Does Copper Cause Alzheimer’s Disease?

A friend sent me an article saying copper causes Alzheimer’s Disease. This is my reply: That article has all the markers of disinformation. None of the markers of truth. Marker’s of truth? Aluminum causes Alzheimer’s. Mercury causes Alzheimer’s. The article never mentions either which are both neurotoxins from vaccines. The elderly are increasingly exposed… Continue reading Does Copper Cause Alzheimer’s Disease?

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Copper Toxicity In Perspective

As I have personally enjoyed many benefits from taking 20-30mg of copper for about 6 months, and then settling back to about 10mg/day, over the last three years, I have, of course, been cautious, because of the supposed claim of “copper toxicity” which I have been continuously researching for the past three years. Before I… Continue reading Copper Toxicity In Perspective

Copper and Other minerals Detox Fluoride

Previously, I taught that iodine and boron, in particular, detox fluoride.Copper, iron, zinc, manganese may detox fluoride.Additionally, silica and calcium and magnesium.And also, curcumin and tamarand. There is shockingly little information online on how to detoxify from fluoride. Few people recognize that iodine and boron are reported to detoxify fluoride. Some people have actually written,… Continue reading Copper and Other minerals Detox Fluoride

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Lupus is Copper Deficiency

The cure for lupus is copper. Lupus is copper deficiency. World, you are welcome. Two sources below: The first source for my insight was an article promoting “copper toxicity”. Even these “haters” of copper admit the side effects of copper deficiency induced by chelation therapy by penicillamine, which specifically lowers copper, which then induces Lupus.… Continue reading Lupus is Copper Deficiency

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Copper Sulfate as a Supplement, Notes

Copper Sulfate is designated as “Generally Recognized as Safe” by the FDA: TITLE 21–FOOD AND DRUGS CHAPTER I–FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATIONDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SUBCHAPTER B–FOOD FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION (CONTINUED) PART 184 — DIRECT FOOD SUBSTANCES AFFIRMED AS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE Subpart B–Listing of Specific Substances Affirmed as GRAS Sec. 184.1261… Continue reading Copper Sulfate as a Supplement, Notes

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Life Expectancy in Australia is 3.2 years higher with “the Rona”

Sources: In case that gets deleted / censored / memory holed… The Australian Government’s own statistics say that people with the coronavirus die at a median age of 86, but the life expectancy is only 82.8. “Australia enjoys one of the highest life expectancies in the world, at 82.8 years in 2018 for males… Continue reading Life Expectancy in Australia is 3.2 years higher with “the Rona”

Refuting Dr. Christianson on Iodine

If you enjoy a thorough refutation and rebuke of a deceiver who might be self-deceived, then this article is for you. If you enjoy reading about iodine, double bonus. This is about 9000 words, reading time, about 32 minutes. Settle in. Dr. Christianson (hereafter, Dr. C) attempts to refute the “high iodine protocol” as published… Continue reading Refuting Dr. Christianson on Iodine

How to Gain and Lose Weight

A few people have asked me to write about losing weight. There really should be no mystery to either process. Sometimes, you can learn the most about something by “looking at both sides of the coin”. This is important, because if you are trying to lose, you don’t want to accidentally do the things needed… Continue reading How to Gain and Lose Weight

Refuting Mandatory COVID Vaccination

This opinion piece in USA Today contains so many lies, it’s dreadful. Refuting it should be fun and easy. Published Aug. 6th. Today is Aug 8th. Headline: Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic.Subheading: Make vaccines free, don’t allow religious or personal objections, and punish those who won’t be… Continue reading Refuting Mandatory COVID Vaccination

The CDC Proves the CDC is LYING!

People often challenge independent writers by claiming that we “use bad sources”. Not true. That is slander. Well, partly true. The CDC is a bad source. Because they are liars, which this article will prove. But the people slandering us, the truth telling alternative media, claim that we should use official sources, like the CDC,… Continue reading The CDC Proves the CDC is LYING!

Categorised as Health Tagged

My Medical History

I realized that while I tend to think of myself as “generally healthy”, I do have a rather long medical history. And because I talk about supplements a lot, I feel that my own medical history may showcase reasons why I may have a bias towards certain supplements like copper, that might not be shared… Continue reading My Medical History

Categorised as Health

How I Cured my Arthritis

In my well researched, well tested opinion, the two best cures for arthritis are a vitamin and a mineral. (NOT Vitamin D or Calcium, which don’t work.) My book: “Beyond the Arthritis Fix: Protocols for Strong Joints” The mineral gets results for about 99.5% of people and should take about 3 weeks. –boronThe vitamin gets… Continue reading How I Cured my Arthritis

Four Nutritional Guidelines

1. That which is beneficial, is beneficial, and does not suddenly turn toxic at differing doses. 2. That which is toxic is toxic, and does not suddenly turn beneficial at differing doses. 3. There is a synergy in doing many beneficial things at once. 4. There is a toxic synergy too, where many toxins become… Continue reading Four Nutritional Guidelines

Categorised as Health

11 Foods & 18 Herbs that Increase Testosterone; and 30 foods that Lower Testosterone

The following list of 11 foods that increase Testosterone was compiled from 6 online sources (listed below), and then I edited it. I removed 9 sources due to either controversy, or cause. Next, I did the same with herbs that boost testosterone. I got several sources, then I compiled the list. Below that, I have… Continue reading 11 Foods & 18 Herbs that Increase Testosterone; and 30 foods that Lower Testosterone

“(Iodine) was effective against all the virus species tested”

Everyone wants to read about COVID19. A virus. But why are so few interested in: Inactivation of Human Viruses by Povidone-Iodine in Comparison With Other Antiseptics “PVP-I was effective against all the virus species tested. “ Lugol’s iodine is very similar in effect to PVP-I, Povidone-Iodine. What’s great is that this is not yet censored,… Continue reading “(Iodine) was effective against all the virus species tested”

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