Podcasts / Videos / Interviews:

Interview by Nathaniel Lachance, August 8th, 2024 https://x.com/MineralChief/status/1821622221124903095 Why Most People Are Copper Deficient, But Don’t Know It – with Jason & Jennifer hommel! | WA Podcast February 19th, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XalCYJpdgeI COPPER, IODINE, FLUORIDE, OXALATE, IQ, MENTAL HEALTH, ADDICTION, and is B6 TOXIC? January 30th, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbFcgotc2JE Integrative Thoughts, Matthew Coffman, February 2nd, 2023, “Jason… Continue reading Podcasts / Videos / Interviews:

Categorised as Health

Testimonials on Sports, Energy, & Joints

My New book: “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q6D3R7B Quoting myself from my book: “Copper is anti-inflammatory… As far as I know, I’m the only one who has discovered that copper reduces DOMS, (delayed onset muscle soreness) from working out. Upon further reflection after having written this book, copper’s power to detoxify the body, make… Continue reading Testimonials on Sports, Energy, & Joints

Categorised as Health

Popular and Official Views on Iodine and Lugol’s

I went to 6 of the most popular health advocates I could find, to look up specifically what they had to say about Lugol’s iodine. Dr. Mercola, Dr. Axe, Dr. Group, Mike Adams (The Health Ranger), Alex Jones, Ty Bollinger (The Truth about Cancer). Dr. Mercola on twitter: Dr. Joseph Mercola@mercolaHyperthyroidism can often be successfully… Continue reading Popular and Official Views on Iodine and Lugol’s

Categorised as Health

Cure-All Copper in the 1850’s: 32-260 mg, Rademacher

Copper was used as a cure-all in 1841 by Johann Gottfried Rademacher. It was listed as a “universal medicinal product” that can “eliminate most forms of disease”. He used amounts from 32 mg black copper oxide to 260 mg copper oxide, in doses no larger than 65 mg. https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Johann_Gottfried_Rademacher I found an English translation or… Continue reading Cure-All Copper in the 1850’s: 32-260 mg, Rademacher

Categorised as Health

Why I’m Taking Iodine

See also: https://revealingfraud.com/2023/02/health/we-switched-from-lugols-to-potassium-iodide/ Iodine (Lugol’s 2% iodine at amazon.com) and Selenium are probably the most powerful and yet most neglected and forgotten mineral supplements. Ironically, iodine boosts memory and IQ! Iodine kills fungus, it’s also a broad spectrum antibiotic, and so it fell out of favor in the 1950’s with the rise of more expensive… Continue reading Why I’m Taking Iodine

Ascorbic Acid works on High Copper; Whole Food C does not.

I have tried whole food Vitamin C, while taking plenty of copper, and it simply does not work. I still get headaches. At least 25 people in our “Copper Revolution” Facebook forum have reported the same thing. Whole Food Vitamin C does not reduce headaches while taking copper. But Ascorbic acid works just fine. Some… Continue reading Ascorbic Acid works on High Copper; Whole Food C does not.

Categorised as Health

Niacin: Vitamin or Pharmakia?

As I continue my own in-depth studies on each vitamin and mineral, I am continually surprised at how unique each one is. It’s like vaccines, each one has it’s own risk reward profile and should be evaluated individually, not collectively. The body makes niacin, from an amino acid found in meat, tryptophan. “The human body… Continue reading Niacin: Vitamin or Pharmakia?

Supplements We Avoid

This article is Chapter 6 of the book: “The Copper Revolution: Quick Start Guide and Companion Journal” https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BHL2XDBT These are all potentially toxic, or problematic minerals and vitamins. Furthermore, most of those are the ones most promoted, and the ones that dominate the most popular pharma produced multi vitamin and minerals. Here’s the list in more… Continue reading Supplements We Avoid

Categorised as Health

FDA Instructions for Making Lugol’s 5% Iodine

Source: https://www.fda.gov/food/laboratory-methods-food/bam-r40-lugols-iodine-solution January 2001 Potassium iodide (KI) 10 g Iodine 5 g Distilled water 100 ml Dissolve KI in about 20-30 ml of distilled water. Add iodine and heat gently with constant mixing until iodine is dissolved. Dilute to 100 ml with distilled water. Store in amber glass-stoppered bottle in the dark. VIDEO: Original Source:… Continue reading FDA Instructions for Making Lugol’s 5% Iodine

Vitamin D Causes Osteoporosis

I have been highly skeptical of Vitamin D for a long time, for numerous reasons. New research shows over and over again that Vitamin D weakens bones and causes osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is said to have no cure, and yet, everyone seems to think we need Vitamin D to absorb calcium. So what is going on?… Continue reading Vitamin D Causes Osteoporosis

Copper “fixes” “broken” genes.

The body intelligently turns copper-dependent genes off during copper deficiency to preserve copper, and turns them back on, with enough copper. There are studies that say copper turns genes on again. Source, “Hommel, 2022”, “The Copper Revolution: Healing with Minerals”. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q6D3R7B Rather than repeat myself after every sentence, everything is sourced in my book. This… Continue reading Copper “fixes” “broken” genes.

Categorised as Health

Iron, Copper and Anemia

Copper raises red blood cell counts above normal. Source: Chapter 1. https://revealingfraud.com/2022/01/health/the-copper-revolution-ch-1-coppers-effects/ Iron does not do that, thus, copper is the superior solution for anemia, better than iron. Iron blocks copper, which then, in turn, makes anemia worse. Source: Chapter 26-30 https://revealingfraud.com/2022/03/health/chapter-25-30-parasites-and-iron-block-copper-iron-causes-copper-deficiency-diseasese/ The Medical Establishment’s first, and nearly only option for treatment for anemia is… Continue reading Iron, Copper and Anemia

Categorised as Health

Yes, We Do Consults

We see that other independent consultants are now advising people to take high copper. Quite a few of them in our forum do this, and then consult with us for further details! We think this is fantastic! Because the message is spreading! And our group is like the consultant to the consultants! What an honor… Continue reading Yes, We Do Consults

Categorised as Health

Stages for Increasing Copper & Minerals

This Stages Guide is Chapter 3 of the book: “The Copper Revolution: Quick Start Guide and Companion Journal” https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BHL2XDBT You have to slowly scale up. Each of the following stages can take from 1-3 weeks. You don’t have to follow this exactly. There is plenty of room for changes, going slower or faster, and wide room… Continue reading Stages for Increasing Copper & Minerals

Categorised as Health

Minerals and Vitamins We Are Actually Taking

Last Updated 9-10-24 This is the list of what my wife and I are taking, and when. A short list of Why we are taking everything is here: https://revealingfraud.com/2019/04/health/why-i-take-all-the-minerals/ This can be considered an “end stage” of our protocol that requires slowly tapering up on copper, boron, and iodine to get past the difficulties of… Continue reading Minerals and Vitamins We Are Actually Taking