probably because you are deficient in boron, or iodine, or both. Either that, or you have kids or a job! Heh. I am oddly thankful for CA… Continue reading How I Increased my Brainpower, Memory, & Focus. 4-6-16
Increase Sex Drive, Stamina, and Sexual Enjoyment: with Minerals, Herbs, and Sprinting Exercise
Getting super healthy really boosts the sex drive. In 2015, at the age of 45, my sex drive started to wane. In fact, it began to be harder to reach orgasm. And I would go a few days without much thought of sex. I thought this was the normal aging process. But it has nothing… Continue reading Increase Sex Drive, Stamina, and Sexual Enjoyment: with Minerals, Herbs, and Sprinting Exercise
CDC’s “Leading Causes of Death” list is Fraud
The CDC’s list of top ten causes of death is missing 6 things! Number of deaths for leading causes of death1. Heart disease: 614,3482. Cancer: 591,6993. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,1014. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,0535. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,1036. Alzheimer’s disease: 93,5417. Diabetes: 76,4888. Influenza and pneumonia: 55,2279. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: (kidney disease)… Continue reading CDC’s “Leading Causes of Death” list is Fraud
4mg aluminum vs 1mg micronutrients
More circular reasoning in Vaccine Science: The FDA says 4.2 mg of aluminum in the CDC’s vaccine schedule for infants is safe, because the “Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry” says it’s safe. I finally went further down the rabbit hole, and found out that this is an agency of the CDC. So to… Continue reading 4mg aluminum vs 1mg micronutrients
The Copper Revolution
Our main focus is on the healing power of copper, a mineral that is revolutionizing the approach to wellness–but not just copper, also iodine, boron, msm sulfur, and more. We actually take about 20 Vitamins and Minerals. We specifically avoid 30 other supplements, including popular ones like calcium, iron, Vitamins A & D, and Vitamins… Continue reading The Copper Revolution
Why We Take all of these Supplements
This article is Chapter 5 of the book: “The Copper Revolution: Quick Start Guide and Companion Journal” https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BHL2XDBT See the list of minerals, and in what amounts we take, here: https://revealingfraud.com/2019/04/health/minerals-and-vitamins-im-actually-taking/ We are taking mineral supplements for quite a few reasons: 1. The soils our food is grown in are notoriously deficient in minerals. 2. Sugar… Continue reading Why We Take all of these Supplements
Anti Trust Complaint Against Vaccine Companies
To: antitrust.complaints@usdoj.gov https://www.justice.gov/atr/report-violations#document Anti Trust Complaint Against Vaccine Companies Vaccine companies are violating federal anti trust laws. All the big pharmaceutical companies make vaccines. Vaccine companies are collectively bribing government officials, controlling the media, and pushing for mandatory vaccination, in violation of civil rights laws, in violation of the geneva convention of the concept of… Continue reading Anti Trust Complaint Against Vaccine Companies
The Depression/Suicide Awareness Note
Many people on facebook these days ask to promote or share about suicide awareness. From now on, I will forward this, “The Suicide Awareness Note”. 1. Are you aware that Doctors kill themselves at rates 2.5 to 3 times higher than the national average? Thus, they are not a solution, they are the problem. I… Continue reading The Depression/Suicide Awareness Note
Cortisone Causing MRSA: a Qui Tam lawsuit?
https://www.hbsslaw.com/hagens-berman-international-whistleblower-center/false-claims-act-qui-tam-whistleblowers?gclid=CjwKCAiArrrQBRBbEiwAH_6sNDFdH3SbESIrOAKKZ4nI9fqXGdZMYnldXqIvTK4ZSqOdY7DexG4M6BoCQgMQAvD_BwE ===== http://www.medindia.net/drug-price/hydrocortisone.htm The generic Hydrocortisone is manufactured by 18 companies. http://www.buyersguidechem.com/chemical_supplier/cortisone Listed are 7 international and reliable suppliers for cortisone. These vendors belong to 7 different business types like ‘Bulk chemical producer’ and ‘Bulk and laboratory supplier’ Many, perhaps all, MRSA cases fit into the category of medical malpractice, because cortisone causes MRSA. The… Continue reading Cortisone Causing MRSA: a Qui Tam lawsuit?
How Cortisone causes MRSA
MRSA bacteria causes MRSA infections about 1.3% of the time. Cortisone shots cause MRSA infections about 4.4% of the time… in people with a knee surgery who had a cortisone shot within a year. That is, if we can even trust the science and their reporting, and in many cases, we cannot. They often hide… Continue reading How Cortisone causes MRSA
Cortisone causes MRSA
Cortisone causes MRSA more than MRSA causes MRSA. “MRSA bacteria does not cause MRSA infections” is far more true, than not true. https://www.cdc.gov/mrsa/community/index.html#how2 “How Common Is MRSA? Studies show that about one in three people carry staph in their nose, usually without any illness. Two in 100 people carry MRSA.” With 323 million people in… Continue reading Cortisone causes MRSA
Why I’m Taking Boron
Boron Cures Arthritis, Boosts Testosterone, Detoxes Fluoride. (Fluoride causes arthritis, and lowers testosterone.) Boron cures arthritis, makes stronger bones, kills germs, detoxes fluorides, boosts testosterone, stimulates the brain, and is an anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti biotic, anti viral. There seems to be less information out there on boron than on iodine. There are 100… Continue reading Why I’m Taking Boron
Alternatives for the “10 most-prescribed drugs in the U.S.
JASON HOMMEL·THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017I suggest using google to research the alternatives suggested. 1. Hydrocodone (combined with acetaminophen). For pain: DMSO or MSM sulfur, and green smoothies and isometric stretching. fixjointpain.com 2. Generic Zocor (simvastatin), a cholesterol-lowering statin drug. Try Green smoothies, exercise, and go ahead and eat cholesterol foods. No alcohol or sugar. Fasting.… Continue reading Alternatives for the “10 most-prescribed drugs in the U.S.
Vitamin C: what they don’t tell you.
Vitamin C: what they don’t tell you.JASON HOMMEL·SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2017 Updated Jan 5th, 2019: Vitamin C is widely regarded as the safest vitamin. However, for me, sometimes C gave me problems. Here’s how I learned to fix these problems, over the last 28 years. (I still take Vitamin C.) My mom gave me chewable… Continue reading Vitamin C: what they don’t tell you.
Ways to Detox Mercury
JASON HOMMEL·SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2016 47 Reads Ways to Detox Mercury (chelation is one way) through foods and supplements, several approved by Doctors, that are not on the Andy Cutler Protocol:1. Iodine –approved by Dr. Abraham2. Boron3. Greens4. Citrus Peel –approved by Dr. Isaac Elia5. Strawberries (and peanut butter, hemp protein, citrus, cilantro and chlorella)I… Continue reading Ways to Detox Mercury
Hommel vs. IRS: Post Court Brief, Part 1. Docket number: 23155-14
October 31, 2016 at 5:59 PM Post Court Brief 10-31-16 1. This case is about the IRS attempting to fraudulently assess a $2 million tax against a man who has nothing. Bankruptcy courts will weigh the merits of that, if this court does not. I have nothing left, but about 25 ounces of gold, down… Continue reading Hommel vs. IRS: Post Court Brief, Part 1. Docket number: 23155-14
My Top Nutrition Advice
As of May, 2016. I don’t follow any of this exactly, as I make mistakes, and cheat. If someone tried to adopt this all at once, they might get violently ill and/or suffer a candida reaction, or reaction against their medicines. It took me over 4 years to slowly adopt to and learn to eat… Continue reading My Top Nutrition Advice