The Copper Revolution: Ch 21: Causes of Copper Deficiency, Ch 22: Typical Medical Literature Reports

There are many different causes of copper deficiency.  Some are more well recognized by the establishment.  But even then, they are not well recognized by doctors.  Some are well recognized in the science, but not well recognized by the establishment.  Some are not well recognized by the science but are only hinted at in the… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 21: Causes of Copper Deficiency, Ch 22: Typical Medical Literature Reports

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 20: Summary of Copper Deficiency Symptoms

Skin: Excessive sweating, cold sweats.   Copper is the active ingredient in some antiperspirants.  Most antiperspirants use aluminum.  Copper deficiency can result in intolerance to Low body temperature. Easily sunburned.  Copper is used to make melanin.  Before I corrected my copper deficiency, I used to blister from the sun.  After taking high copper supplements I did… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 20: Summary of Copper Deficiency Symptoms

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 17: Mitochondrial, Immune, and Thyroid Health, Ch 18: Copper increases 7 fold in kidneys loaded with mercury, Ch 19: Copper and Anesthesia, Fat Burning, and overall importance.

Chapter 17: Mitochondrial, Immune, and Thyroid Health Copper For Mitochondrial, Immune, and Thyroid Health BY MAHMOOD BILAL PHD, DABCC, TS(ABB), MLS(ASCP) AUGUST 12, 2020 Copper boosts ATP, energy production in the mitochondria of the cells.  Copper boosts the immune system.  Copper helps make both T4 and T3 thyroid hormones. Chapter 18: Copper increases 7 fold… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 17: Mitochondrial, Immune, and Thyroid Health, Ch 18: Copper increases 7 fold in kidneys loaded with mercury, Ch 19: Copper and Anesthesia, Fat Burning, and overall importance.

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The Copper Revolution: Chapter 16: Copper does what other vitamins and minerals do.

As I was compiling this list, I began to have an insight.   Copper does nearly every main function of every other vitamin and mineral.  Let’s look quickly at the list. Vitamin A.   Said to be good for the eyes.  Copper is also good for the eyes. B Vitamins.  Said to be good for energy and… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Chapter 16: Copper does what other vitamins and minerals do.

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 15: Copper: Etymology & Symbols

The origin of the English word copper is from the Latin, Cyprus.  The island of Cyprus was a source of copper for the Romans. The Egyptian Ankh was also said to be a symbol for copper.  Its meaning was also “eternal life”.“The Egyptians used the ankh symbol to denote copper in their system of… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 15: Copper: Etymology & Symbols

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 14: Copper, a historic cure-all

Copper was regarded as a cure-all in 1841 by Johann Gottfried Rademacher.  It was listed as a “universal medicinal product” that can “eliminate most forms of disease”. (born August 4, 1772 in Hamm in the county of Mark, † February 9, 1850 in Goch) (1.) Universal medicinal products – these are those that can eliminate… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 14: Copper, a historic cure-all

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 13: Copper in Human Health & Antiquity

Copper Development Association, Inc. Copper in Human Health “Copper is one of a relatively small group of metallic elements which are essential to human health. These elements, along with amino and fatty acids as well as vitamins, are required for normal metabolic processes. However, as the body cannot synthesize copper, the human diet must supply… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 13: Copper in Human Health & Antiquity

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 11: Copper lowers histamine, and Ch 12: Copper, Great for the Skin

Copper lowers histamine (so does zinc.  I think zinc more powerfully lowers histamine) Plasma Diamine Oxidase Activity Is Greater in Copper-Adequate than Copper-Marginal or Copper-Deficient Rats Diamine Oxidase, a copper-containing enzyme, also known as histaminase, breaks down histamine. “What Is DAO? Diamine oxidase (DAO) is a digestive enzyme produced in your kidneys, thymus, and… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 11: Copper lowers histamine, and Ch 12: Copper, Great for the Skin

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 10: Copper at 10 mg to 20 mg does not harm the liver (Olivares)

