The minimum effective dose for people in the forum appears to be around 5 mg of copper per day. We couldn’t know this prior to the publication of the book, as we had no forum from which to gather data. And there are very few studies on copper in the range above 3 mg, and… Continue reading The Minimum Effective Dose of Copper: 5 mg
Author: Jason Hommel
The Copper Revolution: Chapters Online: Video Readings
This is a work in progress… not all chapters are currently available below. The full book is available: “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals”
Mercury, Lead, & Arsenic DETOX with Copper, Zinc & Selenium
When people are mercury toxic, very often they have other problems, too: mold, Lyme, parasites*. Copper fixes all of these problems. Here’s how to detox: Simply take copper, zinc, Vitamin C, selenium, colloidal gold, and blueberry, as indicated on our protocol guide here: The Copper Revolution Protocol: Why does it work? All three, copper, zinc,… Continue reading Mercury, Lead, & Arsenic DETOX with Copper, Zinc & Selenium
Copper: on Estrogen/Cancer and Testosterone/Heart Disease
We know that copper is needed to make DHEA, testosterone, and estrogen. It has also been shown that taking hormones that cause growth causes copper deficiency. Testosterone is associated with increased heart attacks. Heart attacks are from copper deficiency, and copper has healed markers of heart disease. Estrogen, when given as hormone replacement therapy, can… Continue reading Copper: on Estrogen/Cancer and Testosterone/Heart Disease
Overtraining looks like copper deficiency!
A google search of “signs of overtraining bodybuilding”: “Lifestyle-related signs of overtraining: Prolonged general fatigue.Increase in tension, depression, anger or confusion.Inability to relax.Poor-quality sleep.Lack of energy, decreased motivation, moodiness.Not feeling joy from things that were once enjoyable.” It now appears to me, and particularly from my knowledge gained in our forum in the last… Continue reading Overtraining looks like copper deficiency!
The Safety of Copper Sulfate
A quick note about the safety of copper sulfate. 1. Copper sulfate is the most well studied form of copper supplement. Read all the studies in the book, most of them are on copper sulfate. Copper glycinate is second, but far less well studied. 2. Copper sulfate is used in the Olivares study of 800… Continue reading The Safety of Copper Sulfate
Zinc / Copper Ratios
This article is Chapter 7 of the book: “The Copper Revolution: Quick Start Guide and Companion Journal” Zinc relaxes, lowers anxiety, improves sleep, increases testosterone, and speeds up wound healing. These are all related. More sleep increases testosterone. Testosterone is known for building muscle through speeding up healing. IE, bodybuilders tear down muscle in the… Continue reading Zinc / Copper Ratios
The Philosophy behind “The Copper Revolution”
As you may have noticed, our cover title contains the word “love” in red, in reverse, in the word “Revolution”. This appeared in the Ron Paul Revolution logos. I have been advocating the ideas of liberty and freedom for a long time: Understanding freedom means the understanding that I cannot be a dictator… Continue reading The Philosophy behind “The Copper Revolution”
Refuting George J Brewer’s Copper-1, Copper-2 Ideas
This page was created in response to my investigation of George Brewer’s ideas on the toxicity of copper-2. The refutation of George’s ideas is NOT a refutation of the Mitosynergy product itself, even though Mitosynergy, as a company, hired George Brewer as a consultant. To be clear. Mitosynergy, as a product, has testimonials that work.… Continue reading Refuting George J Brewer’s Copper-1, Copper-2 Ideas
“Vitamin” B6 — A nerve toxin!
I was shocked to learn that Vitamin B6 is a nerve toxin. And that it does not even pass the basic test to be a vitamin, because B6 deficiency does not cause any disease condition. I list 8 sources, and my own experiences. The UK advises the upper limit of B6 is as low as… Continue reading “Vitamin” B6 — A nerve toxin!
