What nerve toxins are the most common and most harmful and most important for humans to avoid? Nerve toxins, also known as neurotoxins, are substances that can interfere with the normal function of the nerves and can cause harm to the body. Some common and potentially harmful nerve toxins include: Lead: Lead is a heavy… Continue reading OpenAI on Nerve Toxins, Bromine, Copper, and Iodine
Author: Jason Hommel
OpenAI’s ChatGPT on Copper
I asked the open AI, at chatGPT, a series of questions about copper. I make no representation on whether the AI’s answers are correct. I do not refute the wrong answers. In many cases, I was able to get the AI to contradict itself. In some cases, it remained uninformed after further prompting. The AI… Continue reading OpenAI’s ChatGPT on Copper
Cortisol and Copper
People ask us the following types of questions: I have high cortisol. Does copper raise or lower cortisol? I don’t want my cortisol to go up. I have low cortisol. Does copper raise or lower cortisol? I don’t want my cortisol to go down. Both of these questions contain vast misunderstandings and false assumptions about… Continue reading Cortisol and Copper
High Copper & High Iodine for Pregnancy
Copper and Iodine are great for pregnant moms to take. Iodine makes babies far smarter! Jorge Flechas Total Body Iodine Sufficiency (2011)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ-iDbgCupU Flechas, in the video above: “Babies born to mothers on the High Iodine Protocol, (12.5 mg iodine) are genius level babies” At 14:15 in the video he states that babies whose mothers took… Continue reading High Copper & High Iodine for Pregnancy
Will Copper heal my rare Chronic Disease?
We get this question a lot. Please understand we are humans, and do not know the details over well over 20,000 different rare diseases. Please read chapter 1, listed at the beginning of the quick start guide. Copper heals us in nearly 200 different ways! Many times, we have never heard the name of the… Continue reading Will Copper heal my rare Chronic Disease?
Copper Heals in 200,000+ different ways, just from Detoxing
As I was writing my book, “The Copper Revolution”, one of the hardest tasks was compiling chapter 1, which grew to nearly 200 things that copper does for the body. The difficulty lies in the fact that the short-term memory of a human is somewhat limited. It is hard for most people to keep 7… Continue reading Copper Heals in 200,000+ different ways, just from Detoxing
For Diabetes
For diabetes: iodine, selenium, copper, potassium, MSM Sulfur, B1, B12, chromium and vanadium. Iodine might be the strongest cure. In the research at optimox.com, 50% of people put on 50 mg of iodine per day weaned themselves off of insulin with no instructions. Proof of iodine curing diabetes: From Pub #10 at optimox, referenced here:… Continue reading For Diabetes
Solutions to Bloating When Starting on Copper
Some people have reported bloating after starting copper. Let’s consider possible causes and solutions. The number one cause of edema is excess sodium chloride, or table salt, sea salt, or Himalayan salt. Americans consume way too much salt. Chat GPT4 on Sodium & Potassium, Part III 6th June 2023 Problems from Excess Sodium Chloride, Part II 6th… Continue reading Solutions to Bloating When Starting on Copper
Breaking the Rules for Vitamin C and Zinc on Copper
One of the Big Ideas behind The Copper Revolution is to Question the Rules and to Violate the Rules. The rule was “10 mg of copper is the tolerable upper human limit”. We have now discovered and proved that this is not true. Many of us benefit more from taking 30 mg a day of… Continue reading Breaking the Rules for Vitamin C and Zinc on Copper
Copper and Zinc Metallothioneins for Detoxing & Longevity
Metallothioneins (MTs) detox heavy metals. Metallothioneins are a family of copper/zinc proteins that bind heavy metals. (Superoxide dismutase, a master antioxidant and detoxer of hundreds of chemical toxins and plastics, is also a metallothionein.) MTs also increase longevity, fight diabetes, prevent neurodegeneration such as in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, MTs are very low in cancer patients,… Continue reading Copper and Zinc Metallothioneins for Detoxing & Longevity
Detoxing with Copper: 10 Common Questions and Answers