Studies on taking 10 mg copper to 20 mg copper, show zero harm, specifically, no liver damage: Supplementing Copper at the Upper Level of the Adult Dietary Recommended Intake Induces Detectable but Transient Changes in Healthy Adults  (Olivares, 2005), they call copper at 10-20 mg “mild copper excess”.“Abstract The health consequences of “mild copper… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 10: Copper at 10 mg to 20 mg does not harm the liver (Olivares)

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 9 Copper Sulfate used to induce vomiting

ELEVATION OF SERUM COPPER FOLLOWING COPPER SULFATE AS AN EMETIC Copper sulfate containing 100 mg of copper was administered to 6 children.  In all cases, it was successful; they vomited. “Copper sulfate in a dose equivalent to 100 mg of copper was administered orally to six young children who came to the outpatient department… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 9 Copper Sulfate used to induce vomiting

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 8: Sweating & Perspiration

The excretion of trace metals in human sweat “sweat appears to be an important excretory pathway for zinc and copper.” Copper is used to reduce sweating (perspiration). Copper chloride antiperspirant action “Otherwise stated, this corresponds to a sweat area reduction of 84% ± 9% (std. dev.). The data for the decrease in sweating was statistically… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 8: Sweating & Perspiration

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 7: Albumin Takes up Ionic Copper

Some people claim that ionic copper is a poison.  However ionic copper is easily taken up by albumin in the bloodstream.  Ceruloplasmin is not the only copper-carrying enzyme in the blood. Copper is taken up efficiently from albumin and α2-macroglobulin by cultured human cells by more than one mechanism “Ionic copper entering blood plasma… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 7: Albumin Takes up Ionic Copper

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 6: Copper Enzymes The following article has over 1300 sources: Copper Active Sites in Biology “The focus of this review is on the Cu enzymes” The superfamily of heme-copper respiratory oxidases. Type-2 copper-containing enzymes “Type-2 Cu sites are found in all the major branches of life and are often involved in the catalysis of… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 6: Copper Enzymes

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 5: Wikipedia resources I know people think it’s poor form to research from an open-source place like Wikipedia, that anyone can edit.  While I understand that Wikipedia’s many editors have a bias in favor of mainstream medicine, and against alternative health, that is also the bias in the larger overall society in which we live.  Remember, 70%… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 5: Wikipedia resources

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The Copper Revolution: Ch 4: articles

by C.A. Bouthillier Many of his articles are offline, and only available on the internet way back machine.  I hesitate to link to him, as one of the ways people get discredited is by linking to something said by someone who says other, unrelated, outlandish things.  But his insights on copper deserve worth looking… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch 4: articles

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The Copper Revolution: Ch. 3: DC Nutrition Article Summary

Chapter 3: DCNutrition One of my favorite articles on copper is from a Chiropractor and pharmacist, Dr. Winston Greene, who quotes many very important scientific studies.  This is a much more “pro copper” article.  As we go over these articles, there will be repetition.  This is good, as this helps us learn and remember, like… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch. 3: DC Nutrition Article Summary

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The Copper Revolution: Ch. 2: The Linus Pauling Article on Copper

Chapter 2: Linus Pauling Institute The Linus Pauling Institute has a paper on copper with 97 citations to scientific research. It’s a fairly good article, both fairly mainstream, and somewhat pro-copper, and a good place to start.  I’ll summarize the contents here: Copper is needed for energy production as a copper enzyme is needed… Continue reading The Copper Revolution: Ch. 2: The Linus Pauling Article on Copper

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Introduction to “The Copper Revolution”

Here is the text of the introduction to my book, “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals”. I believe copper is the most important nutrient, the least popular, the most needed, the most slandered, the most misunderstood, and the cheapest of all minerals.“The National Institutes of Health (US Government) did a study showing that 81… Continue reading Introduction to “The Copper Revolution”

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3 mg of Copper Causing Nausea?

Half of people get nausea at about 4 mg of copper: Nausea threshold in apparently healthy individuals who drink fluids containing graded concentrations of copper(Olivares, 2001 Jun) I believe the cause of the nausea is fluoride detox. Fluoride is quickly attracted to copper in the stomach, and fluoride is what really causes the nausea. You… Continue reading 3 mg of Copper Causing Nausea?

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