We found 129 results for your search.

The Copper Revolution Test

Since copper and iodine improve intelligence…Wicked Hard Mode, Unlocked! This test is mostly just for fun and for learning. What form of copper is recommended on the Protocol? A. Any copper glycinate or pure copper sulfate will do.B. Copper oxide, as used by Radmacher is best.C. Colloidal copper has the best absorption rates due to… Continue reading The Copper Revolution Test

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Copper(1) Iodide Notes

copper(1) iodide or cuprous iodide On our recent FB live, I spoke a bit about Copper Iodine and how to make it. https://www.facebook.com/1033169015/videos/3163078403989499/ https://www.academia.edu/10255028/Patnaik_P_Handbook_of_inorganic_chemicals_MGH_2003_T_1125s_COPPER(I) IODIDESynonym: cuprous iodide “UsesThe iodide salt is used as a source of dietary iodine in table salt and animal feed; in cloud seeding; as a coating in cathode ray tubes; as… Continue reading Copper(1) Iodide Notes

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Osteoporosis: 22 Ways To Increase Bone Mineral Density

Things that deplete minerals are chelators, diuretics, fruits, leafy greens, phytate in most grains, and many amino acids in meats. Literally, most foods deplete minerals, including coffee and alcohol. Other mineral-depleting substances: activated charcoal, zeolites, many medications, exercise, sweating, and excessive mineral intake from any one mineral can cause other minerals to be depleted. I… Continue reading Osteoporosis: 22 Ways To Increase Bone Mineral Density

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Why We Need 30+ mg of Copper/day

1. Copper is safe. A. Copper is declared to be GRAS, or SAFE in US Law. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=184.1261 B. Copper is safe at 20 mg/day, see the Olivares study. Copper is very very effective and has from 200 to 20,000 positive effects in the body: Copper detoxes toxins and is needed to beat allergies by helping… Continue reading Why We Need 30+ mg of Copper/day

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Folate (B9) A Nerve Toxin!

The short summary: Folate is neurotoxic from 300 to 1000 mcg, which is very low and it causes nerve damage and cognitive impairment and has no clearly recognized benefits. And most people already get 500 mcg from food alone, without any supplementation. Some say it helps with anxiety, but so do many other toxic drugs,… Continue reading Folate (B9) A Nerve Toxin!

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OpenAI explains how many things reduce Cu2 to Cu1 in the body.

We would like to discuss Copper 1 vs. Copper 2 in the body. Copper is an essential trace element that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Copper is present in a variety of enzymes and proteins that play important roles in various physiological processes, including the production of energy, the synthesis of… Continue reading OpenAI explains how many things reduce Cu2 to Cu1 in the body.

Cortisol and Copper

People ask us the following types of questions: I have high cortisol. Does copper raise or lower cortisol? I don’t want my cortisol to go up. I have low cortisol. Does copper raise or lower cortisol? I don’t want my cortisol to go down. Both of these questions contain vast misunderstandings and false assumptions about… Continue reading Cortisol and Copper

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For Diabetes

For diabetes: iodine, selenium, copper, potassium, MSM Sulfur, B1, B12, chromium and vanadium. Iodine might be the strongest cure. In the research at optimox.com, 50% of people put on 50 mg of iodine per day weaned themselves off of insulin with no instructions. Proof of iodine curing diabetes: From Pub #10 at optimox, referenced here:… Continue reading For Diabetes

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Solutions to Bloating When Starting on Copper

Some people have reported bloating after starting copper. Let’s consider possible causes and solutions. The number one cause of edema is excess sodium chloride, or table salt, sea salt, or Himalayan salt. Americans consume way too much salt. Chat GPT4 on Sodium & Potassium, Part III 6th June 2023 Problems from Excess Sodium Chloride, Part II 6th… Continue reading Solutions to Bloating When Starting on Copper

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Copper Fixes Dehydration / Adrenal Fatigue in 9 Ways

Adrenal fatigue is nearly identical to dehydration. Some claim they are the same thing. 1. Copper helps the body retain magnesium, another electrolyte. 2. Copper acts as a water retaining electrolyte itself. 3. The adrenals make at least 50 hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. Copper helps the body make both nor adrenaline, and helps the… Continue reading Copper Fixes Dehydration / Adrenal Fatigue in 9 Ways

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The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide

This page, titled “The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide” is now the old protocol. The New Copper Revolution Protocol for 2023 is at this new link: https://revealingfraud.com/2023/06/health/the-copper-revolution-protocol-2023/ Why take copper? See our book: “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q6D3R7B Here is one of the best and most recent articles on copper from one of the… Continue reading The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide

Fixes for Copper Detox, Induced Deficiencies, or other Latent Deficiencies

—Nausea! About half the people who take copper at 3 mg get nausea. Taking copper with milk greatly reduces nausea. Vegan milks also work. Or try with calcium, zinc, potassium, B Vitamins, or food, or molybdenum, those all help nausea. Molybdenum deficiency might be induced by high copper, or it could also be a latent… Continue reading Fixes for Copper Detox, Induced Deficiencies, or other Latent Deficiencies

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Podcasts / Videos / Interviews:

Interview by Nathaniel Lachance, August 8th, 2024 https://x.com/MineralChief/status/1821622221124903095 Why Most People Are Copper Deficient, But Don’t Know It – with Jason & Jennifer hommel! | WA Podcast February 19th, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XalCYJpdgeI COPPER, IODINE, FLUORIDE, OXALATE, IQ, MENTAL HEALTH, ADDICTION, and is B6 TOXIC? January 30th, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbFcgotc2JE Integrative Thoughts, Matthew Coffman, February 2nd, 2023, “Jason… Continue reading Podcasts / Videos / Interviews:

Categorised as Health

Testimonials on Sports, Energy, & Joints

My New book: “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q6D3R7B Quoting myself from my book: “Copper is anti-inflammatory… As far as I know, I’m the only one who has discovered that copper reduces DOMS, (delayed onset muscle soreness) from working out. Upon further reflection after having written this book, copper’s power to detoxify the body, make… Continue reading Testimonials on Sports, Energy, & Joints

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Cure-All Copper in the 1850’s: 32-260 mg, Rademacher

Copper was used as a cure-all in 1841 by Johann Gottfried Rademacher. It was listed as a “universal medicinal product” that can “eliminate most forms of disease”. He used amounts from 32 mg black copper oxide to 260 mg copper oxide, in doses no larger than 65 mg. https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Johann_Gottfried_Rademacher I found an English translation or… Continue reading Cure-All Copper in the 1850’s: 32-260 mg, Rademacher

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