Detoxing with copper is unlike any other detox you may have tried. There are hundreds of different ways to detox. They all have two things in common that make them all vastly different than detoxing with copper. 1. They contain no copper. 2. In many cases, they deplete copper. And so, since copper solves the… Continue reading Detoxing with Copper: 10 Common Questions and Answers
Copper: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Nutrient
There are at least five necessary cofactors for energy production in the mitochondria; two major factors, and three micro factors. The major ones are food and oxygen. The micro cofactors are copper, magnesium, and the B Vitamins. Of the three minor cofactors, copper is the most neglected both in people’s bodies, and in people’s lack… Continue reading Copper: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Nutrient
Overpriced Nascent Iodine
Long before I wrote this article: https://revealingfraud.com/2022/09/health/popular-and-official-views-on-iodine-and-lugols/ I realized that Nascent costs far more than Lugol’s iodine. Exactly how much more is the focus of this article. Dr. Group sells Nascent iodine. Other popular health gurus sell his same product through affiliate links. This is his pitch: “A true nascent form or atomic form instead… Continue reading Overpriced Nascent Iodine
Copper Fixes Dehydration / Adrenal Fatigue in 9 Ways
Adrenal fatigue is nearly identical to dehydration. Some claim they are the same thing. 1. Copper helps the body retain magnesium, another electrolyte. 2. Copper acts as a water retaining electrolyte itself. 3. The adrenals make at least 50 hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. Copper helps the body make both nor adrenaline, and helps the… Continue reading Copper Fixes Dehydration / Adrenal Fatigue in 9 Ways
20 ways Copper Heals the Gut
1. Copper is an astringent, meaning it tightens pores. So it fixes leaky gut. 2. Copper is anti inflammatory, reducing inflammation of the gut lining. 3. Copper stops ulcers and bleeding, increasing clotting factors, such as platelets, as well as increasing red blood cells, which are also clotting factors themselves, good for stopping bleeding from… Continue reading 20 ways Copper Heals the Gut
The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide
This page, titled “The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide” is now the old protocol. The New Copper Revolution Protocol for 2023 is at this new link: https://revealingfraud.com/2023/06/health/the-copper-revolution-protocol-2023/ Why take copper? See our book: “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q6D3R7B Here is one of the best and most recent articles on copper from one of the… Continue reading The Copper Protocol: Quick Start Guide
Copper Sulfate Eye Drops
A very diluted copper sulfate solution was used in eye drops to clarify vision and reduce sensitivity to light. 0.15 mg/ml concentration. In 1 ml is 20 drops. 20 / .15 = 133. So, one drop of copper sulfate per 133 drops of distilled water. There are 1182 drops in a 2 oz. bottle. 1182/133… Continue reading Copper Sulfate Eye Drops
Does Vitamin A increase Ceruloplasmin?
And I will also consider the related question, do we need Vitamin A to load copper into Ceruloplasmin? The answer to both of these questions is no. Yet this is an effect apparently seen, so how do we explain this apparent contradiction? I liken this to the broken window theory as explained in economics. Yes,… Continue reading Does Vitamin A increase Ceruloplasmin?
Fixes for Copper Detox, Induced Deficiencies, or other Latent Deficiencies
—Nausea! About half the people who take copper at 3 mg get nausea. Taking copper with milk greatly reduces nausea. Vegan milks also work. Or try with calcium, zinc, potassium, B Vitamins, or food, or molybdenum, those all help nausea. Molybdenum deficiency might be induced by high copper, or it could also be a latent… Continue reading Fixes for Copper Detox, Induced Deficiencies, or other Latent Deficiencies
Copper is Not Toxic, and Blood Tests for Copper Do Not Work
Imagine a test. Question #: There is high copper in the blood. A. Does it mean a person is copper-toxic?B. Does it mean a person is copper deficient? Choose A or B. This is the entire debate over copper toxicity. If you didn’t know anything other than the questions, you would be 99% likely to… Continue reading Copper is Not Toxic, and Blood Tests for Copper Do Not Work