Clarifying Merck Manual’s Copper Excess page
Many people look to Merck as an authoritative source. I feel I must provide some clarity. Here is the source, and the text. (my clarifications are in parenthesis like this, and bold): Copper ExcessBy Larry E. Johnson , MD, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical SciencesLast full review/revision Dec 2021 Copper excess can be… Continue reading Clarifying Merck Manual’s Copper Excess page
Chapter 36: Copper binds to, and Detoxes Fluoride
Copper can be used to detox fluoride. What if we should have more copper in our bodies than fluoride? At least twice as much or more. Why? Because the copper (II) fluoride molecule contains twice the weight of copper as fluoride. Most people, the average person, has 36 times more fluoride than copper. How much… Continue reading Chapter 36: Copper binds to, and Detoxes Fluoride
Chapter 35: Mineral Composition of the Human Body An excerpt from the list at Wikipedia: —– Major Minerals —–Oxygen 43 kilos = 65% of your body’s mass.Carbon 16,000 g = 16 kiloHydrogen 7000 gNitrogen 1800 gCalcium 1000 g or 1 kiloPhosphorus 780 gPotassium 140 gSulfur 140 gSodium 100 gChlorine 95,000 mg or 95 gramsMagnesium 19,000 mg or 19 g —– Trace Minerals… Continue reading Chapter 35: Mineral Composition of the Human Body
Chapter 34: Fluoride in the Food Supply and other sources
Some people think we only have to worry about fluoride in the water. Or maybe they skeptically think, “Well, I don’t swallow my toothpaste”. Dentists often begin fluoride treatments for teenagers, right when they start getting acne, which is from the fluoride. But fluoride has many other sources, nearly invisible. They put fluoride-based antifungals on… Continue reading Chapter 34: Fluoride in the Food Supply and other sources
Chapter 33: Effects of Fluoride on the body and copper
Fluoride lowers ceruloplasmin, the key copper transport protein in the blood, thus blocking copper. Serum sialic acid and ceruloplasmin levels in experimental fluorosis (Y D Sharma, 1983) Published way back in 1983, fluoride lowers ceruloplasmin. Fluoride lowers copper: Effect of excessive dietary fluoride on nutrient digestibility and retention of iron, copper, zinc, and manganese… Continue reading Chapter 33: Effects of Fluoride on the body and copper
Chapter 32: Fluoride Leeches Copper from Pipes
Do we even need fluoride for our teeth? There is no evidence that fluoride is good for the teeth. Only many claims. WATER FLUORIDATION & THE QUALITY OF EVIDENCE PROBLEM “As far as the York team were able to determine, there are no randomized controlled trials for water fluoridation. It’s not that they couldn’t have… Continue reading Chapter 32: Fluoride Leeches Copper from Pipes
Chapter 31: Enriched White Flour blocks copper 7 ways
As we saw, phytate depletes copper. The decision between white flour and whole wheat is a bad one. They each deplete copper. The values of phytic acid in breads ranged between 1.48 mg/g (white wheat-bread) and 7.53 mg/g (bran bread). At first glance, you might think, oh ok, white bread is better? However, enriched White… Continue reading Chapter 31: Enriched White Flour blocks copper 7 ways
Chapter 25-30 Parasites and Iron block copper, Iron causes copper deficiency
Chapter 25: Parasites cause lower copper The effect of gastrointestinal parasitism on blood copper and hemoglobin levels in sheep “Copper was administered intramuscularly to parasite infected and noninfected animals. The results showed that parasitism has a depressing effect on blood copper and Hb levels, even when administered parenterally. It is concluded that parasitism can aggravate… Continue reading Chapter 25-30 Parasites and Iron block copper, Iron causes copper deficiency
Chapter 24: 45 Copper Antagonists (Some are also synergists!)
Chapter 24: 45 Copper Antagonists (Some are also synergists!) I have decided to order the list in “some kind of order”. It could have been alphabetical, but that’s typically useless. It could have been by category, such as minerals, then vitamins, etc. I decided to order the list from my favorite items to my least… Continue reading Chapter 24: 45 Copper Antagonists (Some are also synergists!)
Chapter 23: Athletes Need More Copper
Lifting weights creates a need for extra copper. I realized this because lifters complain about “central nervous system fatigue” from lifting heavy. Copper is needed for “fatigue” and for “nerves”. Copper is needed by the nerves in at least 15 different ways. Lifters also often suffer from neuropathy in the hands. They blame swollen biceps,… Continue reading Chapter 23: Athletes Need More Copper